Mock, ridicule and jeer, stay off Facebook, avoid Google and Twitter, never vacation in California or New Zealand, and because the face is God's message about the character of each human person and because each person's eyes are windows to his soul, never vote for a politician like Jacinda, with a sad face that says she's overwhelmed by life and eyes that say, "I'm afraid! It's all so scary!", or like Biden, whose mentally blank stare is framed by a morally empty space, or like Gavin Newsom, whose every facial expression says, "Liar, liar, pants on fire."

That's about all that us normal folks can do.

"Here's lookin at you, kid."

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Sep 30, 2022
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Funny imagery!

With the power of imagination, one can envision New Zealand's PM together with Hillary, Pelosi and Comma-La, as they cackle like the Wicked Witch of the East and chant "fire burn, cauldron bubble," as they spew a Book of Revelations prophecy of climate-caused apocalypse.

And one's imagination can also picture an Oz-like happy denoument, a scene of ironic climate justice in which a tornado drops a government-funded halfway house on the Witches Four as they're smoking black market cocaine with government-funded crack pipes and incanting ''double, double, toil and trouble" to curse deniers of their Climate Change Hoax.

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Biblical references abound to the satanic likes of Biden, Newsom, Jacinda and their myriad ilk.

This comes from Rod Dreher's "Live Not By Lies: The Apocalypse Version" in The American Conservative yesterday:

"Jesus says of Satan: 'He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.'" [John 8, 44].

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