The 1970s was a watershed decade, separating what was from what now is. And yet, I'd go back if I had a time machine! The 21st century has been a sh-t show so far.

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You mean you prefer to be burdened by what has been? 😜

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Absolutely. At least it was more fun when most people had a sense of humor!

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Or when they were ALLOWED to have a sense of humor!

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The 20th century was its own shit show.

A bit like the old saying about governments, every century eventually makes you nostalgic for its predecessor.

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True but the fantasy is still fun! Lol

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In spite of general contempt for Left Behind eschatology among thinking Christians, I admit to finding it amusing to consider that the apocalypse might in fact start with an invasion of Israel by a coalition of pissed off neighbours allied to a nuclear superpower.

Which the Israeli government today appears intent on starting as soon as possible.

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Zodiac obsession. There are lines of makeup, jewelry, nail polish, wine, and so on, “tailored” to each Zodiac sign.

Lip gloss:


Nail polish:


Wardrobe styling:


Yada yada yada

I was born in the 70s, into a world of brown, burnt orange, and avocado green.

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Leonard Nimoy in a turtleneck for the WIN! I thought you were going to through an In Search reference, but Hal Lindsay and Von Daniken were great references as well. My mom had all those paperbacks, including Charles Berlitz’s Bermuda Triangle.

One thing to consider, though, if we are in the middle of the 70s: the 80s followed with all the minimalist music where The Police only really pulled that style off, the remainder was just one hit wonder Flock of Seagulls stuff.

If I recall, Orson Wells narrated Future Shock, another great “the future is upon” quasi conspiracy analysis films that I saw as a kid. But really I don’ think we’ll be getting William Shatner selling margarine on YouTube.

Nice nostalgia with this one, really enjoyed it.

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It's all OK. As we become increasingly brought up by dumb parents, idiot educators, and a deranged political culture completely divorced from reality, humanity will literally be eaten alive by the raw savagery and survivalist instincts of nature, and something new will rise. Maybe a tad smarter (it wouldn't be that hard) than the current crop of dysfunctional bipedal primates at the top of the food chain.

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Its occurred to me to a few times that Biden may have had a bad trip…

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And he took us, (all of us), along with him!

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Just in the last five years or so?

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A happy reminder from 1971 UK – T. Rex – Get it On.


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Ah, the bad lip syncing, brings back memories...

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Liked! God tune though, and such attractive clothes!

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Intriguing ... for about the last 4 years ... since spring of 2020 ... I've had occasion to wonder if someone at my local convenience store has been dosing my coffee with microdoses of acid. Things have taken on a certain surreal quality. Everywhere I look.

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I don't doubt that hallucinogens can have therapeutic value, but you have to be careful. The same blasé attitude can be seen recently on Reddit, on a r/drugs thread. The question was "Can drugs fry your brain?" What followed were perhaps THOUSANDS of examples of some young person overdoing drugs and winding up institutionalized in mental hospitals and nursing homes. Then come the Reddit drug bots: "Nah dude, they probably had underlying medical issues, could happen to anyone. Drugs are great!" 👍 😂

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I will say the psilocybin helped with depression in ways that I cannot explain and superior to SSRIs. I was born in the 70s so I only remember reruns from that time, Star Wars, and Disco.

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As a young sprout in Canada I watched “Here Come the 70’s” (https://youtu.be/37z6eAp3D4A). Frankly, I remember little about it but I made sure I was there for the opening sequence. It was probably mostly Elon Musk style hallucination about flying, self-piloting cars on Mars, colonies on the Moon (van Allen radiation notwithstanding), the wonders of punched-card technology and the like. Naturally, the decade didn’t live up to its billing in the program.

Thanks for digging up that (rather distant) memory!

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Sorry, but I’m getting an “old man shouts at clouds” vibe from this… 😁

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I came of age in the 70s so I'm familiar with all this. Agree with all of it except maybe the better president in the penultimate paragraph. Better music would sure be nice!

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Don't forget the New Age pagan revivals.

Except this time it's happening on the Right as much as the Left.

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Could sure stand a return of the cost of living.

In 1971 my parents bought a perfectly fine house in an idyllic rural village for $14,000, 3 BR, garage, walking distance to everything. Previous owners threw in all the large appliances. Cost of heating in frigid winters back then was easily affordable for literally anyone.

Saw an endless array of the top rock music acts in concert, often in small venues, a ticket I recall cost on average $7.00. And last but not least, gasoline was somewhere around 30 cents a gallon, I recall. Different times, to say the least. But it was hazardous duty coming of age then. I survived it only by the grace of God.

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