Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

The way to end all "racism" is for all parents, both parents in the home of course & married too in a stable relationship... to tell their children to not pursue sports too seriously but to pursue a coveted place on the Math Team and get all A's in school.

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Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

I agree but sadly a tiger can't change its stripes.

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Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

And thus I'm actively and dead seriously looking into being an expatriot especially if the incompetent and unqualified woman of color becomes president; leaving a country I no longer recognize for either Spain or Italy where the black population is 2.2% and 1.5% respectively. Yes these are 'socialist' countries but with lower crime, better food and praise Jesus! - good manners and some class. Have always felt safer 'over there' with police very visible.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

All clear indicators of a decaying society. The long march -- the "long limping" ? -- into every dimension of public life in the United States can not be disputed. The very fact of that success is the proof that we of sound mind and strong spirit will prevail in this struggle. Methinks sooner rather than later. I, at least, see too many signs of this accumulating every day.

The Germans have an amusing idiom (one of many that always tickle English speakers): "Halt' die Ohren steif". Literally translated this would be "keep your ears stiff" 🤣 It is said when encouraging someone not to be overcome by fears, worries or disappointments. Inspired by how animals prick up their ears when very alert, like our English "keep your chin up", I suppose. So we must remain alert and vigilant, my friends, even when the situation seems most dire, never letting our guard down or becoming resigned.

A bonus teutonic idiom: "Fleischkäse" (meat cheese). Look it up, remembering that the German mind is at ease only when swathed in absolute exactitude. Any amibiguity is a source of profound Angst!

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Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

I looked it up and it looks delicious! Like meatloaf only ground finer.

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Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

Yes! Here it's a traditional old favorite at what we Americans would call the "cold cuts" counter. Like many eats from yesteryear, when people with little knew how to be resourceful and stay well nourished, making the most of what was available to them (or even what they produced themselves).

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Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

A world in which pejorative labels have become more important than simple character of being is a world gone insane. We have regressed to the madness of the French revolution and "J'accuse". We are all of the human race. What we do to one another is not determined by labels. It is determined by character.

“Maybe there is a beast. Maybe it’s only us.”
~ William Golding (1911-1993), “Lord of the Flies”

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Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

If Musk’s son is deluded, whose fault is that? With all of his wealth, Musk is apparently unable to protect his own family from mind viruses or to impart basic knowledge. Regulate yourself Elon before you make more babies, even though the proposal to Taylor Swift was another cringe edgy attempt at humor. Yuck 🤮

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Sep 18Liked by William M Briggs

This is ideology. The higher you are less likely you are able to protect your kids. Same as in communism.

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Golding’s anti-Western book, Lord of the Flies, contributed to the current situation, and his tribe controls the media that has led us to this point.

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Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

Golding didn’t want to tell the real story

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Sep 18Liked by William M Briggs

His tribe is Anglican?

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Sep 18Liked by William M Briggs

It's a good book though.

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The 1963 movie was pretty good though

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As a retired public school teacher, I share an under-the-radar saying: if you're not a racist when you start teaching, you will be by the time you retire. Perhaps feelings-based whites should be conscripted to serve as school teachers. That should cure their mental disorder.

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Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

I believe (or would like to believe) the culture is getting tired of this use of naming as a shortcut to thinking. I agree with the commenters that this is a symptom of decline and of course helps accelerate the coming fall.

The name-calling has been helpful for identifying the dumb, the craven, the opportunist. I worry about what the next act looks like as their fantasies fail to deliver.

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Spartacus-like, I stand up and proudly proclaim that I am an incel / Nazi / bigot / fascist / sexist / homophobe.

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Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

Hear hear!

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Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

Thank you for a great article on word abuse. I have been fascinated by word shape shifting since first reading George Orwell in 1961. Your point is spot on!

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Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

People who call whites “racist” or “privileged” provide only a net negative value to society and should be shot for the good of humanity.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

A good friend of mine that I grew up with had the best argument for being accused of being a racist. It goes like this.

Judge: How do you plea to the charges of being accused of being a racist

Friend: Guilty, I am a racist, I hate everyone, I am an equal opportunity racist!

Judge: Case dismissed!

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Sep 19Liked by William M Briggs

Thank you for having the courage to confront this nonsense head-on.

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Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs

<dancing clasped clapping hands emoji>

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Sep 17Liked by William M Briggs


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