Born in the 1960's... I walk right through the motherfucker.

As a fan of Mike Rowe and his Dirty Jobs series I think his "Safety 3rd" mantra is spot on. I got work to do. OSHA can kiss my ass.

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In a way, this video brings me hope. The incredibly vicious Woke army of skinny jean-wearing, noodle-armed boys and morbidly obese, blue-haired women (vagina possessors?!?) are weak and frail beyond comprehension. If it comes to a violent end--and it sure as hell looks like that's where it's heading-- and The Resistance destroys the power grid in the blue cities inhabited with such effeminates, most would perish within a week, unsure how to even make fire.

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One day, but not one of these days, I want to read something by Briggs praising femininity. It's not his forte.

I know it its difficult to see good examples of that in this epoch. I have to go to art. For instance, that image of Virgin Mary protecting the baby Jesus from a snake, raising the baby away from the danger (a true danger) and stomping on the snake.

Another example of non-toxic femininity: a woman in a war zone gathering orphans and protecting them from the bombings, searching food and and a safe shelter.

Another example: a woman giving birth who refuses to go along with the stupid rules and has set up her home in anticipation to have the baby without bending to the False God of Safetyness and Pseudoscience.

Who started this culture of toxic femininity? Probably Otto von Bismarck. It may be that I'm obsessed with Germans these days. But he invented the Welfare State to make people dependent, helpless and fearful. This scheme was later used to destroy families. They would give money to women only if the father was not living at the home. So the stupid moms married with the State, who always brings money home. He also sends kids to war, to become minced meat. Sometimes, women have trouble thinking in the consequences of choices.

This welfare state helped to produce extremely feeble and volatile adolescents. But we had pills for that, didn't we? The program of destruction of the work of God (that is, Man) intensified since the 1990s. Among other poisonous activities, the Welfare State, Compulsory Edumacation and keeping people innumerate (that is, poorer than a church mouse) proved to be very useful weapons to chain the population to vice and away from God. Then, they invented the Smartphones. Another catastrophe that feeds toxic femininity.

Much has been written about this, and much will be written. We are in the middle of it, hopefully we are seeing the end of this madness. We are lucky for being able to see it. I am thankful to God for that. The future is unlikely to be as clean as they made us think.

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