Even if each loan was deserved but ruinous to the students life, the President is violating the separation of powers. He is taxing us without our consent through our Congress.

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The phrase,"Student loan forgiveness" is "Abuse of Language, Abuse of Power," to borrow the self-explanatory title of Josef Pieper's splendid 1974 essay. The fake phrase "student loan forgiveness" is to the reality of what's going on with class/race-based debt clemency what a "shota comic" is to children's literature or a "minor attracted person" is to affections of the heart or the North American Man/Boy Love Association is to a fraternity. It's all Greek to me, those Latin nouns: pedophilia politicus, hebephilia politicus, and ephebophilia politicus, but they mean that young POC's, in return for being trained mentally, morally, politically and sexually, are getting a free ride on the ponies of adult mind/body groomers who know very well what they're doing and dam well ought to know better. To quote the Great Man Pieper, "The common element in all of this is the degeneration of language into an instrument of rape. This lesson, in a nutshell, says: the abuse of political power is fundamentally connected with the sophistic abuse of the word, indeed, finds in it the fertile soil in which to hide and grow and get ready, so much so that the latent potential of the totalitarian poison can be ascertained, as it were, by observing the symptom of the public abuse of language....as the place of authentic reality is taken over by a fictitious reality...where people not only are unable to find out about the truth but also become unable even to search for the truth because they are satisfied with deception..."

Corruptio optimi pessima!

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Aug 25, 2022
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Thanks for this report. I've been sharing it around, including Twitter.

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You may not make a living AS a professional philosopher, but certainly you will make a better life educated as one. Godspeed

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