A good number of women watch and believe the implausible movie scenes showing frail lasses easily manhandling and tossing around men twice their size.

A few years ago I read a news story of a young woman who had her iPhone ripped from her hands by one of the usual suspects. This woman, raised on Grrrlpower films and intent on delivering a thrashing, chased down the criminal in an underground garage where he promptly sexually assaulted her. Reality>>>Ideology, always. How many must suffer before reality regains primacy? Based on how things are going, I'm gonna say lots.

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Along these lines, I also recall several years ago a story of a 120 lb. lady-Marine deciding to pick a fight with a 200 lb. man-Marine as if she was just one of the boys. She was the primary aggressor, his only act was to end the fight with a single body slam that ended up breaking her little body. She died in the infirmary.

My pet theory is that the rise of Hollywood Action Girls has also played a role in the rise of the high testosterone “male lesbian” MtF trans types. If a gal can look like Scarlet Johansson and be stronger than The Rock, then what exactly is the point of looking like The Rock? A certain type of mentally imbalanced man is drawn to the fantasy of “having it all” -- The Rock’s strength and Johansson’s beauty. Of course he ends up with neither.

The first modern film I can really recall in which a woman beats the crap out of men in unarmed combat was The Matrix (particularly its iconic opening scene). Perhaps not a coincidence then that both of its makers ended up going MtF.

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Good article.

Junk science in a junk field of study by a soi disant academic expert in sociological junk, using junk phrases and junk buzzwords to get past the junkyard dog and gain cheap and easy access to one of the left's intelllectual junkyards, The Atlantic, a junk publication for those who publish, promote, peddle, read and believe junk ideas, junk reason, junk logic, unreality and fake facts, so as to advance the junk ideological objectives of junk politics, junk science, junk literature, and fake history.

The last line of John Ford's classic western The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence is ''When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."

Junk journalists, junk academics and junk scientists have reworded that to read, "When the lie becomes reality, print the lie." The Atlantic printed the lie as cerebral fodder for the left's Manchurian Candidates for whom the lie has become reality.

Next we may hear the legend of Cornpop as told by the lies of Biden.

Or that Jim Brown was the most unstoppable running back in football history only because he got more support than the ladies.

Same with Federer and West and Jordan and Ruth and Koufax and Gretzky.

Male privilege.

And don't get me onto Michelangelo and Caravaggio and Rembrandt and Shakespeare and Newton and Einstein.

All male privilege except when it's white male privilege.

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Those bastard disciplines, like "social neuroendocrinology", are all the rage, but their main purpose is creation of jobs for people who are too weak to make it in either of the two parent disciplines.

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