I cannot take credit for this insight, but the young people of today—and by young let’s say under 40—have a decision to make between having kids or going to brunch.
It, be it brunch, the need for conformity to the current thing, the need to spend more money, time and energy on leisure than production, and the lack of desire for a family, is simply extended and amplified infantilism.
The motivator used so well by ad agencies, governments and malevolent global disruptors is simply, remain a child, let the state take care of you, never grow up, you can all be Peter Pan. Sad and sick.
The Feminist Movement introduced in the 1960s was the beginning of the end and was the antithesis of family and biblical values. It obliterated and changed the dynamics of the relationship between men and women, which emasculated men and created alpha females. This changed the role that a man and woman play in a "normal" healthy relationship/marriage and also put pressure on females to succeed at every level and industry in society with male counterparts, thus putting off motherhood with the promise of a successful career to only find out later in life that getting to the top in the corporate world delivers empty promises and a house full of cats, depression, and loneliness in midlife for most women.
I used to do this all the time in my late 20s, 30s and into my early 40s, until I got married at age 48 and I haven't been to brunch once since I got married. The brunch makes up for missing all the family stuff.
I remember having a very late breakfast at an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant in PA with a family/party of six, then suddenly the buffet restaurant started to serve lunch.... It was awesome.
We used to do an all you can eat brunch with our kids after church (all u can eat no longer exists!) We love to do brunch or Linner with our kids especially on holidays to cut down on the number of meals my husband & I would have to prepare. I prefer these relaxing meals at home rather than the insane cost of going out. Never had the girlfriend clique you reference because in reality it’s mostly for show.
Allow the father of 8 children, and grand/great grandfather of 11 more to intrude on the brunch bunch. Either one grows up, and becomes an adult father, with all the toil, sweat, tears, and blood that implies, or one remains an adolescent, forever trying to keep that "feeling". You either pack the gear, or you do not. One extra downside. Christmas, at 70, with no progeny, is probably a real bummer.
You boomers shouldn't have destroyed the country if you wanted people to procreate more. The only reason you boomers care now is you are worried there might not be enough people left to pay your end-of-life bills and social security.
It's not about brunch vs. kids, it's about being able to afford to give kids a good life in a good neighborhood with good schools. I know couples who both work, and every year they say they hear the nightly gunshots getting closer and closer. Unless you move to an area with few jobs, it costs a massive amount to make sure you don't hear gunshots at night and your kids don't get indoctrinated into Leftist nonsense during the day.
Combine that with an inability to plan your employment past a few years, and all the other issues that are largely a result of boomers prioritizing their 401k and retirement over paying attention to how the government was being taken over, and it's simply too much of a sacrifice just to continue a society that hates us and wants us gone.
Might as well ride the decline down as best we can rather than work our asses off to create more tax cattle for the system to indoctrinate and enslave.
What the kids in their twenties and early thirties told me at Christmas was that the co-pay for a baby was $17,000. And that's just the start. Some solid, and justified, resentment for boomer policies that made this so.
You might note that these youngsters won't feel like paying your and my social security. If they can't have families, why shouldn't they be selfish?
It seems to me that 'them' has just that slightly more derogatory ring to it than 'they' would have, like in 'us versus them', but it is playfully meant. The author wants us to know that she is above such crude distinctions.
Objection! Please distinguish between brunch-goers and brunch-doers. Actually, for us family people, brunch at home is a nice way to meet other families. When you have kids, the potential for evening events is limited. Brunch is so much better: the kids have their share, then they quickly disappear to play with the other kids, and the adults have time for conversation without having to glance at the clock all the time.
Why do you want to have children? Will you give me an honest answer? Eternal life? Nope - you gonna croak anyway. Does it make you healthier, richer. Or happier? I know people who brag about their child or children, but now their children are chonically sick with real bad disease and they themselves are sick with worry.
I do not know what it is like in USA, but in West Europe people are nothing but tax slaves, with forced health insurance. In Germany a child gets a slave (tax) number 3 days after birth.
That is why goverment blackmails the livestock into producing fresh cattle. Mother's pension, children's money, all sorts of freebies paid by the other people. I suppose it is better than the Mutterkreuz and Motherhood medals given by national socialist Germany and Soviet Union respectively. And so the degenerate muliply and become poorer along with all others.
Or they are meat for the war meat grinder. Or fresh cattle are imported from III world. The livestock are consumed - hence the import necessity. They are nothing but slaves on a farm who are forced under gunpoint to share their wealth with others and migrants. They cannot afford a house and will live in abject poverty.
Without freedom you have nothing - not even children - they are state property
It’s pretty much the same thing in the United States, in fact I think children get the government issued identification number before they even leave the hospital.
One can see this post as an allegory of sacrifice vs. indulgence. Those choosing indulgence may say they are looking for love, but what does love entail if not sacrifice?
Mother’s Day brunch, at a civil venue, can be nice a treat with family. For those without families, brunch as described seems to be social media irl, a superficial passage of time with the illusion of relationships. The time and money could alternatively be spent on self-enrichment, hobbies, projects, or pursuing personal relationships with friends at a deeper level. However the same blue light that draws insects to a bug zapper also draws humans to social media, and some to brunch.
It, be it brunch, the need for conformity to the current thing, the need to spend more money, time and energy on leisure than production, and the lack of desire for a family, is simply extended and amplified infantilism.
The motivator used so well by ad agencies, governments and malevolent global disruptors is simply, remain a child, let the state take care of you, never grow up, you can all be Peter Pan. Sad and sick.
The Feminist Movement introduced in the 1960s was the beginning of the end and was the antithesis of family and biblical values. It obliterated and changed the dynamics of the relationship between men and women, which emasculated men and created alpha females. This changed the role that a man and woman play in a "normal" healthy relationship/marriage and also put pressure on females to succeed at every level and industry in society with male counterparts, thus putting off motherhood with the promise of a successful career to only find out later in life that getting to the top in the corporate world delivers empty promises and a house full of cats, depression, and loneliness in midlife for most women.
It was enfranchisement.
The Big Lie behind all feminist dogma is this:
"Arbeit Macht Frei"
It was a lie then, and it's a lie now.
As it was designed to do
I used to do this all the time in my late 20s, 30s and into my early 40s, until I got married at age 48 and I haven't been to brunch once since I got married. The brunch makes up for missing all the family stuff.
I remember having a very late breakfast at an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant in PA with a family/party of six, then suddenly the buffet restaurant started to serve lunch.... It was awesome.
And the closest to "brunch" I've ever been.
Shady Maple!?
We used to do an all you can eat brunch with our kids after church (all u can eat no longer exists!) We love to do brunch or Linner with our kids especially on holidays to cut down on the number of meals my husband & I would have to prepare. I prefer these relaxing meals at home rather than the insane cost of going out. Never had the girlfriend clique you reference because in reality it’s mostly for show.
Allow the father of 8 children, and grand/great grandfather of 11 more to intrude on the brunch bunch. Either one grows up, and becomes an adult father, with all the toil, sweat, tears, and blood that implies, or one remains an adolescent, forever trying to keep that "feeling". You either pack the gear, or you do not. One extra downside. Christmas, at 70, with no progeny, is probably a real bummer.
You boomers shouldn't have destroyed the country if you wanted people to procreate more. The only reason you boomers care now is you are worried there might not be enough people left to pay your end-of-life bills and social security.
It's not about brunch vs. kids, it's about being able to afford to give kids a good life in a good neighborhood with good schools. I know couples who both work, and every year they say they hear the nightly gunshots getting closer and closer. Unless you move to an area with few jobs, it costs a massive amount to make sure you don't hear gunshots at night and your kids don't get indoctrinated into Leftist nonsense during the day.
Combine that with an inability to plan your employment past a few years, and all the other issues that are largely a result of boomers prioritizing their 401k and retirement over paying attention to how the government was being taken over, and it's simply too much of a sacrifice just to continue a society that hates us and wants us gone.
Might as well ride the decline down as best we can rather than work our asses off to create more tax cattle for the system to indoctrinate and enslave.
Let the boomers get beaten to death by the Machete Chop Infinity Haitians they loved so much.
What the kids in their twenties and early thirties told me at Christmas was that the co-pay for a baby was $17,000. And that's just the start. Some solid, and justified, resentment for boomer policies that made this so.
You might note that these youngsters won't feel like paying your and my social security. If they can't have families, why shouldn't they be selfish?
Once again, Exquisite sarcasm with a delectable side of satire, and as always, unlimited refills of truth. Now that's a brunch I can go for.
Being an extreme introvert, "Brunch" was never part of my life, however, having been raised by grammar police, I cannot let this pass uncorrected.
"Brunch-goers are them who like a bit of a lie-in on the weekend." S/B "those" not "them".
Don't you think the slip here was intentional?
If intentional, what is its implication?
Good question.
It seems to me that 'them' has just that slightly more derogatory ring to it than 'they' would have, like in 'us versus them', but it is playfully meant. The author wants us to know that she is above such crude distinctions.
One would have to ask the author.
Or be familiar with her writings ... :-(
Could it also be “they”?
No, that is also incorrect grammar.
Thanks. To use they I would have to change the sentence: “Brunch-goers, they who like a bit…, <return to Brunch-goers….>.
Others seem to think so.
Objection! Please distinguish between brunch-goers and brunch-doers. Actually, for us family people, brunch at home is a nice way to meet other families. When you have kids, the potential for evening events is limited. Brunch is so much better: the kids have their share, then they quickly disappear to play with the other kids, and the adults have time for conversation without having to glance at the clock all the time.
Sounds like Hopium.
"... the generation who is supposed to be begetting the souls that will carry us forward ..."
Souls are not begotten, never have been and never will.
This is the #1 misunderstanding Bible-reading has begotten on our civilization.
STFU weirdo.
Here, “souls” is clearly being used (as it often is) as a metaphor for “people”. Whether they are begotten or not is not the point being made.
I doubt it.
But anyway I find the connection even between the words revolting.
Can you expand your statement some?
What's there to say but what procreation (as it is termed) cannot do the whole job? The most precious part does not enter into the fleshly equation.
Why do you want to have children? Will you give me an honest answer? Eternal life? Nope - you gonna croak anyway. Does it make you healthier, richer. Or happier? I know people who brag about their child or children, but now their children are chonically sick with real bad disease and they themselves are sick with worry.
I do not know what it is like in USA, but in West Europe people are nothing but tax slaves, with forced health insurance. In Germany a child gets a slave (tax) number 3 days after birth.
That is why goverment blackmails the livestock into producing fresh cattle. Mother's pension, children's money, all sorts of freebies paid by the other people. I suppose it is better than the Mutterkreuz and Motherhood medals given by national socialist Germany and Soviet Union respectively. And so the degenerate muliply and become poorer along with all others.
Or they are meat for the war meat grinder. Or fresh cattle are imported from III world. The livestock are consumed - hence the import necessity. They are nothing but slaves on a farm who are forced under gunpoint to share their wealth with others and migrants. They cannot afford a house and will live in abject poverty.
Without freedom you have nothing - not even children - they are state property
It’s pretty much the same thing in the United States, in fact I think children get the government issued identification number before they even leave the hospital.
The first letter in Germany after 3 days is a tax number from the Finanzamt = IRS
Children are OK but secure freedom first, or it is all for nothing.
One can see this post as an allegory of sacrifice vs. indulgence. Those choosing indulgence may say they are looking for love, but what does love entail if not sacrifice?
Getting an “old lady yells at clouds” vibe here… 😁
Mother’s Day brunch, at a civil venue, can be nice a treat with family. For those without families, brunch as described seems to be social media irl, a superficial passage of time with the illusion of relationships. The time and money could alternatively be spent on self-enrichment, hobbies, projects, or pursuing personal relationships with friends at a deeper level. However the same blue light that draws insects to a bug zapper also draws humans to social media, and some to brunch.