Random thoughts:

Long article, touches all the issues, sermon to the choir, venting, it should be unnecessary after decades of self-evident lies but unfortunately it is still necessary after decades of self-evident lies to say again and again and again and again and again that what self-evidently are lies are still lies once you scrutinize them again and again and again and again. There's gotta be a better way to fight self-evident lies and the endless repitition of self-evident lies than merely to say and merely to show again and again and again and again that self-evident lies are still lies and that repeating a self-evident lie again and again and again and again does not make it true. Maybe just stop debating lies. Ignore them. Since all liars are created equal, they deserve equal treatment. Nature lies. Don't read it. Treat Nature and CNN, NYT, Joe Biden and all other serial liars the same. Ignore them. Do not debate their serial lies. Just say, "There you go again. That's a serial lie. Liar, liar, pants on fire!!! Stop lying, you liar!!! Everybody with a brain knows that you are lying. Everybody who is not a liar knows that you are a serial liar. Stop it. Stop lying, liar. No one can listen to you, no one one can read you because no one can trust you on any matter and because everyone knows that you are a serial lair." And then move on. Say no more. Do not deny the serial lie. Do not debate the serial liar.

BUT maybe that's not a viable strategy or at least not viable until we retake control of the schools of journalism and free every imprisoned student of journalism. They were, after all, the 2d academic institution (after our law schools) in which the WokeComs began their Gramcian long march through the institutions in 1968. By 1972, journalism schools and then the "profession" (sic) of journalism were completely overrun and they were sold into slavery by the WokeCom Jacobins. And they have remained slaves to WokeCom revolution ever since. Until we liberate every enslaved journalism student and every mentally imprisoned journalist, no one can be free.

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Manipulation through guilt and shame. That tiresome game appears to be coming to an end, I hope.

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Resistance is forming, but mainly among the hoi polloi. Our awful elites--the drivers of society--are fully on board with this nonsense. It is expanding to every level of the education system as witnessed by the glossy pamphlet mailed to residents of my overwhelmingly white school district boasting about their efforts to advance DIE (diversity, inclusivity, equity).

It's going to get a whole lot worse, before it gets better. If it gets better.

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Yeah, I'm having a difficult time gauging just how many people are finally waking up. There is finally a definite vocal and growing resistance. But I can't tell relative strengths. My suspicion is that we have overwhelming numbers on our side (see Trump election in 2016 as a middle-finger to the coastal and media elites by the silent, cowering majority, who are too scared to stand up for themselves and so they hired a bully to fight dirty for them). However, since then, it seems covid woke many up and there is a growing number of normal folks finally finding the courage to stand on their own two feet and say no. My belief is that such courage is contagious. However, manipulation is a tactic to gain and keep control and power, and the nature of power and control is to always expand and protect power, and because power is the ultimate good within that value system, anything that expands or protects power is justified. Thus, manipulators are guaranteed to turn nasty and violent if their manipulation is finally opposed. Another way of saying it is that manipulation is employed primarily because it is an easier, more stable, and safer tactic for the manipulator (which is all that matters) and not because manipulation is more benevolent or softer on the controlled. Such considerations are frankly irrelevant to the manipulator.

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Excellent comment.

What to do? Speak out. About everything. Political correctness and the label "conspiracy theorist" are devices used to shame people into silence. The elite has utilized those tools oo often and they are losing their sting.

People are being increasingly pushed into corners and seeing that they have nowhere to flee to...and everything to lose, if things continue on the current trajectory. It's going to get real ugly, I fear.

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I am still trying to figure out what to do. But I know what not to do. Don't participate in their lies and games.

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Here's a new idea: Let's establish nationwide "Liar Response Teams" (LRT's) which will be rapid-deployment Truth Forces. LRT's will be funded massively by Tesla's guy, the new Great White Hope, and armed powerfully by abundant real, not fake facts, highly talented media troops and battalions of bad-ass trial lawyers with which to strike Big Lies fast and neutralize the Big Liars who lie them. I stole the idea from Virginia Tech, when I learned this AM that that formerly-respected institution has established a "bias response team" aimed at suppressing freedom of speech on campus, where it is an extemely dangerous, alien idea.

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