The voting age argument is the kind of thing that reinforces the feeling that your vote is meaningless.

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Anyone who thinks lowering the voting age will not eventually be disastrous should watch the classic 1968 movie, "Wild in the Streets". When teen rock idol Max Frost is elected president and lowers the voting age to 14 the country rapidly collapses, and the last line is delivered amid rioting and chaos by a not-yet-enfranchised moppet, who promises that "we're going to put everybody over 10 out of business!"

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Insurance actuaries have some well supported opinions regarding the wisdom and judgement of youth.

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Of course, lowering the voting age is meant to soften the defenses holding back the lowering of the age of consent.

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Some country (maybe not mine, but on the other hand, look at the politicians we adults are voting into office) should let the 6-year olds vote. The campaigns are going to be hilarious.

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It’s leftists who have overrun our places of education leveraging the unformed minds they now control at the voting booth.

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