Sgt. Briggs, once again to the rescue! I'd been noticing for quite some time that my pencils were penciling differently, i.e. the pencil performance seemed diminished, and it's been a long time since my paper towels have toweled like they used to way back before the climate ever changed. Thought I was going a little wacky. What a relief a little research can offer!

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Me, too! I wasn’t getting the mileage out of my lead pencils, either. Then I heard Led Zeppelin sing, “Get the lead out…” and felt bathed in the sublime light of understanding.

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The Lord works in mysterious ways, and the climate even more mysterious. We are living in an age that calls for constant vigilance!

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"Turns out everything bad will be caused by “climate change.” And nothing good. “Climate change” is scientifically unique in this way, being an entirely malevolent force."

Isn't a corollary of this that if it got colder, the reverse will happen and we'll enter paradise? Jokes aside, genuinely asking - is this the position of the climate lunatics? Because if not, that means that somehow the way things are now is perfect and any deviation makes it worse - and, well..... how could that be the case? What a coincidence.

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That's racist. Only white people live in cold climates. That's why they are cold hearted.

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Looks like all the warmhearted people who have benefited from the blessings and wealth of the coldhearted white northerners need to give it all back!

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Yes. Another one of those social justice debts to a victim class, a debt that can never be paid off.

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"A planetary health perspective on menstruation: menstrual equity and climate action" which emphasizes "the importance of menstrual equity in just climate action, and vice versa the importance of climate action for menstrual equity"


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This is 3 Michelin star leftist word salad at its finest. I'm fluent in academia-speak and I couldn't parse a word of this

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Nor could I ... but we are mere commoners and not editors at the world renowned medical journal The Lancet.

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As someone who believes himself to be an actual environmentalist (e.g. not paving over every square inch of land to house infinity immigrants) I find it odd how academics and leftists will expend all this energy to gaslight people into buying this climate garbage. They're losing their hair with stress over "climate change" yet I NEVER hear them say a word about real, obserable problems that are killing our planet like infinite plastic TEMU garbage being pumped out by China, or destroying all biodiversity on the planet so everyone can eat McDonalds

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Apparently, masturbation has a strong negative environmental impact.

“Showerheads are very popular self-pleasure aids for people with clits, with 22.9% saying they use its steady stream of water to masturbate. But alas, the fallout of this is that 300 million litres of water are wasted this way each year”.

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Wow. Props to you for effort and persistence. That's an impressive list.

Even though they'd have us believe ChatGPT and other large language models are a recent phenomenon, I suspect they've been widely employed over the last few years to mass generate desired-topic in every color.

It seems no matter the precursor word, there's a research paper to fit.

They did the same during Covid. No matter what number between 1-10,000 you put in ahead of the word "cases" there was a corresponding article to match.

To my mind, volume like that can only be machine-generated.

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Good observation.

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The world's gonna end in fire sometime or other. Let's go out while we can still remember the good times. Come quickly Lord Jesus.

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Green: the meaning of green growth has more to do with buildings than trees “ Green climate change adaptation and the politics of designing ecological infrastructures” or that growth puts us at risk “ Green growth and climate change: conceptual and empirical considerations”

Greening: even growing more trees can be a bad thing “Vegetation Greening and Climate Change Promote Multidecadal Rises of Global Land Evapotranspiration”

Beige: had no idea about beige fat and climate change, but, diabetes! “Brown adipose tissue and glucose homeostasis – the link between climate change and the global rise in obesity and diabetes” (‘ Brown (and beige) fat are …’)

Red: climate change is quantum - the level of concern about climate change changes relative to how it is observed and what political color you are “ Red, white, and blue enough to be green: Effects of moral framing on climate change attitudes and conservation behaviors”

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“(but what a man)”. I love it!

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I want to focus for a minute on item 48: anime.

I think many bizarre things we've seen in the last 15 years could be made to fit a conjecture that everything is part of a very long-term revenge plot on all the West by the Japanese.

The origin of my conjecture is the observation that, after what I call the "Summer of Bullying" of 1945, the Japanese more or less adopted many crazy things Americans are supposed to like. Yet, it was always an imperfect copy.

For example, Clint Eastwood was accused of ripping off Akira Kurosawa film "Yojimbo." The irony that almost everything in Japanese culture is a blatant rip off of China is often lost in translation. In spite of all that, the Japanese always try to imitate Hollywood "topics" translated to the Japanese vectorial subspace. But they always do it with some sarcasm.

In a way, it seems to me that the emulation of weird American customs can be understood as a form of mockery.

Clearly, the job was not done, these people never learn, etc.

What if crazy scams like global warming are the product of the wild imagination of the Japanese, just like anime was designed to annihilate any sense of beauty and logic in the minds of young Americans?

Statistically speaking, which of these two has caused more death, destruction and despair: a) the Manhattan Project, b) the last 30 years of anime and video-games.

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It’s madness! They have gone mad. They chase viruses and think they have control of the universe.

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Oh bugger! I was totally convinced that bunion could not possibly work. Wrong! Yielded a totally bizarre title "Developing plantable algae shoes using seaweed fabrics

for pregnant ladies". Please don't read it - gave me dain brammage.

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Pretty silly.

Just keep in mind that scientists were predicting global warming long before things started getting silly.

As in a century before.

Remember how "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" ends.

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Climate Change = Depopulation of the Human Race; if these people do not define Psychopaths I don't know what does!!

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"Embracing the Flow: The Right to Menstrual Health as a Response to Climate Change Impacts in South Asia" https://digitalcommons.law.seattleu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1056&context=sjteil

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So are the Spanish tomatoes like the canary in the coal mine? I for one will be monitoring them very closely going forward.

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