
My enemies have a sense of humor, I see. Normally the typos the insert are embarrassing. This one is amusing. I have change the "mortally" back to "morally."

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Surgery and hormone injections turn you into a woman in exactly the same way that plastic surgery and botox injections make you 25 years old again.

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I'm stealing this.

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Me too!

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Or exactly the way castration makes you a girl?

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

Children can no more "consent" to have their healthy breasts and genitalia removed or take puberty blockers than they can

"consent" to have sex with an adult.

Similarly, parents and doctors can no more approve such permanent mutilation simply because a minor child desires it than they can approve pedophilia.

Ultimately society will see the truth and ban the practice as we have banned female genital mutilation. Do people support that practice if the parents consent? I truly hope not

It is monstrous to believe otherwise and those who do will ultimately be held to account for their actions.

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

Monstrous is a good word for it. I've found it strange that people keep their children housebound and entertained for fear a pervert will grab them off the street, but they willingly hand them over to people with titles to do with as they will.

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

'Children can no more "consent" to have their healthy breasts and genitalia removed or take puberty blockers than they can "consent" to have sex with an adult.'

I think that's a really good argument.

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

Note to self: invest in millstones.

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Frikkin brilliant! Wish I'd thought of this!

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

The question generalizes: are actors necessarily blessed with some moral insight that the rest of us are not? Sportsball players? Musicians? Billionaires? Kings and queens? Politicians? Ancestors? We all know about lawyers.

I think the human tendency to seek leaders to follow, stronger in some than in others, is entirely natural. Such natural tendencies, in the absence of intelligent moral discernment, can lead to adverse selection.

In the entirely likely event that you feel subject to this tendency, select your leader wisely. May I suggest starting with Jesus of Nazareth? Take the time and invest the effort to understand Jesus the man; in him, if you look carefully, you will see the ideal man living the spiritually ideal life — an excellent leader and spiritual trailblazer entirely worthy of the highest love and loyalty.

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Very well put.

I would also add that any human leader worth their salt should also be teaching you to have better moral discernment yourself. Leaders who say “just trust me” without helping you develop your own discernment tend to snakes.

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

Obviously, California is getting the heat for this new law that takes away parental rights because it’s new and had big to-do about Gruesome Newsom signing it, but I know that Maryland already does this. I’m not sure if it’s actual law, or only school policy, but I for sure now that it’s school policy there and educators are instructed NOT to tell the parents if a child starts to socially transition.

When you out-source your thinking to an “expert” you risk losing the ability to think for yourself. It’s so hard now-a-days to even know which “experts” to trust for the WHAT, because I see so many that are (1) just plain wrong about stuff, or (2) clearly driven by an ideology.

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Suggested edit: "When you out-source your thinking to an “expert” you risk losing the ability to think for yourself" could be perhaps more aptly phrased, "When you out-source your thinking to an “expert” you have lost the ability to think for yourself".

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I was trying to leave some room for the idea that sometimes listening to the WHAT of experts, as long as you critically think about it, is sometimes ok. But in today’s world, you are probably correct. I accept your edit. Will phrase it as suggested moving forward.

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

Mine own bouts with medicine has been interesting as of late. I’ve been prescribed no less than 15 medicines for various ailments - all diagnosed based on some dubious statistics and populations. I have taken none of them yet I am getting better. Weird, huh?

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Our bodies have an amazing capacity to heal themselves without medical intervention. Every time I've encountered discomfort or pain, giving my body time to deal with it, as well as using common sense to do what I can naturally, like addressing lifestyle choices, the discomfort and pain goes away. My standard policy is to stay away from doctors for anything but structural problems, and those restricted to actual breakage.

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

Yes. Hence Orthopods and Urgent care. If they don't treat temporal conditions fast, you won't be a return customer.

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

Even my PCP and all the specialists I’ve seen are just throwing shit at the wall. Diagnosis by over-prescribing.

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I've pretty much had it. I do have a functional medicine doctor.

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

In the near future (assuming there will be one) people are going to look back on this insane period of DIE/Critical Race Theory/Gender Theory/Woke, Covid lockdowns/masks/”vaccines”, Climate Cooling/Warming/Change/Boiling, Federal and State Government sponsored race riots, and the Democrat Party's open disregard for the U.S. Constitution in pursuing Trump and all other perceived enemies of "Our Democracy" and marvel in horror over the total collapse of our societal common sense and the resultant size and scope of our self-inflicted wounds. The only historical comparison I can think of, with any semblance of cultural relevance, is the Weimar period in Germany. And look how that turned out. Interesting times indeed!

"Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences."

Robert Louis Stevenson

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We truly are in the midst of (another) mass formation psychosis with regards to gender. Those responsible deserve to be held to account, but if one person is held to account it sets a precedent for thousands or even millions of others who have gone along with it.

I wrote a somewhat related post recently: https://alipmcg.substack.com/p/from-transubstantiation-to-trans

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I uploaded a video of the genius Elon Musk, one of the "smartest guys in the room", where the brilliance shines in science belief, and the stupidity overcomes the brilliance when he explains that "they" didn't tell him the "puberty blockers" were bad.

Like I said, even this dumb ole redneck is smart enough to know better.


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Well we have to remember that Elon used to be a lot more liberal, so yes, he might have believed the lie that puberty blockers were reversible. It is also possible that he was too busy with his other projects to investigate more into this in the beginning, he was not, I would say, on forefront of those “waking up” to the madness of woke— and I can’t say if that’s because he was under the delusion, or simply busy and not paying as much attention. But it also seemed like he felt that his son had mislead or tricked him somehow into giving consent for his son Xavier to get puberty blockers. Again, I think we can speculate on that, but let’s be honest with ourselves— when it comes to our own family, we all can have blinders on sometimes, no matter how intelligent we are.

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Poppycock. This genius doesn’t have enough sense to know that just the moniker is enough to question what they are doing?

“puberty blocker” might “block puberty”, as in stop the natural events, but that doesn’t make him consider its a bad thing? No matter how busy I am (and I am very busy), I keep my children in front of mind at all times.

But, then again, I am an old redneck dumb ass, so what would I know? (Then again none of my children would consider such as an option. Probably a smart guy thing, I wouldn’t know anything about)

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

That’s fair, but the blinders to family might be the idea that they have a hard time believing the sincerity of a person— “certainly my son/daughter wouldn’t do that!” Or the blindness that comes with parents who don’t see a teenager’s drug problem seriously because they have difficulty admitting how bad of a problem it’s or an unwillingness to admit their own failures as parents in the situation, or even the fear of losing your child for being too strict on the confrontation.

I think many people thought puberty blockers were like birth control. Birth control stops natural process, but most people are ok with that because the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, and many women don’t suffer severe, irreversible side effects from it. The problem is that doctors were not honest about the lack of scientific study of puberty blockers and then media and such suppressed any information regarding them that wasn’t positive. So given that, I don’t blame people for initially not knowing how bad puberty blockers are.

I feel sorry for Elon. Perhaps he has some blame to share for not finding out about these things sooner, so I get your point. But I think it’s all a bit more complicated than asserting that he should have known better if he were so smart.

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You don't follow me (do you?), so you wouldn't know, but one of my regular series of Notes postings features what some "smart people" do that is so "stupid". This was simply another case-in-point.

It seems that there are many very smart people who believe other very smart people without any self-reflection or evaluation.

This dumb ole redneck learned a long time ago that I question everything and prove the truth to myself by research. ESPECIALLY when it comes to "science" and their ideas of healthcare.

Like I said, maybe blocking puberty seems innocuous to smart people, but us dumb ole rednecks just don't have the brains to understand.

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I do now. Thanks.

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You, sir, are one of the smartest guys in the room who I have yet to see be stupid in any way whatsoever. Truly enjoy your stack! Really love your class.

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

I agree. Musk is a prime example of a smart person who is not so smart when it comes to issues like this. No sympathy from me.

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

What manner of fresh Briggsian rabble-rousing is this now? Already expanding through the ether to inflame the hearts of the impulsive dissident mobs? A brazen attack on yet another pillar of our progressive society!

I am no longer a young man, and therefore with less to look forward to than in years gone by. Logically is that so. One thought I do savor, though, is about the day, should it arrive, when some "physician" sits across from me and lays out the various options from his catalogue of black arts that I can choose from. To speedily and "effectively cure" or at least "alleviate" whatever ails me in my old age. Old age being a time of ailing, now as 1000 years ago, as until the end of days. Unless one opts to choose the death pod. Not my style.

That day in the medical expert's office will indeed be a delight, when I tell him -- yes him -- no thanks, I'll pass on every one of those therapies designed solely to enrich the medical-industrial complex (MIC). Instead, upon taking my leave from his office, I will proceed to the nearest purveyour of fine Scotch whisky and place a mammoth order for all the "palliative" fixin' I will need. If it be the will of God!

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

Ivan Illich would agree with you, as I do. Bonne mort, my friend.

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Ivan has been on my ever lengthening reading list. Maybe I should move him up a few notches. Thanks for the reminder!

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After the covid debacle so called doctors are the least qualified to be in charge of making decisions about bodies (IMO)

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

As long as payments are made by third parties, they decide what is covered and how the work is done.

To be in control you must be paying directly, be it medicine, education, or even auto repair. Functional medicine is a big step forward and has cured some so-called chronic diseases for which the cure was not on the payment lists while disease maintenance was amply covered.

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Jul 24Liked by William M Briggs

The managerial class has convinced the average person to ask experts how to live their lives. The state, being the ultimate authority for many, should therefore make decisions about your children or at least have teams of experts at their disposal to make decisions. It’s like the novel The Machine Stops by EM Forrester.

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Jul 26Liked by William M Briggs

Absolutely one of the best posts you’ve ever written. One I shall save for ready reference and study to frame my own responses to this issue. Thank you.

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Jul 25Liked by William M Briggs

How did such unfathomable hosts of people, from politicians to teachers to doctors to police-men to what else have you, get SO mad, SO topsy-turvy in their minds, not just about gender but just about everything that matters without my noticing until it was SO if not too late?

Or has the slow process of mental deterioration that I did observe roundabout me, accelerated with the arrival of the last plandemic and the promise of more to come?

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