Here is what the Military’s Chief DIE officer, a black female naturally, did a meeting over which she was in charge, according to her own words (ellipsis original):
This photo is not of your typical class of smiling graduates. It's not a group picture of happy American campers. It's not the All American Military Band. It's bitterweet and some things are missing:
First, this is not the band of your grandfather's or your dad's Army. Indeed, this is not even the kind of Army Band that Lincoln died for, the one he last asked play Dixie on the White House lawn, when Lee surrendered. This is a modern military band. It's all black. It's racially segregated. No doubt, it's "separate but equal" to a uniformly Caucasian counterpart of uniformed military musicians. I'll call it the US Army's "All Black Plessy vs. Ferguson Band."
This photo shows that the Plessy band was designed, recruited, trained and built by our 2022 military bureaucracy ("The Army that Biden Built") so that it would look like the federal workforce which the racist Woodrow Wilson officially segregated in 1913, rather than the military which the good man Harry Truman officially integrated in 1948.
I wonder, do the modern Joint Chiefs watch Birth of a Nation in the secrecy of the Pentagon War Room or in the privacy of the Oval Office, with their racialist Commander in Grief?
Second: The header photo is only sporadically peopled as it should be, with the sweet look of hard-earned, well-deserved pride. Too many of the poses and facial expressions seem resentful, almost angry, while others appear haughty, even arrogant.
Do these looks say, "To get where I am, I had to to defeat Whitey!"?
They could easily be so interpreted. And that's because our modern military fabricates emotional hostility toward its fake enemies, the hetero-normative male and white people, and breeds psychological complacency toward its real enemies, Red China, Iran, North Korea (but not Russia.)
Our modern military also seems to project a public image that is more threatening Lilliputian than warrior Marine, more ''they" and "it" than he, she, sir, ma'm, and hoobah. Why would large numbers of Caucasian and Hispanic men sign up for a tour of dangerous duty in which their manliness is impugned, their courage is devalued, and their race demeaned? Where hostility towards them for who they are is ingrained, where the projection of their superior physical prowess is devalued but a confession of their white privilege is priceless, and where their leaders are an affront to the honor, integrity, duty, valor, family, faith and country which the enlistees must volunteer to die for?
Who would volunteer to die for nothing on a worthless hill? Not Appalachian whites or urban Hispanics, both once leaders in military competence and combat sacrifice. Not the working class white male, once the steel spine of the armed services.
Thoroughly Modern Milley and his Commander in Grief hold the military's banner high. They virtue signal with it often, loudly and proudly. But they're poltroons, hypocrites, liars and cowards. They're waiving the Rainbow Flag. Only a fool would rally around a false flag.
It's not just a travesty, it's a calamity, a national tragedy.
America is now the "Great Satan" Ayatollah Khomeini railed against, lo these many years ago.
Substack writer El Gato Malo penned a great piece a few weeks ago claiming that the purpose of CRT and gender nonsense is to discourage sane Americans from enlisting, and to purge them from service. I think that's right.
The revolution is just getting under way. Our hope in winning lies in the utter incompetence of The Regime.
Bad idea then, morally, logistically and politically.
Bad idea morally and tactically to approve now as a good idea then what was a bad idea at the time.
Freedman's Bureau, decades of federal dollars and mountains of private charity, and enforcement of the Reconstruction Amendments were the only way out of the forseeable and the unintended consequences of slavery.
It was not to be because of the malevolent ancestors of today's malicious DemocRat Party and the indolent ancestors of today's do-nothing Republicans.
This photo is not of your typical class of smiling graduates. It's not a group picture of happy American campers. It's not the All American Military Band. It's bitterweet and some things are missing:
First, this is not the band of your grandfather's or your dad's Army. Indeed, this is not even the kind of Army Band that Lincoln died for, the one he last asked play Dixie on the White House lawn, when Lee surrendered. This is a modern military band. It's all black. It's racially segregated. No doubt, it's "separate but equal" to a uniformly Caucasian counterpart of uniformed military musicians. I'll call it the US Army's "All Black Plessy vs. Ferguson Band."
This photo shows that the Plessy band was designed, recruited, trained and built by our 2022 military bureaucracy ("The Army that Biden Built") so that it would look like the federal workforce which the racist Woodrow Wilson officially segregated in 1913, rather than the military which the good man Harry Truman officially integrated in 1948.
I wonder, do the modern Joint Chiefs watch Birth of a Nation in the secrecy of the Pentagon War Room or in the privacy of the Oval Office, with their racialist Commander in Grief?
Second: The header photo is only sporadically peopled as it should be, with the sweet look of hard-earned, well-deserved pride. Too many of the poses and facial expressions seem resentful, almost angry, while others appear haughty, even arrogant.
Do these looks say, "To get where I am, I had to to defeat Whitey!"?
They could easily be so interpreted. And that's because our modern military fabricates emotional hostility toward its fake enemies, the hetero-normative male and white people, and breeds psychological complacency toward its real enemies, Red China, Iran, North Korea (but not Russia.)
Our modern military also seems to project a public image that is more threatening Lilliputian than warrior Marine, more ''they" and "it" than he, she, sir, ma'm, and hoobah. Why would large numbers of Caucasian and Hispanic men sign up for a tour of dangerous duty in which their manliness is impugned, their courage is devalued, and their race demeaned? Where hostility towards them for who they are is ingrained, where the projection of their superior physical prowess is devalued but a confession of their white privilege is priceless, and where their leaders are an affront to the honor, integrity, duty, valor, family, faith and country which the enlistees must volunteer to die for?
Who would volunteer to die for nothing on a worthless hill? Not Appalachian whites or urban Hispanics, both once leaders in military competence and combat sacrifice. Not the working class white male, once the steel spine of the armed services.
Thoroughly Modern Milley and his Commander in Grief hold the military's banner high. They virtue signal with it often, loudly and proudly. But they're poltroons, hypocrites, liars and cowards. They're waiving the Rainbow Flag. Only a fool would rally around a false flag.
It's not just a travesty, it's a calamity, a national tragedy.
America is now the "Great Satan" Ayatollah Khomeini railed against, lo these many years ago.
Substack writer El Gato Malo penned a great piece a few weeks ago claiming that the purpose of CRT and gender nonsense is to discourage sane Americans from enlisting, and to purge them from service. I think that's right.
The revolution is just getting under way. Our hope in winning lies in the utter incompetence of The Regime.
Which of those "Supremes" is Diana Ross?
When I saw that picture, it made me recoil.
Send them into battle. Then see how much
pride they bring us as they desert in droves.
I notice that pretty much all of them are
"birthing people."
That group in no way shows diversity.
How ridiculous. Is it perhaps a parody of
the military by a group of high school
band members, who would normally be
marching in front of the band carrying the school's
banner and flags?
Uncle Sam needs you, not a caricature of you.
Lincoln considered shipping them back to Africa. It was an immense failure not to do so. That would have been the charitable thing to do for everyone.
Bad idea then, morally, logistically and politically.
Bad idea morally and tactically to approve now as a good idea then what was a bad idea at the time.
Freedman's Bureau, decades of federal dollars and mountains of private charity, and enforcement of the Reconstruction Amendments were the only way out of the forseeable and the unintended consequences of slavery.
It was not to be because of the malevolent ancestors of today's malicious DemocRat Party and the indolent ancestors of today's do-nothing Republicans.
Lots of reasons why both conclusions are so.
To be continued later, as necessary.