“The real lesson here is this: diversity is our weakness.”

Yes, and “picking sides” is nothing but a marketing tactic of the military industrial complex -- a page taken from, as one example, the NFL.

If I have to pick a “side”, I choose that of the poor innocents who just want to live their lives in peace but instead are victimized by the war machine -- that’s who’s side I am on.

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With his fellow-Jews or God forbid with me?

The twitterpage doesn't show up on my device so I am on tenterhooks.

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'Henry Kissinger commenting on the scenes of migrants in Germany celebrating the Hamas attack on Israel: "It was a big mistake to let in so many people of completely different cultures, religions and concepts, because it creates a pressure group to inside each country that does this."' (translated from French)

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Is that what he really said? The fricking hypocrite.

He has been helping to create pressure groups all along. And so is that Albright woman saved from the Nazi's as a child. She had no problem with some million kids getting killed in one of their wars. But who is "their" anyway?

Religion was created to spawn hatred. But God help you when Jews and Christians get together on something. Then their evil rises to the sky.

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All I did was copy the translation of the Twitter post.

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Yes but thank you anyway bcs I didn't get no text to see.

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Another thought: American Jews, like Jews everywhere around the globe, want to be special, privileged and different from all the rest of the world. Then, when things get hot, all those unspecial, unprivileged and undifferent non-Jews have to feel THEIR pain and not the pain of their non-Jewish enemies who are likewise unspecial, unprivileged and undifferent. Can anybody see the logic of the Jewish position? Please explain.

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You don't understand. "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes You"- Old Polish Proverb

You see it is your fault that he strikes you and it pains him to do it.

You don't have to actually do anything, let alone harm him, it is just nature.

Like the Scorpion and the Frog they can't help it.

Of course, should the frog number 10,989 submerge, and the Scorpion drown then the whole world cries out in anger at that nasty terrorist type frog.

That thinking has infected the world. A US cop struck an unresisting person, who was in handcuffs and offered no assault on the cop, twice in the face with his fists. Honest to God they charged the victim with assault as the cop bruised and hurt his knuckles of the victim's face.

It is a mental sickness for which there is no cure.

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Gotta feeling can take that Old Polish Proverb damn serious.

Thanks a lot.

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"It is a mental sickness for which there is no cure."

It's the Sickness called Cowardice. If I am a victim, then I am blameless. If I am blameless, then I am morally superior. If I am morally superior, then I can inflict whatever hurt I wish.

Complaints? Then you have no respect for a victim, you are subhuman.

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For the sake of all that is good in you, go watch this little video:


A Palestinian man in Jenin shaming all the petty distinctions religion has taught us to believe in and donating his son's organs to Palestinian and Israeli kids alike. The son having just been shot by an Israeli soldier.

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Go condescend somewhere else.

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Poland. lol Poland doesn’t scream for protection against the Russians? Poland didn’t scream for protection against the Germans? You’re a Jew Hater. You don’t need to dress it up with BS aphorisms from one of the most Jew hating dumps in the world. Here’s a little Italian saying for you : Baciami il culo, deficiente.

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But they wrote on a scroll that God chose them over every other people. So they have proof.

Then Jesus showed up and told them they’ve got it all wrong and so they manipulated the Romans into killing him.

And then somehow tricked people into thinking that the childish vengeful thing on their scroll was somehow connected to the enlightened insightful peaceful guy they killed.

And the really awesome guy they killed even told his friends that they were the same as him and they were all brothers and that their Heavenly Father had a place for each in the next life. But this place, earth, was ruled by the wicked evil one.

Now people mix these things together cause they like some of the violence and revenge and arbitrary totalitarian stuff in the old scrolls. Justifying their actions.

I just want peace on my own land, but...you know how it is, .... the wife won’t allow it.

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Where do you get this notion that "American Jews, like Jews around the globe, want to be special"? Are you even aware of the fact that many Jews after WW2 denied their Judaism, even changed their names, in order to assimilate??? You are making unfounded, clueless, false generalizations. Go do some research.

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Not everyone is a "Joiner". Most are but many are not. Many men (and some women) want to stand alone and not be involved in others quarrels and wars.

but :

"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of 'Men who wanted to be left alone'.

They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love

They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it

They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over

The moment the "Men who wanted to be left alone" are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be

Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these "Men who wanted to be left alone", fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives.

They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the left's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy...but it will fall upon deaf ears."

~ Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper

When you deprive these men of the bare minimum they need to care for their loved ones do not be surprised at their ferocity.

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I agree with all of the aforementioned. I don’t have a dog in this fight and for the same token I won’t let anyone tell me I have to choose a side. It’s my belief that all wars are globalists banker wars who fund both sides of the war. The bankers keep their stranglehold on money and power to the detriment of the goyim who fight their wars.

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America is in the world because Wilson against his wishes and better judgement the US was dragged into WW1 , FDR into WW2 and this was done by Anglo Saxons for the benefit of the British Empire. In truth the British Empire falling would have meant terrible effects for us (see- Canada, Caribbean on map).

This was done by Anglophile Americans, who yes were predominantly Northern.

I also note Wilson and FDR were Democrats and the South voted Democratic for a century. Ahem.

Wilson was a Southerner.

You’re also moving the 1965 Immigration Laws back 100 years to 1865? ???

The Civil War had several causes, to call the one usually mentioned “immigration” a bit of a stretch.

Our problem is we became an Empire in the 20th century, the Cold War came directly from WW2, and yes we now have an Imperial constituency in DC since the 1940s and they lack the grace or wisdom and suffer no consequences for their wars.

I also note Clinton was elected after GWB 41 declined to expand the Empire East, but Clinton did.

As for certain groups having an oversized voice and sway over foreign policy- that was the Anglo Saxons until the 1960s, and we were not allies of Israel until 1967.

I can agree that in 1865 New England conquered America, in 1945 half the world and wants the rest since 1991.

Neither I, nor history, nor above all geography can agree that the American Southeast is not America. Geography of course doesn’t negotiate. We’re stuck.

Finally Rosencrantz and Guilderstein are rotten but not what’s rotten in Denmark.

Claudius is not a Zionist.

(They’re pawns) .

As to the virtues of the Lost Cause, perhaps a review of the record of Secretary of State Jefferson Davis or the known plans of his follow on job for Cuba, Northern Mexico and Brazil would bring perspective. It wasn’t a question of expansion (it never is) but a question of Who expands on Whom.

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Follow on to alternative history of 2 North Americas, with the Confederacy expanding South after winning independence in the Civil War.

Jefferson Davis was then headed south to Cuba, Mexico, and intended to form Union with Brazil (then a slave state).

That would have made the Confederacy the Northern Aggressor.

Indeed as we are presently absorbing Mexico, now, 21st century- with the suspiciously tame in El Norte (where houses, bank accounts, kids in school are) but utter demons south of the Rio Grande doing the dirty work, (the Cartels) the matter of Empire and how it’s even more loathsome when outsourced is happening before our eyes.

We suffer to an extent, Mexico more. Anyone wondering what the conquest and settlement of North America was like- exactly this... the Indians did much of the dirty work to each other.

Francis Jennings Histories are unintentionally illuminating in the present day.

Had The CSA’s Lost Cause Triumphed, Cuba and Mexico were next, all the way to Brazil. As it happens it’s happening now.

Ugly, Ain’t it? It was ugly before.

It’s always ugly.

Do unto others before they do unto you. They certainly would.

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I think you’re a bit over the head of the audience here.

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Nothing is over the head of The Briggs audience.

They knowz maths.

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Excellent. Per Robert Sapolsky, tribalism is hardwired into our Paleolithic brains.

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Are you for the Hatfields or the McCoys? You must choose.

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This is far too realistic for today's people. It is certainly going to muck up their gears, so cautiously placed and easily wobbled. What will high school clubs cheer for if not diversity.

I once wrote a terrible poem titled, "Your diversity don't include me." A key line:

"You legislate who I should be."

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This was the case even during World War one and two, people remember fondly those waves of inmigration and inmigration-lead-war-involvement because those wars were won, but even western european inmigration was the same weak-spot for the USA aparatus.

Now, the issue is how a mostly european polity becomes more "not my problem" type, if the very base and foundation of such nation started as a multi-country endeavor.

I dont think its doable, even today you can get the most nativist usa type and tell him if he would accept inmigration if only from western europe and most would not oppose, but that in itself proves the sense of a native self is not (at its core) that stable.

Yes, diversity is your weakness, but the whole project started with europeans from all over and blacks.

The foundation is weak since it started.

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Have a good friend at work who happens to be black and from the hood. We greet each other as “Good morning ______ , my American Brother”.

We can and should do that in America.

The Left is about identity politics. We’re not.

Tribalism is like nuclear proliferation.

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Maybe destroying your enemies is like the injections. Nobody’s dead until we’re all dead.

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Mike Sington is acting his grief and no more ...

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Still another thought: listen to Martin Armstrong talking to Mike Adams day before yesterday and you will see that the Israelis were again let down BY THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT:


And that's the way it is, betrayal all the way around. God help us.

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Assuming you are an American or a Brit, then you are responsible for the actions of your government.

Don't cry that it was Bush or Blair or Trump, no it is you.

I and 2 million others marched against the Iraq war demanding peace. We were ignored and millions of Iraqi's died. We should have taken up arms against Blair and his cohorts.

It is not enough to say "Not in my name" because it was in your name, it is in your name and the infamy will always be held against your name.

Every Israeli is responsible for the acts of the state as are the Americans and the British.

“To stand up for truth is nothing. For truth, you must sit in jail.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Ah; who is responsible for the Palestinians?


If you want the root of all this mischief it begins with the Balfour Declaration, 1917, not Washington.

Now America is in the world because we followed the British there, against our wishes, against our better judgement, at the cost of The Republic.

We’ve been in the world since WW2, and FDR reluctantly made this decision in May 1940 when France collapsed “This time we’re not leaving.”

And we haven’t.

We can’t it seems.

So - Would you have marched for peace in 1939?

Because once the guarantee was given to Poland it was all too late.

As for peace, only the dead have seen the end of war.

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Great Job, Kate Smith!

Put it to music!

Gotta love a skinny Prof and a dead fat woman who make you wanna sing about your country!

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But, but, but....

Sophie's Choice?

Anne Frank?

The Holocaust?

Barbara Streisand?

Steven Spielberg?

The Rosenbergs?

Anthony Blinken?

Victoria Nuland?

The Kagans?

The Kristols?

Crossed flags lapel pins?

We stand with ______?

Slava Ukrainia!

Mask up!

Get Boosted!


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Kent, You and Lindsay Graham have a lot in common!


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Sir, those are fighting words where I come from.

Bring your second, and a pistol, meet at the field by the river at two o'clock sharp!

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My watch is broken.

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