Two thoughts only, today, as I must leave for an appointment about long covid, following close upon covid vacinne injury. This morning I will meet with a doctor who will deny it, decline to investigate it and tell me it's all coincidence or in my head, while showing no interest in my symptoms or in the data and the science which prove that he does not know what he's talking about, what he shows no curiosity in learning about and refuses to treat professionally.

My two thoughts on topic:

1) I note that the The Science climate change article was written by a lowly worm journalist. All the dumb college kids nowadays go into journalism or become teachers. Those dummies who wish to go to grad school get phony advanced degrees in education ("Dr. Jill Biden") or they go to easy-admission med schools., from which they can become mere career bureaucrats, working for Medicare and ObamaCare and deferring to CDC guidance or regulations for any hard decisions. So, the journalist who typed the The Science article is almost certainly an ignoramus (99% confidence level.) It's res ipsa loquitur, as we lawyers say. (All the smart people nowadays go into law or finance, so they can get rich and/or rule the masses.) Remember, journalists go into journalism because they are dumb. Many (surely not the author I am discussing) also lack integrity. Journalism is, thus, something they can understand and be good at. Except in writing about science. Journalists are very bad at that. Understanding science is not just a bridge too far for journalists, it is an intellectual galaxy light years away. The earth's climate change suffering will be caused not by fossil fuels but by journalists typing about matters of science they don't understand in the least and by self-seeking, demagogic, politicians and bureaucrats . The same social malady caused most of the covid disaster.

2) There is a chance that Californians, with their climate change-caused, Richter 4-9 earthquakes, will suffer less from their climate change-caused Great Floods if the earthquakes occur first, opening up great crevices, giant gaps and canyons in the earth's surface into which flood waters can drain.

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By the way - continental drift will get rid of the entire west coast eventually, but not nearly as quickly as I would like.

Where's a good 1000-foot-high Pacific tsunami when you really need one?

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Paladin, you are right "doctors." In my estimation - no, that's not strong enough - in my own experience, "doctors" are mere assembly line workers, whose job is to keep the line moving.

Family doctors are the worst . A nurse takes your temperature and blood pressure. The "doctor" come in and doesn't really do anything but listen to your heart and neck, and send you out to set your next appointment, which also will last 5 minutes.

I personally have about 5 "specialists" that I go to for various things, and of them, I have actually seen only one. The rest have "physician's assistants" take care of my checks.

"Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' Keeps them Doggies Rollin' Rawhide."

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This is the 1st stanza of the anthem for the doomdayers/sayers, courtesy of Ole Blue Eyes:

"And now, the end is near

And so I face the final curtain

My friend, I'll say it clear

I'll state my case, of which I'm certain

I've lived a life that's full

I traveled each and every highway

And more, much more than this

I did it my way"

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Two thoughts only, today, as I must leave for an appointment about long covid, following close upon covid vacinne injury. This morning I will meet with a doctor who will deny it, decline to investigate it and tell me it's all coincidence or in my head, while showing no interest in my symptoms or in the data and the science which prove that he does not know what he's talking about, what he shows no curiosity in learning about and refuses to treat professionally.

My two thoughts on topic:

1) I note that the The Science climate change article was written by a lowly worm journalist. All the dumb college kids nowadays go into journalism or become teachers. Those dummies who wish to go to grad school get phony advanced degrees in education ("Dr. Jill Biden") or they go to easy-admission med schools., from which they can become mere career bureaucrats, working for Medicare and ObamaCare and deferring to CDC guidance or regulations for any hard decisions. So, the journalist who typed the The Science article is almost certainly an ignoramus (99% confidence level.) It's res ipsa loquitur, as we lawyers say. (All the smart people nowadays go into law or finance, so they can get rich and/or rule the masses.) Remember, journalists go into journalism because they are dumb. Many (surely not the author I am discussing) also lack integrity. Journalism is, thus, something they can understand and be good at. Except in writing about science. Journalists are very bad at that. Understanding science is not just a bridge too far for journalists, it is an intellectual galaxy light years away. The earth's climate change suffering will be caused not by fossil fuels but by journalists typing about matters of science they don't understand in the least and by self-seeking, demagogic, politicians and bureaucrats . The same social malady caused most of the covid disaster.

2) There is a chance that Californians, with their climate change-caused, Richter 4-9 earthquakes, will suffer less from their climate change-caused Great Floods if the earthquakes occur first, opening up great crevices, giant gaps and canyons in the earth's surface into which flood waters can drain.

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Aug 17, 2022
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You don't. Rather, it all depends on your premises, i.e. your model.

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