
My enemies stole my P.

It has been restored.

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

Was it wee?

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

When I saw the missing P in the email I was concerned. Glad it was recovered.

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

Here's the meat of it: 'The continuing rise in global stroke burden indicates that approaches to managing the problem need to change, including by moving away from common risk-based efforts that have the medical community focusing on individuals deemed to be at highest risk,'

Stop only giving medicine(or whatever) to people that need it. We need to be treating the healthy people. It's the only way that our market share can compete with the vaccine department.

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

“The whole thing is hilariously asinine.”

This single sentence could summarize much of what today passes for “science” especially as concerns the industry pretending knowledge of how the human body works (see “reproducibility”).

They say the planet is getting greener due to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide. I think that’s wrong. It’s due to the billions spent every year on academics who spread a thick layer of bovine excrement everywhere.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

I remember realizing this as a teenager looking at a pie chart. As various other causes are removed and reduced it will push everything to diseases of senescence and entropy: time is a poison and carcinogen.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

I’m not one for violence usually. But I’m for it against people who promote and/or believe the idea that a (supposed) fraction of a degree increase in the (ill-defined) global average temperate - a change utterly dwarfed by the day/night, summer/winter, year to year variation - could cause more of us to die. I just don’t know what to do any more.

Imagine proposing this in my job, when the component I’m responsible for fails. “The cpu is overheating because of the increased number of phones in the factory- they are raising the average temperature too much”.

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

Here’s a recent dissertation title that’s almost beyond parody: "Association of Childhood Blood Lead Levels with Firearm Violence Perpetration and Victimization." And where did this gem come from? The School of Public Health at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. That’s right Epidemiologists. It’s a prime example of p-hacking, with the main model being a logistic regression using gun violence as the dependent variable and blood lead level as the independent variable. The covariates? The usual suspects: Sex, race, socioeconomic status, and birth year.

And let's not forget this is an actual dissertation, not a project from a freshman or sophomore “Introduction to Statistics for Amoebas” course. Honestly, I could’ve sworn I saw a version of this “model” from a first or second year UG student many years ago. William, you’ll love it—it’s bursting at the seams with wee-p’s! Birth year?

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

Indeed...I remember a heat wave in Chicago, and the newspapers claimed the heat crisis had killed a bunch of old people over the period of the week....a heat holocaust...But in fact, the death rate had not changed....Same with Covid in 2020...Excess deaths did not increase...But in 2021, with the "vaccine", excess deaths shot up......

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

I think in the majority of cases, grant-money-wanters know where the grant money lies and they are just vying for it.

In my day, medical grant money was all about HIV/AIDS. People slightly older than I am have told me that right before that, for a very short time, the $$ was in a cure for herpes and childhood leukemia (on the latter of which we have made remarkable strides).

Right now it’s linking climate change to every single thing a living creature does, and everything that happens to it. “Rising rates of canine rug-vomiting linked to climate change.”

Climate change is medicine’s “patriarchy.” You can just crap stuff out linked to climate change. It doesn’t hurt to start overdiagnosing things (ADHD, autism, PTSD, etc.) to claim there’s now an “increased incidence” of them—on an objective scale, of course.

What you won’t find is “Climate Change Linked to Increased Soyface” or “Climate Change Linked to Decreased Biceps Circumference” or “Climate Change Linked to Bug-style Eyewear Preferences”.

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

"Increased Soyface" and "Bug-style Eyewear Preferences"

You should immediately copyright these. Brilliant.

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Why, thank you very much

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

It's always the case of Follow the Money. The current profit spigots are climate change and disinformation. Researchers and journalists know that one or both of these in the headline will guarantee publication.

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

"profitol" ... inspired! 🤣

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

From Eric Coppolino - Journalist Astologer. I hope he will forgive me for changing the word "virus" to climate change.

"Whenever people get sick, climate change is the presumed cause and convicted without trial. No matter how many pesticides or herbicides are sprayed on our food, no matter how much GMO we are fed, or toxins we’re exposed to — such as dioxin, PCBs, or nuclear radiation, it’s always climate change.

No matter how many food additives, or aspartame, or high-fructose corn syrup, or plasticizers, or how much air pollution, or EMF radiation we get from all directions (3G, 4G, 5G, WiFi, Bluetooth and 100 others), it’s always climate change.

Poisons stockpiled under the sink? Indoor air pollution? It must be climate change. No matter how many medications we are prescribed and pile on, which all have ‘side’ effects and most of which compromise the liver and the immune system, climate change is always the convenient thing to blame, immediately, without actual inquiry, the moment anyone gets sick with anything.

Under this approach, the abundant toxins we consume are ‘proven’ harmless. What this represents is denial of our toxic lifestyle, and blaming ‘nature’ for problems that humans and in particular industry have caused.”

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

I don't know how you manage to keep slogging through those poison sewers, Briggs.

They'd make me want to farm.

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

Wasn't it you who introduced us to the parlor game of doing an Internet search combining the phrase "climate change" and whatever unlikely term we might choose? I spent an entertaining half hour or so trying to find something, anything, that did not turn up a headline or "study" associating kittens or soup or Legos with climate change.

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

Does anyone believe in this kind of ''science''?!

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Unfortunately, yes.

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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

Well, hey. Diff'rent Strokes for Diff'rent Folks.



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Oct 1Liked by William M Briggs

Cape Cod was formed by a glacier only about 20K years ago. I'm glad it's gone. Makes for a better beach day..

Climate fear mongers say "the Cape is being eroded by climate change.. ".

The former was climate, the latter is the ocean slowly reclaiming a sandy peninsula.

They also say the reason seals & white sharks are back with a vengeance is "climate". When in reality the reason is the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 which made it a federal crime to harvest a seal. To add insult -many seals relocated on their own down from Canada (where it's colder!). Then they say the seal over population is where it was before the dreaded white man came and hunted, as if native Americans never hunted seals...

What is the probability that climate fear mongers are morons similar to those who burned older women as witches at the stake?... N=1

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I'm old enough to remember all the harebrained predictions of warming, freezing, "change", etc that I now know that it is all bunk. As is virtually every topic they televise.

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