The last president, then, was Trump in 2016 given 2020 was rigged. The Roman empire still kept up the vestiges of the Republic with the continuation of the Senate. Given globohomo (1) controls every lever of power in America, (2) wants white genocide, (3) has everyone's electronic communications as part of their NSA bulk metadata sweeps, (4) is rolling out an ultra-woke AI, (5) is willing to publicly seize dissident's bank account funds (i.e. see Farage, Mercola, Assange, Fuentes, Anglin, etc), I think we are heading toward a rapidly escalating crackdown on millions of Americans, just as the Bolsheviks murdered millions of middle-class "kulaks" after they murdered the Tsar and his family.

Whichever installed puppet in the presidency doesn't ultimately matter as long as they go along with this agenda. Newsom gives off very strong American Psycho vibes, but the president has very little actual power as we saw 2016-2020, it's the millions of unelected civil service underneath him setting policy (especially CIA and FBI), along with the level far above him (central bank owners) that have the power to enforce this vision. And behind *that* is the egalitarianism animating western civilization for centuries or longer.

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Can't disagree.

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William, I would like to invite you to the Medical Truth Podcast as a guest. I can be reached at MedicalTruthPodcast@gmail.com. Thanks, James.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

This is what I have been thinking about for months and how critical the upcoming election is, but, still, your article managed to depress me even more.

Democrats have masterfully made the campaign once again all about Trump, he and the GOP base have easily fallen into the trap, nobody does anything against the "election fortification" that will be even worse than 2020 (if needed as you say), and we are heading towards the (official) end of the US Republic...

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

Newsom already IS evil. He does not need any persuasion to betray and abuse American citizens. He is a willing, demon-possessed co-conspirator from the outset.

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Do you suppose they went so aggressively after the J6 “insurrectionists” as to stifle, and be food for thought for those dastardly MAGA terrorists, ahead of the upcoming even bigger steal?

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

Absolutely. The whole J6 theatrical production, to include national guard troops stationed around a fenced capitol to protect it for months, wasn't reactive; it was pro-active.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

When people ask me about what I think might happen, I just answer, "Yes."

I believe the underlying reasoning for whatever happens has already been determined. That is to say, the Deep State/Permanent Government has gone so far, and with relative cover (people not knowing what's going on) that they can't go back.

In other words, it's not about people going to jail, they don't care about that. But for their plans to work, they must appear to be organic. They necessarily require enough people believing that public sentiment is with them. Otherwise it all falls apart.

That's why simply killing people to make sure that "their guy" wins -- is not plausible.

Whatever happens, it has to be believable.

I think that there are two possibilities.

1) Trump is compromised. The oligarchs already control both sides. We *know* they do in congress. If Trump is elected, then he's compromised. And that's how you'll know.

2) Trump will die/be killed, in some accident. This would have to happen long before the election. Probably in a prison. When they jail him for some nonsense charge, there will be a prison fire or something.

I honestly don't think the American people win this. At least not in the way we would like to. I don't think those pulling the strings would have gone this far, without having it in the bag. These people don't cheat, they entirely control both sides. So, they are not forecasting events, they are simply executing a plan.

However unlikely my 2 scenarios are -- as William Briggs said, "something is coming."

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

Agree: they know their plans must appear to be organic developments. In this they are helped by the natural human impulse to work hard and keep one's head down.

Also, by a necessary strata of Americans that is kept frothing with hatred and fear of MAGA; they are told it threatens our sacred democracy. With no God to worship, this strata worships Choice, though it be only the appearance of choice. Their flag is the rainbow flag.

The federal covid vaccine mandate was a shock collar, and we found out we are all wearing a shock collar, all fifty states. Fifty-seven states? I forget. But we all depend on federal dollars whether we work hard or not, and nobody bites the hand that feeds them. We bit Britain's hand because "we" were actually a very few among the colonists, on a continent separated from Britain by an ocean, with separate means of trade and livelihood. I think.

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Excellent comment. The hatred expressed towards MAGA is truly unnerving.

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Absolutely. You nailed it there! The whole “stiff upper lip” mentality is a large part of what keeps this whole house of cards standing. After 9/11, the push was, “To defeat the terrorists; keep working hard and producing.” Of course, I never would have put that together back then, but now it takes on a whole different meaning.

The trick it seems is for the Deep State/Permanent Government to continually make things worse, while simultaneously finding new things to blame the *planned* bad outcomes on. This is also why they are walking a fine line.

As more things are drawn together, and everything starts getting worse, it starts to become much easier to see what’s going on.

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Newsome is so cartoonishly villainous it beggars belief that he could be elected. Since the ruling class no longer care if anyone believes them, this is no obstacle.

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Get ready for many pictures of him and his cheerful family all wearing white shirts and blue jeans.

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Oh no! I won't be able to make it through the nightmare as such

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

If it hasn't been done already, somebody please photoshop Gavin in a collar and cape a la Bela Lugosi as Dracula. This would adequately capture his cartoonish aura of the devil plotting mischief--toothy smile and all--in Milton's Hell.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

There is a 0% chance Trump becomes president no matter how many votes he gets. They will JFK him first.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

He’s a duplicitous slime ball

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Now, tell us what you really think.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

Exactly the scenario that Mr. Briggs describes. Newsom next President.

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There is A LOT more fight in California than you think.

Political fight.

Physical fight.

Values fight.

People are ready to get it on. The weak of mind and body have gone. Those left are hardened and resolved to fight. Hard.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

Interesting scenarios.

One thing that you seem to be overlooking is the most likely mechanism for tyrannical control (regardless of who is installed as ruler): a declaration of a State of Emergency. I think the signs are there already (identifying right-wing, white supremacy as a terrorists, naming of mega-MAGA extremists specifically the biggest domestic threat, continuing to ratchet up this type of specific targeting, not to mention Trump's lawfare victimization, and the J6 political prisoners).

Fomenting a couple of false-flag, federal-instigated incidents by MAGA-related persons/groups (of course actually federal assets) can easily be exaggerated for a rationale to shut down all Trump supporters, declaring an Emergency, Martial Law, lock-downs, and more.

They've already practiced much of the required tactics during the covid op.

It really won't matter who is the figure-head President. The Deep State, and the clique calling the shots will solidify their rule.

Also: Obama has nothing to do with any planning, strategy, tactics, or anything other than filling out his Sweet 16 bracket. He's a figurehead, an empty suit, a teleprompter reader, a clean black man. If he was the brains behind the PC-Progs, the media would be interviewing him, quoting him, trumpeting his every twitch. They don't--because he has nothing to say.

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Their most successful psy-op was convincing patriots that any attempt to resist their tyranny constitutes a "false flag" that will "just give them what they want".

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With thirteen months until election day, it is foolish to pay attention to polls or to put any credence to statements made by candidates It is unlikely that Biden will survive another ten months and Big Mike Obama is waiting in the wings to collect a guaranteed 90% of the black vote.

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This country ended when Trump, instead of heeding Michael Anton's advice to hold rallies in the battleground states where massive fortification occurred, sent his lawyers to fight the results in a corrupt judicial system...then went golfing.

At this point, I am preparing for what's coming as best as I can, materially and spiritually, and trying to enjoy the relative peace before the tyranny really gets underway. And wondering if there will be an American Sulla/Caesar/Franco (circle one) who arrives on the scene.

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Problem is, the tyrant could be a leftist, like Gruesome Newsom.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

That wasn't him golfing it was his fat double

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I have been parroting and predicting this all year!! I predict Gruesome Newsom will run as well as "Big Mike" Obama, and one will be seated as POTUS and the other Vice!! Major Corporations and, through influence peddling as well as left-wing radical groups, have infiltrated our political system on both sides, and now we are paying for our sins!! This is both the DemonRats and the RINOS (98% of the Repubs)

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That's a good point. I hadn't considered his running mate much, but Big Mike is as good as any other choice.

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William; I try to stay in my lane with my Medical Podcast and do not try to politicize the Scamdemic since it was based on FEAR PORN with Big Pharma, the CDC, and WHO that pushed the Bio-Weapon Poison, and created division (Mission Accomplished) however when it comes to this upcoming election I have to speak my peace. I must say this article you wrote is a phenomenal piece that is bringing to Light the "Elephant in the Room" that not too many people want to believe or entertain, and what would be awesome is if you could compare what a Trump vs. Newsom Presidency would look like with Economy, Healthcare, Foreign Policy, etc.

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That would lock the presidency for the DemonRats for 16 years!! That's right 16 years if this Country could sustain that amount of time. I predicted before 2020 (in 20218) that 1.) the DemonRats were going to cheat and that President Trump would not get re-elected and 2.) The Republicans will never see the White House Again, and make no mistake the Republicans are in on this shell game as well; all of them!!

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It would be a multi-generational lock if we are lucky; it took 80 years for the Soviet Union to collapse; even so, the collapse required pressure from the tail end of the American Republic

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