If Ehrlich is so sure of himself why won't he engage in public debate with someone like Bjorn Lomborg or Michael Shellenberger or Patrick Moore or Steve Koonin? Why, because he knows he would get beat up bad, really bad.
If Ehrlich is so sure of himself why won't he engage in public debate with someone like Bjorn Lomborg or Michael Shellenberger or Patrick Moore or Steve Koonin? Why, because he knows he would get beat up bad, really bad.
Probably because he remembers how badly he lost to Julian Simon back in 1980. Ehrlich bet Julian Simon that a basket of commodities (Ehrlich's choice) would be more expensive in 1990 than 1980. All five commodities were cheaper in 1990 (in constant dollars), and three were cheaper in nominal dollars.
If Ehrlich is so sure of himself why won't he engage in public debate with someone like Bjorn Lomborg or Michael Shellenberger or Patrick Moore or Steve Koonin? Why, because he knows he would get beat up bad, really bad.
Probably because he remembers how badly he lost to Julian Simon back in 1980. Ehrlich bet Julian Simon that a basket of commodities (Ehrlich's choice) would be more expensive in 1990 than 1980. All five commodities were cheaper in 1990 (in constant dollars), and three were cheaper in nominal dollars.