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Checked his bio (what's online) and see that Hanekamp is a very intriguing guy. Useful, enlightening discussion. Thanks for that.

Nitrogen stuff is vital b/c NO2 is a more potent contributor to greenhouse effect than CO2 (albeit NO2's volume is much smaller) and a much easier target for the Whackos. Because of their political exploitability, the two chemicals, carbon and nitrogen, pose a far more deadly risk for mankind than uranium, plutonium and The Bomb and a far greater existential threat than mere climate change, whatever its causes. In political ways that they could never exploit the Bomb, the Enemies of Man (the neo-Marxist Left and its closest ally, the global Enviro-Whacko Movement) are exploiting carbon and nitrogen as the opportunity for causing a world-wide energy and food crisis. And our crisis is their road to power. Power is all the Enemies of Man want; it's their raison d'etre. The global food and energy crisis, which the Enemies of Man are causing, will become their excuse for global governance.

While nitrogen and food go together, I will use carbon and energy as my example, because the Enemies of Man have made rapid, huge advances on that war front, while the nitrogen/ food war front lags way behind, with Holland and Sri Lanka, so far, the only countries behind Enemies of Man lines. Here is my perspective on the progression from chemical to crisis to power:

EVEN IF (which it will not and cannot) USA had green energy sources capable of meeting demand by the time of Brain Dead Biden's net zero carbon deadline, we would lack the interstate transit infrastructure necessary to deliver that green energy to market. Planning, funding, permitting and building that infrastructure will be a massive, costly, complicated, arduous and slow project, with political, economic, environmental and legal obstacles that dwarf those of the Manhattan, Interstate Highway and Moon projects combined. The infrastructure project for the interstate transmission of green energy will take a decade. Yet it has not even started. It is not even in the planning stage. Biden is doing nothing to plan, fund, permit and build the national infrastructure for interstate transit of the green energy economy he is forcing on the nation.

Yet he continues his multi-pronged, "all hands on deck" war on energy, with rigid policies of blocking or obstructing fossil fuel extraction, blocking or impeding interstate fossil fuel transit, stifling incentives for long-term fossil fuel investment and development, and raising the cost of fossil fuel consumption. All the while, the DemocRats throw money without limit at green energy (nearly a trillion dollars in the past two years, including $375 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act) and lavishly spend public revenue to accelerate public demand for and increase public reliance on green energy and to fund the DemocRat Party's crony-capitalist contributors, the green energy manufacturers and importers.

Biden knows that green energy cannot possibly suffice to meet even current energy demand, let alone the far greater energy demand by the time of Biden's net zero carbon deadline. (This reality does not even address similar market and political forces at work regarding nitrogen fertilizers, food production and food supply, the sale of US farmland to China, and the sale of US petroleum and natural gas to China and Europe, all of which further depletes the US energy and food supplies and prevents increased stockpiling to meet the looming national security emergency.)

It would seem apparent to any but Brain Dead Biden that we are headed for a perfect storm, a monumental crisis in which US supplies of energy and food are woefully inadequate to meet demand. That will produce skyrocketing prices and potentially dire shortages of energy and food, with only long-term term fixes (10+ years) available.

In effect, the DemocRats have started a huge fire; they are pushing the nation toward the fire, and they are burning our bridges as we go. (It's a demonic DemocRat domestic process akin to the DemocRats provoking an international proxy war that could easily go nuclear and then blowing up the world's only exit ramp.)

That will be a crisis too good to go to waste.

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