James Lindsey talks about this too in his podcasts New Discourses. A major cause of the public's confusion has to do with the Woke corruption of language. We should not take the bait and use the term "gender" (nor D, E or I) all these words have different meanings. Those wishing for the unreal in the gnostic woke cult know this.

Never use the term "gender".

Always use the word "sex"; There are two sexes, male and female. Period.

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I always try to point this out to people on the right whenever I can. The whole "there are only two genders" pushback is well-intentioned but it's still helping to legitimize the concept of gender.

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In my recent essay, I point this very thing out. Gender is a made-up word, designed to obfuscate and destroy the orderly creation of the two sexes; male and female.

So, 100% - I try to use single quotes when using that word, and provide background.

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I agree. Use "masculine" and "feminine". One can reasonably "transition" from a masculine to a feminine role-playing, and vice-versa. One can reasonably accept that too, in our modern society. By talking in these terms, you meet the other side half way. If you DON´T want to meet the other side half way, then buy lots of ammunition.

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"It's a Trap!"

If one commits on debating on woke terms, one has already lost the argument.

The woke are not seekers of truth.. they don't believe in truth.. they see things only in terms of power. They see male and female as a power play by the current hegemony, no more.

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'Education' was the first significant product where the producer - not the consumer- judged the value of the product.

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The collision with reality is going to be spectacular. Stand well clear.

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Thank you for "GLAAD (groomers, lunatics, angsty arseholds, and demons)"

An acronym that most succinctly, and accurately, sums up the forces of lunacy.

I shall steal it - with attribution, of course.

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We will always wind up cowards as long as we make the things of this world our treasure. It really is that simple. He who loves his life will lose it. He who hates his life may yet escape this nonsense.

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“It is ludicrous in the extreme that a person can change “gender”, no matter how much artificial help he or she receives. And everybody knew this—except for the bug-eyed bat-guano genuine lunatics. Who are loud and who have weaponized screeching. To a brave man, being screamed at by a blue-haired fat ugly wide-eyed harpy is nothing. It is a joke, at worst, and not an attack.” I LOVE IT! Briggs at his best! Thanks!

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Cowardice and a "spirit of fear" is all the 'Experts' got.

Break from the pack.

2 Timothy 1:7

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Wonderfully well-written facts presented as a good story. Guess what? That gets you another subscriber.

Our ruling class likes to call it a meritocracy, but the only merit required is the ability to think as one is told to think, which is the exact opposite of science and reason. It's far more similar to a cult.

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"Expertocracy." Hmmm.

In early 2020, I coined the phrase "The dictatorship of the expertariat." More accurate, IMO. Surely more ironic.

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I like Briggs, BUT HE´S WRONG. Trans mania is a result of the very mobile "device" we all carry in our pocket, and not ideological capture. Capture is A RESULT, and it ain´t even ideological. Mostly psychological; a NEED for identity. By NEED I mean something on the same level as food, clothing, shelter. And sex, naturally. There´s lots of other needs.

Just replace the word "man" with "masculine", and "woman" with "feminine". For the sake of identity, the transition from masculine to the feminine, and vice-versa, has to be more than just symbolic (lipstick and high heels, or a butch haircut). It must involve HUMAN SACRIFICE. That´s always been the GOLD STANDARD OF HUMAN COMMITMENTS.

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I'm happy to have found your Substack, William. Looking forward to reading more insights - excellent essay.

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