A great post. Touches both on some military history, and on the barbarous history of the west in our bombing campaigns. We have, over the years, been incredibly hypocritical of those on the other side for how they conduct themselves; often pushing forth agendas and treaties through the EU as our dog which we never sign.

I'm glad we won WW2. I'm glad we've given the world a simulacra of peace. I wish that we had avoided doing so on lies, and hadn't exported Usury, Sodomy, Sex, and Abortion along the way.

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It's all in GOD ALMIGHTY'S HANDS and HE is "only" interested in each and every HEART INDIVIDUALLY!

All earthly kingdoms and nations will fade leaving only GOD ALMIGHTY'S KINGDOM standing FOREVER!

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May 22Liked by William M Briggs

Admirable is the word to describe this post, Matt. Especially today, given that the world’s demon-possessed “statesmen”, “generals”, strategists, and journalists seem to think it will end differently this time, or that is what they tell the sheeple anyway. Regardless, Satan and his servants love murder always, particularly slaughter of the innocent and defenseless.

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May 22Liked by William M Briggs

FWIW a JSDF guy told me once how years ago this Zero pilot was on TV insisting that Hiroshima wasn’t nuked. It ties in with Michael Palmer’s thesis that the city wasn’t nuked at all. Mustard gas might have been used to produce the “radiation” casualties.

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Does mustard gas produce a miles-high mushroom cloud?

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This question is based on the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF MAKE BELIEVE/SATAN/HALF-TRUTHS/LIES ....

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“THE SYNAGOGUE”? If you mean “the Jews” then have the balls to say it so you don’t sound artificial and pretentious and (oohhhh!! mysterious). You are using a language trope called metonymy whereby you refer to someone or something by using a descriptor ASSOCIATED with it, as “The White House said today…”

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May 23·edited May 23

EVERYONE is free to have his opinion even if it is CONFUSED due to his BRAINWASHING AND INDOCTRINATION over generations ... yeah all SIN is being passed on GENERATION AFTER GENERATION .... only through GOD ALMIGHTY'S WISDOM, MIGHT, GRACE AND PURPOSE anyone can be cleansed by THE BLOOD OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST accepting the THE OFFER OF SALAVTION!

Even Judas Iscariot and Caiaphas are/will be saved as long as they (have) accept(ed) THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AS THEIR SAVIOUR!

Only THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN operates based on "ethnicity" "race" "skin colour" ..... in order to do what it - all of its deceived DISCIPLES - has done since THE SERPENT, EVE AND ADAM in THE GARDEN OF EDEN - Confusion, Division, Obfuscation and based on this CONTROVERSY - and I DON'T WANT ANY SPECK OF IT! And as it should have become crystal clear - to those with eyes to see, THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN is coming to an end very soon/is on its very last legs, and how could it be otherwise than exactly as PROPHESIED THROUGH GOD ALMIGHTY'S PROPHETS!

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matt 22, 37-40


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Check out the novel "The Jesus Factor" by Edwin Corley. It is an old fiction novel with this idea as the core of the story.

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Will do, thanks!

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From my nuclear physics degree, they told me that the radioactive half life is thousands of years. Hiroshima doesn't have any radiation less than 100 years after the bomb?

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Scientists have written screeds of papers to try and explain away the "Hiroshima neutron dosimetry enigma" in which the calculated and experimental neutron activation figures don't match...

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We’re on the same page man!

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We sure are! Cheers!

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May 22Liked by William M Briggs

Considering both Japan & Germany are staunch allies of the West, in hindsight, the right thing was done. Once the fight is enjoined, fight to win.

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“Allies”…more like castrated vassal states.

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May 22Liked by William M Briggs

Sir! (PS: I’m coming strictly for the conspiratorial perspective here) — but I’m not too surprised that more lives were lost via the firebombs vs Hiroshima/Nagasaki.

There’s actually a perspective saying that the firebombs were deadly and the atomic/nuclear bomb was never used - and more so a propaganda scare tactic - instead those two cities were firebombed as well.

I mention this perspective in this article towards the bottom: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/lies-not-discussed-within-the-truth

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There is no doubt that nuclear bombs are a hoax, Franklin, from so many different angles.

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Agreed! Once I looked into this I was like “oh man, another fakery made history”

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Right. All the atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs that were set off in Nevada, the Pacific, and Semipalatinsk were fakes. Uh huh. Sure they were.

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Agree with your second paragraph. No definitive proof of atomic bombs.

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Japan WON. https://youtu.be/AteWl40-UP8

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May 22Liked by William M Briggs

Once again dottore, I have read it with gratitude.

"Then came Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were enough. But only just."

That's the common legend retold enough times so it becomes "the most agreed upon lie".

Some time ago I got caught up for other reasons in this topic, which doesn't matter at this point in time, and somehow ( I believe it was in the comments) I came across an analysis, what "really" (a whole topic on its own) happened. And Stalin and the USSR played a major role, which I am unable to piece together at this point and format. It has been written by some Foreign policy institute scholar of the US.

Anyone interested in just let me know and I will do my utmost to dig it up.

THERE IS MUCH MORE TO ALL OF IT, so skimming the surface is doing EVERYONE no good. Just to let everyone know.


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May 22·edited May 22Liked by William M Briggs

Madness, indeed,

But the planes... who and when invented them? Is 1905 the right date, and those two brothers?

But who and when decided to take those machines to war?

Who was the madman who saw their potential?

I say this because the graeter madness here is when military bosses delude themselves to believe that the enemy would not that far, or that the technology would not support their ambitions to destroy. (Didn't the Japanese know how BAD was the American Civil war, and how extreme the American "Generals" can be?)

Why did Japan enter in the war? Were they goaded by the British? Couldn't the Japanese imagine that probably, since the Guernica bombings of 1936 and earlier than that, the potential for heavy destruction from firebombings was clearly in the horizon, and those were not a wild fantasy?

Islands are somewhat like a natural fortress, difficult to invade. But since the airplane, and all islands became ripe to destroy and invade. Really no one thought about this thirty years before it happened?

Oh, well, maybe Generals are too stupid and disinformed of industrial and technological advance.

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May 22Liked by William M Briggs

Those living by the sword will die by the sword and as they cannot get rid of their addiction to the sword they cannot give up to live by their addiction.


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I think your reading too much into this.

The phrase “sunagoge of stn” is misleading and anachronical when applied to that. You see, sunagoge is like a parliament or a senate or a soviet or some other sordid word of that semantic space. It is impossible that Adam, Eve and the Serpent could ever do a parliament. First, Adam, with good sense, would have not allowed Eve to be a member of the parliament. He would have said “you’re just a rib with delusions of grandeur, go back to the kitchen and leave this business to me.” So now we have only the Serpent and Adam. Obviously, the Serpent was on the right and Adam on the Left. Adam Moved to censor the Serpent for not having evolved legs yet, this proving its unfitness to legislate. So Adam became the sole member of the Parliament. And then he devised a plan to steal from himself, do a self-coup, name the Serpent King of Eden thinking he can control it with his superior intellect, and then declare war to God to get filthy rich. Somehow, Adam managed to lose the war, but this account is lost to history. And ever since, the left has been complaining about how expensive is everything and how difficult is to work.

See, that makes more sense, even though is purely symbolic and absurd and humoristic.

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One other thing, which was obvious but escaped me at my first response.

The BLASPHEMY on display is astronomical - for lack of a better word - and I am not using it commonly purported by the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN as a means of man controling man. Which is the twisted - like everything coming from twisted mind captured by the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - version.

BLASPHEMY is nothing else but man's mind separating itself from GOD ALMIGHTY - REALITY - claiming to be an from GOD ALMIGHTY autonomous/separate entity and thereby severing/cutting off its roots from where it came from in the first place. And as this cutting off is happening tiny root by tiny root it becomes a rather slow torturous DEATH by a thousand cuts. It can always be reversed by the perpetrator - man's mind - willing to take up one's own cross and follow THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!

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6Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.

Matt 7, 6

And equally applicable and important

7Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Matt 7, 7-8


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" Oh, well, maybe Generals are too stupid and disinformed of industrial and technological advance."

Absolutely not ... the only flaw - since THE GARDEN OF EDEN - being COGNITIVE DISSONANCE - HUBRIS - that each party believes in its own BS!

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May 22Liked by William M Briggs

I'm always fascinated by the experts 80 years later who refuse to quote the commanders on the ground at the time.

Tribalism, indeed.

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Which is why "sealing documents for 50+ years" is a clear sign that disciples of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN are at work!

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It is delusional to think that there is a civilized “method of warfare.”

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This is really at the core of any such discussion, isn't it?

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My favorite line from Bridge Over the River Kwai was from the Japanese commandant of the POW camp, “Be happy in your work.”

I appreciate the moral dilemma of using the atomic bomb in an attempt to end the war, and there are numerous rationalizations that we can use. But men have killed other men since the beginning of time, and we have every reason to believe that will continue. Sometimes the killing is war, and sometimes rulers kill their own people - (i.e. Lenin & Stalin killed millions of their own people in the name of communism), and sometimes its a result of misguided “science” unleashed on the world such as COVID killing 7 million people. Let’s face it, man is a predator.

“Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.” Thomas Jefferson

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" Lenin & Stalin killed millions of their own people in the name of communism."

1“Do not judge, or you will be judged. 2For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while there is still a beam in your own eye? 5You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Matt 7, 1-5

If "the people" were truly "theirs" "they" would not have killed them. Since when does a FATHER murder - contrary to being killed - his own children. Unless of course man serves THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, i.e. being under the spell of the gospel of THE SERPENT propagated by EVE - serving CREATION instead of SERVING THE CREATOR/GOD ALMIGHTY!

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To the Left expecially... "History is always black and white, the Present shades of grey."

And also the Left is always about Power, mainly through propaganda, where "the ends justify the means".

Open Borders aren't about compassion, Climate Change isn't about caring for a human planet, and so too critizisms about the Atomic Bombing of Japan -they're an opportunity to bash America.

Wounded human nature being as it is, I shudder at the thought of what may have transpired if not. Would the Earth have suvived the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962?

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The article does not present an accurate view of the Japanese preparations for the invasion of the home islands. The US believed the Japanese had exhausted their air resources due to the lack of Japanese aerial opposition to the bombing campaign. The Japanese had accumulated over 10,000 aircraft for use against the invasion. Experience at Okinawa had taught them to ignore naval vessels and to concentrate on transports, something they had not done before. This would have increased causalities incredibly. It is also worth noting that the 2,000 aircraft the Japanese employed as kamikazes at Okinawa caused 50% of the total USN losses for WW2,

The Army was estimated at ten divisions. This was off by an incredible amount. The Japanese had stripped over 40 divisions from China and Manchuria and raised additional fortress and coastal troops manning incredible fortifications in southern Japan. Post war examination revealed these fortifications were concentrated on the the proposed invasion beaches and would have been similar to those encountered at Iwo Jima and Okinawa, but far more extensive, with far greater strength.

Backing these troops up was a militia. Yup many would have had primitive arms, but someone in a pit with a hammer and a 500 pound bomb can take out a great many people given the right circumstances. Old men in Breslau held off the Soviets for months until even after Berlin fell. And the Japanese weren't going to surrender.

The Japanese Navy wasn't going to present a major threat in a conventional manner. But it had manufactured hundreds of midget subs and torpedo boats and was going to engage in mine warfare on a huge scale.

In short any invasion was going to be a bloody, brutish affair that would be very long. The use of nuclear weapons was a blessing to all involved.

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As Richard Overy points out in his book ‘The Bomber War’ there were no attempts to prosecute, for bombing civilians, any German or Japanese Air Force personnel at Nuremberg and the Japanese equivalent. It simply could not be done with any credibility.

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Yes. A very great post. Thanks!

My musings:

Which wars were NOT madness, going by your examples of madness?

At one point—still?—the US Army taught that the goal of war fighting is to destroy the enemy’s ability AND will to fight. Is succeeding at this goal any more “mad” than fighting a war without that goal?

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“From whence are wars and contentions among you? Are they not hence, from your concupiscences, which war in your members? You covet, and have not: you kill, and envy, and can not obtain. You contend and war, and you have not, because you ask not. You ask, and receive not; because you ask amiss: that you may consume it on your concupiscences.” James 4: 1-3

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