Why are some scientists still wagng this fake war between science and faith? Who is fighting it if not fake scientsists out of ignorance, fear and foolishness? What is their motive, if not patently ideological, to drive a political stake through the heart of man and kill God?
Catholicism made peace with science centuries ago, on terms advantageous to science and the faith. Scientists owe the Church and God an unpayable intellectual debt and infinite spiritual gratitude.
Show eternal gratitude, not the malice of academic envy!
Stop your war on religion, scientists! God is your creator and your guide, not your enemy.
The intelligibility of the universe is perhaps the greatest argument for God's existence.
How much damage was done to our societies by the New Atheists? I can't help but notice how many absurdities took root in the western world (formerly Christendom) after their popular books exploded on the scene. And here we are...arguing about what a woman is.
Thoughtful article!
Why are some scientists still wagng this fake war between science and faith? Who is fighting it if not fake scientsists out of ignorance, fear and foolishness? What is their motive, if not patently ideological, to drive a political stake through the heart of man and kill God?
Catholicism made peace with science centuries ago, on terms advantageous to science and the faith. Scientists owe the Church and God an unpayable intellectual debt and infinite spiritual gratitude.
Show eternal gratitude, not the malice of academic envy!
Stop your war on religion, scientists! God is your creator and your guide, not your enemy.
The intelligibility of the universe is perhaps the greatest argument for God's existence.
How much damage was done to our societies by the New Atheists? I can't help but notice how many absurdities took root in the western world (formerly Christendom) after their popular books exploded on the scene. And here we are...arguing about what a woman is.
A lot of damage.
The laws of Evobio let you do things that God's laws do not, which is always goingn to be an exceptionally attractive proposition for youths.
Everybody wants a bite of that apple: good for food, a delight to the eyes, makes us wise.
Scientism was born when Comte's Positivism became popular:
"Science" cannot address the most important questions in life:
In fact, most of what is called science in the public domain is smoke and mirrors:
Very good.
Thank you.
Thanks, coach.