Warm congratulations!

A lesser role than a supporting actor but much more than a supernumerary, done skillfully, lightheartedly and with memorable photogenicity.

My advice: try to get cancelled and then get an agent. Three documentaries is a marketable portfolio, albeit your pronouns and color are all wrong.

Love the comment by JHS DDS about your stage setting.

Ante-bellum charming. Terrific porch and a gentleman's summer attire.

Yet, since Fauci is to The Science what Jim Crow was to The Rule of Law, portraying Briggs as Atticus Finch is also fitting, and not on a veranda but on the stoop of the county jail, facing down a Biden mob intent on lynching Dr. Peter McCullough. And Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind fits Fauci's denouement. " Oh, Briggs! Where shall I go? What shall I do? Frankly, crooked little man, I don't give a damn."

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We totally understand.

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Great screenshot. I hope you fanned yourself theatrically with a straw hat, sipped some of Mammy's iced tea, leaned over to stroke the fur of your favorite hound--General Beauregard, and went on for a bit about Yankee agression to add to the image.

It's the little things like that which separate stars from supporting actors.

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I think they photoshopped out the cigar.

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If this "public intellectual" role does not gain traction, it's time to juice up, hit the gym, and look for action roles. My $.02...

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