Jun 28Liked by William M Briggs

It’s hilarious to me that the MSM is all over Biden today for being a terrible candidate, but isn’t concerned with that fact that HE’S ALREADY THE PRESIDENT! 🤦🏻‍♂️

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And why is nobody stepping up to invoke the 25th amendment?? Rather than playing along with the dem plan to showcase Biden as a dementia patient in the earliest presidential debate in history so they can get their ducks in a row for a new candidate - invoke the 25th & let the dems be stuck with Kamala for the next 6 months and as their Presidential nominee. There is no way they could switch her out if she was installed as President. And no, she is not worse than Joe, she is just another puppet….but probably a little harder for them to manage.

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That he’s “already president” is just part of the scam the media have been in on since 2020. Anyone who voted for this dude is a total moron!

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A debate in June? This was the result hoped for by TPTB. Embarrass Effjoe Biden early enough to get the reliever up in the bullpen. The talk of the chattering class will be that Brandon has lost a few miles off his fastball, and a replacement is needed.

My guess: Newsome

But, I can see them toying with the idea of pushing Hillary on stage and presenting her as a modern day Cincinnatus. The Democratic base of angry, ugly women would scream in ecstasy at this outcome.

Or...the FBI starts scrolling through their Lee Harvey Oswald Rolodex of patsies...

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My money is on the latter. They’ve tried everything else.

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Yes, they could then present their evil lie of white supremacist terrorists as prescient.

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Jun 28Liked by William M Briggs

What scares me the most is some sort of «national unity» ticket, like Newsom/Haley.

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Jun 28Liked by William M Briggs

That, would be the final nail.

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Jun 28Liked by William M Briggs

Finally a substacker who finds this debate hilarious🤣👍

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This debate was nothing but comical. If our country is being treated as a joke we need to wake up and stop voting for this corrupt system: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-we-need-to-stop-voting-in-presidential

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Jun 28Liked by William M Briggs

Didn't the convention use their power to knobble Communist Jew Guy in favour of Hillary in 2016?

I know a week is a long time in politics but that doesn't feel like 50 years ago to me.

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The California primary was stolen from Bernie first. They had him by the short and curlies, and since he’s a time server and not a fighter, he caved. Or maybe he had the sense to know he was too old to grasp the brass ring. I believe Bernie didn’t really want the responsibility. Fair enough.

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Let me be pessimistic, in a comical way.

Next Friday, the communists will win hugely in the UK (if the polls are right). Then, some people in the US will say "Inconceivable! Why are the British getting ahead of us! We can be no less than they are!"

Such people will be cheered up in seven days. This is scheduled: one week, they feel like losers, next week, they are programmed to feel very optimistic, rinse and repeat. This will be extended until the elections in the US.

I think Netanyahu should be the Dem candidate. He may want to give the Canadians what they deserve, and the Canadians will be happy to receive it.

More seriously, it cannot be Bobby Kennedy: he's not racist. He argues that vaccines cause autism to some black kids and sterilize some black women. But Democrats are known vaccine pushers on the blacks. Impossible.

I wonder if it could be legal to give the job to Hunter. That would be epic! A full-fledged artist in the White house!

But I think they should pick a woman this time. Anyone. The nurse of Joe Biden number 1, for instance. She really knows secrets of the State.

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Jun 28Liked by William M Briggs

F them all.

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2 times

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Jun 28Liked by William M Briggs

But after last night’s performance — and if Trump goes neither to the White House nor to jail — shouldn’t Brandon and Orange Man Bad consider taking their comedy duo routine on the road — Vegas, a Netflix special, U.S. tour?

Last night they were at least as funny as any of the classic comedy teams down through the decades, Abbott and Costello “Who’s on First?”, Bob and Ray, the Smothers Brothers “Mom Always Liked You Best”, Rowan and Martin of “Laugh In” fame. I’m sure Jared Kushner can make it happen!

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You’re a liar! No, you are!

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by William M Briggs

Today got off to a bad start. I had to go to town just when the special 2024 Debate Issue of the New Briggsian Gazette dropped. My driver was waiting, had places to go, people to see. So am late joining in the fray.

Biden's startled stare in that photo is not the look of an addled old man unsure of his name or where he is. No. At that moment, in what should have been his moment of triumph, he was being tormented by a daisy chain of shrieking disfigured demons, drumming on human skulls and spitting geysers of blood in his direction. Paying a visit not for the first time to the Don of Delaware.

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Jun 28Liked by William M Briggs



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Jun 29Liked by William M Briggs

On the one hand, the Democrats have every reason to replace Biden. However, if they really wanted to replace Biden with another democrat, wouldn't they have done it by now?

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Jun 29Liked by William M Briggs

Newsom is certainly still in the running. but with a true 3 way race with Robert Kennedy, Jr? might take it.

it'll be interesting the next months.

the last time had a 3 way race was with Perot which got a lot of the vote, and he got 18.91% of the popular vote.... no electors...

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The Democrat party will replace him which will not be a good look for them. Imagine constantly bloviating about "democracy" and then undemocraticly picking a candidate through elitist tactics at a sham convention.

The "anti-racists" and "anti-sexists" will also push out the black female VP which means they will most likely put up Killary, Gretchen Whitmore, or Michelle Obama.

Everyone says Michelle Obama doesn't want it but Biden has shown her that a president can be little more than a figurehead. She can get the Presidents daily intelligence briefing and spend the rest of the day shopping for tucking underwear while Barry runs his fourth term.

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Will it be HER? Gawd almighty, a truly epic steal will be necessary to pull that off! I’m betting a false flag or a full blown hot war will have to be deployed to cover whatever shenanigans it takes to keep the current regime in charge. A straight up steal will be just too obvious this time. Just like they can’t run a covid-like shutdown again.

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Come to think of it, this debate was a clash of highbrow statesman compared to when was it, the 2016 debate, when Trump found it necessary to refute rumors about the size of his penis.

One of those moments that you delete from your memory because just too much. But I did not delete. At that moment I knew the United States of America I was born and raised in no longer existed. That for it to survive, it would need to be somehow dismantled and put back together again.

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To me it seems evident that this is going to be their pivot point. “Poor Joe, and such a sudden decline! Even just last week he was staring down The Evil Putin and scaring the daylights out of him! Hard to say what happened, but it is what it is. Quite a shame, right Gavin/Big Mike/Kill-liar-y?”

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