First, the NYC/Not NYC graphs are clearly a Ukrainian covert influence placement. Or were those colors just chosen randomly? Slava Ukrainia! Mask-up! Orange Man Bad! Get Boosted! Russia! Russia! Russia!

But most importantly, are you implying that correlations, with wee-pees, are NOT to be taken seriously? That such correlations are somehow less than Sciencey?

Here's some other Sciencey correlations. Pretty much no argument about their Sciencyness:


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Ha. I never even noticed.

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Thank you for saving me the trouble! I was just looking for that link to post.

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Coincidentally, Robert Malone's post today included that link.:


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There is a direct correlation to ice cream trucks and people drowning. Time to stop the ice cream trucks. If we can save one life.....

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Since the colors are reversed, it’s clearly a Russian operation to discredit NYC.

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Sep 29, 2023
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Sep 29, 2023
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They are everywhere.

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> To be fair, the researchers do recognize that when it’s warmer, as in summer, people go outside more than in winter. I mean, who knew?

Pray they don't accidentally discover the correlation between ice-cream consumption and incidence of rape.

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Seize power from whom?

Do you think there is someone currently running this mess?

Good luck; running a government is like herding ferrets, demented, rabid ferrets.

The problem is not the grubby, greedy little science clowns like Fauci et al, but the morons who listen to them. As that includes 90% of the population (none of whom read anything let alone your blog) you are but a lone voice crying in the wilderness.

In the real world, 1+1 = 2 is a racist, misogynistic comment and a dozen "fact checkers" will prove it is false.

But beyond the correlation stupidity please could you calculate the billions of dollars and number of PhDs that have been spent over the last 99 years on the Big Bang Theory, based on an assumption that anyone who has ever been in a swimming pool knows was invalid.

Isn't it amazing how it has disappeared in a matter of weeks, never to be heard of again.

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Observational studies have simply become a spigot for easy grant money.

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The authors have clearly mastered the point that simply by mentioning and attributing their conclusions to "Climate Change", their chances of receiving funding for further endless confirmatory research increases dramatically. If their conclusions had been closer to reality, i.e. drug and alcohol abuse is on the rise because people are looking for ways to numb the pain of what our government is doing to us, their paper would have sunk like the Titanic, except there would have been no survivors.

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Academia is dominated by would-be hair stylists and telephone sanitizers.

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Haha All I can do Is laugh and look forward to the day you become emperor!

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You are the only one. So far.

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Hahaha! I’m all in!

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When you are could you appoint me

To be in charge of Canada. I will promise to arrest Justin. On my honour.

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There is a well-known correlation of shoe size with alcohol consumption. Does this climate connection mean that increasing temperatures are making our feet bigger? Will we need more shoe leather due to climate change?

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But more shoe leather requires the raising of leather animals, they need to be fed veggie matter which causes more methane, and then the negative feedback occurs.

So yes: Increasing temperatures are making our feet bigger therefore "Climate Change" is the "thing".

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And all the time I attributed my drinking to poor choices I could have been blaming climate change. Millennials and Gen Z have all the fun...

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Great post!

You might like this one that I did. 😉👉

It's along the lines of what you see here. Only I'm not looking for funding. I was just having fun.


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The whole covid panic should tell us not to believe the "climate change" one.

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Haha! That's for sure.

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All hail their Imperial Majesties!

When does this new rational empire of Emperor Briggs and the co-Emperors Briggssons begin?

It can’t come too soon!

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When you take over, please contact me. I would like to join your staff.

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You're on the list.

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Would wish to become my own emperor but should I ever conquer land I would happily cooperate with my peers for the common good

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