As you've written, cowardice allows this poison to spread.

In 2020, during the height of the Floyd Excitement, I read Rod Dreher's blog religiously (forgive me). One of the commenters proudly announced that he was a very famous academic ("you've all heard of me...") and was appalled at the lies. But, his plan was not to fight for truth but to keep his head down, attend DIE-mandated sessions, and grind it out until retirement a few years over the horizon. A man for all seasons, this guy ain't.

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Many such cases.

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A man dies standing on his feet.

A coward lives on his knees.

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Lots and lots of academics with calluses on their knees.

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Until a man's been the nail that stood up, lost his livelihood, and the ability to support his family, it is easy for him to hand out the white feather.

I suspect for both those who boldly enter the fray *and* those who sneer at cowardice, they do not believe it can happen to them. Or comfort themselves with lies about how so-and-so was/is obnoxious (usually true) or made mistakes (ditto).

The best we can do is support our dissidents.

I do wonder at those who brag about being undercover in the system (one can do God's work therein also). Seems like the worst of all possible worlds. But again... probably do not believe it can really happen to them.

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My theory:

When a child receives a trophy as a reward for nothing, when a child is protected (well into adulthood) from every single sharp edge life has to offer, when a child's behavior in all private and public environments is never bound to any acceptable social standard, when a child's decisions, no matter how egregious, are praised and rewarded, when the parents primary childrearing strategy is to become their child's best friend, when a child's parents prevent anybody from saying anything about their child except that which is presented in the most fawning terms, that child learns never learns what reality is.

"Woke" is the result of a generation of children who were raised like this and they live life inside a bubble of narcissism. They believe that throwing a tantrum is the only path to solving a problem because that is all they know. This child believes that if they think it, then it is so. This child is now the "Karen", the "HR Dept", the inventor of "Hate Speech", the "Fact Checker" on PravdaBook, the HOA member, and they author papers like this.

I really feel sorry for them. They never had a chance as their parents doomed them to this life. No matter how many birthdays they tick off, they will always be 5 years old and playing dress-up and make-believe and absolutely baffled when it isn't so. They will always demand that society provide them with the parental affirmation that is the keystone of their ego, and react with anger and violence when they don't get it. They have constructed a fantasy world to live in and they demand we affirm, validate, support, and respect it. They are absolutely incapable of even considering, much less understanding, any viewpoint that deviates from their constructed fantasy.

Woke is a fad (like 1980's hairstyles) and it will pass. However, the wreckage left in it's wake will be large as these poor kids won't be able to just go a barber. They will be totally lost.

Having said that, they really are a bunch of idiots!!!

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The lack of desire for competition is a symptom, not a cause. Wokism is just the end logic of the Leftism that had its bloody birth in France in 1789.

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"Peer-reviewed". Says it all.

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Same wokeness as "UL listed"

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Science is broken, because the System itself has infected it - the same System of Power that seeks to destroy Individual Freedom and replace it with its own Corporate Tyranny. It has infected all institutions: Religion, Philosphy, Science, Art, Music, Literature, Politics are all run by installed Handlers that spout the company line... that Humanity must serve them. Humanity must give up its resources, its freedom, its comfort, its prosperity, so unelected Elites may own the Earth.

This is not Science. This is Propaganda.

Reject Lies. Seek Truth. Be Free.

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Setting aside all details, this is at best a [prescriptive] sociology paper being published in an endocrinology journal. Sounds like a good grift: instead of learning the complicated endocrinology material enough to expand our knowledge of it, just do some much easier sociology and get the prestige of a hard-STEM journal publication.

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As long as you can drag in race or gender, you're guaranteed publication. Even in an ornithology journal.

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The last 30 war games staged by the USA resulted in 24 defeats at the hands of China's Navy. As the rest of the world struggles for power and survival, the USA is destroying itself with meaningless nonsense. The dream is over.

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Charles - When were these wargames held and where? Who were the participants?

Thank you

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I first learned of America's defeats in these war games a couple years ago. The statistics I provided came from BING's AI just before I posted my comment.

Did the participants include Vietnam, Japan, or North Korea? No idea.

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I assume that you're aware that Bing's AI feature mixes fact with fiction. There was just another article about this in the last few days.


But hey - it's fun.

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You're right: it's fun to escape the lies and fantasies of Google and Wikipedia. I have learned a lot about history from BING. Its only defect is that it will not speak badly of the Biden administration or family. That being said, I treat it no differently than I do my Democrat friends: I avoid politics when I ask questions.

I was surprised and excited when BING agreed with me that Victoria Nuland orchestrated the 2014 CIA coup in Ukraine. Maybe the damned thing is learning, after all.


Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev

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These academics "shocked" are cowards of the worst kind.

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Unfortunately this is how the universities began and it is how they will end. From the moment that the universities agreed that bread and wine was physically meat and blood and only appeared to be bread and wine they have been the slaves of whatever nonsense the 'powers that be' need promoted. The illusions that we prefer are just a bit older than the illusions that they are being paid to amaze the populace with today. Massa, Aghi, and Hill are true children of Aquinas and Peter Lombard. The 'good old days' are just the egg from which this snake grew.

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You are rewriting history to paint the sins of the Reformation* onto those of Mother Kirke. You are the source itself of the subversion of the academy, as it abandoned Truth and virtue for The Narratve.

*More accurately the soi-disant Enlightenment, however, anti-Papists** ought to strive harder to be fair.

**Literally. And not all Popes. Just the first few, and current one.

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Lot of venom but no refutation. I'll wait.

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It seems like most of the comparatively few technological and scientific breakthroughs in the past decade have come from private companies rather than academia or government. Perhaps that is why they are being increasingly colonized by Leftism.

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> It seems like most of the comparatively few technological and scientific breakthroughs in the past decade have come from private companies rather than academia or government.

This is in fact the normal state of things. The mid-20th century era of "Big Science" was an aberration.

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True. I doubt the philosophical dogmas of the educated class of today help much, though.

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"They" being private companies. My last sentence was a bit unclear.

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Yes, yikes.

REALITY -------------------------------------------------------> “they/them”

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So a proposed ammendment to Sailor's Law

"The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking"

Having realized even this is unlikely, Academic activists promote the popularization of female-identified persons so repulsive, that by comparison they will appear to be marginally attractive women.

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> Megan G Massa might be a female, though the visual evidence is unclear

Come on dude, that's mean. You're not exactly a looker yourself.

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Another interpretation is that this could be anither sign that peak woke is receding. When a paper is so ludicrous that not even academic social desirability bias (cowardice, as I've called it before) can save it, that's a signal that there may actually be a harder boundary than the postmodern deconstructivists thought.

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Schrödinger's Specialist


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from the duffel blog and as usual always on thread.

Schrödinger's Specialist


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