I remember another model from a few years ago from,... what was it?... Imperious Collage Lander? Empire Cologne Loaders? Impious Collators Loathsome? Anyway, that one seemed to say some important things. Anyone know how that one worked out?
With even the father of the plandemic admitting that the con is over, it is now clear and must be proven in appropriate courts that the whole purpose of the "vaccines" was to demonize a portion of the population to create an Other without which dictatorship cannot operate. Hitler had the Jews, Stalin had the kulaks, Big Brother had Goldstein and his acolytes and Fraudci, Collins and The Dotard are still hanging on to "the unvaccinated".
I remember another model from a few years ago from,... what was it?... Imperious Collage Lander? Empire Cologne Loaders? Impious Collators Loathsome? Anyway, that one seemed to say some important things. Anyone know how that one worked out?
Before we launch them into space, could we waterboard and keelhaul them first?
With even the father of the plandemic admitting that the con is over, it is now clear and must be proven in appropriate courts that the whole purpose of the "vaccines" was to demonize a portion of the population to create an Other without which dictatorship cannot operate. Hitler had the Jews, Stalin had the kulaks, Big Brother had Goldstein and his acolytes and Fraudci, Collins and The Dotard are still hanging on to "the unvaccinated".