May 30, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

I refer to the "newer is better" mindset as Paying Obeisance to the Tyranny of Chronology. I constantly remind my daughter that just because something is new and improved, this does not mean it's better or even easier to use. Refer to the long, sad progression of Microsoft Windows versions/updates for further enlightenment.

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May 30, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

John Brunner wrote a long time ago: "There are two kinds of fools: Those who say this is old, and therefore good, and those who say this is new, and therefore better".

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May 30, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

And they already almost killed shortwave radio. Somehow everything has to get more complex all the time just for the sake of it. And inefficient and fragile. Perhaps one day we'll regret having killed simple but reliable technology.

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I really DGS!

But for 3 decades AM carried the TRULY Great Rush Limbaugh across the nation and helped save what was once a republic. Now AM talk radio is like Tokyo Rose, no one needs to hear it, wants to hear it it or enjoys hearing it. Mark Levine, misguided patriot that he is, misleads by spouting Biden propaganda about the need to go to war destroy Putin. Levine sees Ukraine as our Chamberlain moment.

Dan Bongino, another merely nice guy but a true conservative, bores by talking and demeans the Golden Microphone while admitting daily that he does not deserve it. As for Fake Conservative Ben Shapiro, you are correct, Briggs, his voice is worse than his seldom right but never in doubt opinions. But Shapiro's AM talk radio annoyance is not original AM radio. It's a mere replay of his Daily Wire daily TV intrusion into the homes of those who undertand nothing deeper on politics than Ben's Harvard analysis. If Harvard's Ben Shapiro and Harvard's Chief Justice John Roberts were the only guys in the room, one of them would have to die for there to be a "smartest guy in the room."

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

It may be unpopular to say this, but I'm in a conspiracy camp on this one. The following may make it seem like I am a kook, so I pre-apologize for those who lost 20 seconds of their life while reading it:

Ancient technologies such as AM radios and also "Walkman" CD players are devices which reliably detect "electrosmog."

If you don't believe this, then drive under powerlines with AM turned on. Better yet, stand in front of a running microwave oven while listening to your dusted-off Sony Walkman you retrieved from that shoebox in your cellar.

But manipulation of such energies may play a big role in contemporary life. If it does, then keeping it hidden will become ultra-important. This means that CD players and AM must both go by the wayside, and cannot be left to "consumer discretion."

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May 30, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

🗨 Analog technology extends human nature, digital technology limits it.

Doesn't feel like totes off, does it? 😊

(h/t Megha Lillywhite of Classical Ideals; classicalideals.substack.com/p/lab-grown-illusions)

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Indeed let’s abandon all railroads as that technology goes back to the 1930s. LOL

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May 30, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

I remember when Avi Nelson and David Brudnoy hit the airwaves 'round Boston! Finally, something more interesting than The Two Larrys (Glick and King). They prepared me for and nurtured my expectations of good local conservative talk radio; AM, of course.

It ain't over yet...

BTW: The shielding to guarantee good reception of AM in electric vehicles would cost ~$10 per installation!

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May 30, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

Hey! I have an iPhone! And I don’t brag about it (until this moment - ha! You got me)

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May 30, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

I hate to seem too agreeable - it goes against my nature, but you’ve nailed it. AM is largely boring. I still like it and use it, but I flip stations a lot. I tell people that my favorite station is SCAN.

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