The video should show Rock Man pushing the boulder down the hill...

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Grand delusion. So Israel a small nation is the protector of Europe 1B+ citizens?

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wtf I love my dual-citizen overlords and masters now!

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This is beyond sick ... and expresses in a frightening way how much the Israeli government (and its brainwashed supporters worldwide) propagate the "final solution" for the Palestinians. Genocide is not an issue – for any of them!

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Hat tip to Ayatollah Khomeini who correctly identified the United States as the "Great Satan" 4 decades ago. Like Nietzsche's madman, his claim drew derision and laughter, but it was only because he spoke before his time. Events in the ME these last 3 decades have proven his assessment to be correct. How much damage to innocents has US foreign policy been responsible for? A reckoning of biblical proportions is due.

It should be noted that prior to the Civil War (boy, have events these last 3 years caused me to reassess that conflict), some in Lincoln's "team of rivals" proposed starting a war with some pipsqueak Latin American country in order to rekindle a spirit of patriotism and unite the country. Governments do rotten, evil things.

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Beyond the Middle East, the USA has destabilized and ruined countries for no understandable reason. Why did the USA lead NATO into destroying Yugoslavia? Why was that nation, a European nation with a proud history, been bombed into submission?

It used to grind my gears to hear the USA called the Great Satan; but now it is obvious. Not only are we the most belligerent and aggressive force on Earth, we have become the world's leader in genital mutilation, Satanic beliefs, and mindless violence.

The CIA took over Ukraine in 2014 and that has become a great money-making machine for military contractors and politicians. The Biden Crime Syndicate runs the West. It is only a matter of time before the BRICS prove that the world is tired of Amerika's bullying. The fascists were destroyed in Germany nearly 80 years ago. Now, the fascists in Washington, DC must go.

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"The fascists were destroyed in Germany nearly 80 years ago. Now, the fascists in Washington, DC must go."

Sigh. So close. Yet so far away.

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Despair is an awful thing.

Just think! The Republican congress could get rid of Daylight Savings Time if they cared to. This could be the beginning of our elected (and sometimes selected) leaders pretending they represent us.

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" Why did the USA lead NATO into destroying Yugoslavia?"

The same reason for pretty much all of our military actions since Reagan: To feed the neo-con's demons. They loathe Slavs and Arabs. Their two goals are: Destroy Israel's enemies. Destroy anything tainted by Slavness/Russianness.

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It’s less Israel’s enemies and more their personal blood feuds.

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Syria, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Tunisia, etc, with Iran pushed non-stop as the next target--personal blood feuds?

These are all enemies of Israel.

The personal (genealogical--that is, their grandfather's grandfather's were oppressed) blood feuds are against Slavs--Russia, Serbia.

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One quibble, governments don’t just do rotten, evil things, they ARE rotten, evil things.

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Point taken.

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Or Vladimir Putin's formulation: "The Empire of Lies."

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That we haven't had a false flag yet may be due to some residual sanity within the elite producing some small degree of caution. These days there are a lot of cameras, and a lot of eyeballs. An event of sufficient magnitude to provide casus belli would by its nature attract a great degree of attention. The political situation means that much of that attention would be immediately skeptical. Should the hive mind determine that a false flag was indeed a false flag, the blowback could become intense. Every previous time a false flag was attempted, there was far less possibility for scrutiny, while the government in those days enjoyed much higher levels of legitimacy. In the current context it might not go their way.

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All excellent points.

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No. It’s just 2 soon. The final tech is not ready to be rolled out. That’s next year

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Nordstream pipeline?

Bucha massacre?

Zaporizhzheya nuclear power plant? They didn't get to do it, but it's pretty clear it was planned.

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“false flag to juice support for a war”

Somehow this brings the 5th and 6th odd numbers to mind.

War is an industry. We spend billions and trillions destroying, and billions and trillions “rebuilding”. Those who receive the checks are mostly the same in both cases, and those who labor and toil for the money to write the checks (and their children, and grandchildren) never see commensurate benefit. And those whose children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, fathers and mothers are sacrificed on the altar of war profits sustain a loss that can never be recovered.

Don’t participate. Don’t be fooled into participating. Don’t be coerced into participating. Don’t be part of the plan to distract from the mess they have created right here.

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“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”

― : D. Butler, War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated Soldier

We stood up for what was right, we fought for moral reasons, we passed laws, struck down laws for moral reasons. We waged wars on poverty, not poor people. We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbours, we put our money where our mouths were, and we never beat our chest. We built great big things, made ungodly technological advances, explored the universe, cured disease, and we cultivated the world's greatest artists and the world's greatest economy. We reached for the stars, acted like men. We aspired to intelligence, we didn't belittle it, it didn't make us feel inferior. We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election, and we didn't scare so easy.

Newsroom “America is not the greatest any more.”

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BTW, D. Butler was at best a Communist stooge.

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Well, maybe.

I always thought the Generals plot had false flag 💩 all over it.

I get Fed off ol Smedley TBH.

And this business of retire with a pension after decades, then turn around and slag everyone... did he give the pension back?

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Whilst in service, they try their best to improve or change the military, whilst still carrying out their orders. It is only when they resign and leave that they are in a position to say anything.

Why in the name of all that is Holy would they 'give it back'? They earned it.

Are you going to refuse SS payments or do you agree with every action of the government? Maybe you are just too servile to 'slag' anyone off.

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I suppose Patton was too?

The American mind is so stupid that anything that does not fit the official version is automatically "Communist". Although not one in 100,000 could define the term.

To the rest it just means "Something I don't like."

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The Army is short 40% recruits for the reasons you cite.

Just last week, the Army ordered hundreds of service members in other occupations to pack and report for training to become "instant" recruiters.

It's bad.

Real bad.

The tip of the spear, the USAF who fly, the specops guys who actually fight, and the best military leaders have all left rather than take the illegal and medically debilitating poison they term a "vaccine."

They ruined a once great military organization in less than 3 years.

Your advice to avoid the Satanic cult leaders until they are gone before thinking about joining is the same advice I give potential recruits.

And we are not alone in this.

I pray everyday that this road to Hell ends.

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Mike Lacy


To: American people

FROM: America's Hillbilles

RE: We're done giving our sons to the Globalists.

This map shows where most of America's Warriors have always come from.

Every able bodied man in my family has served the American people under arms. since 1690. We've fought in every war, killed, been killed, bled, and are buried in military cemeteries all over the US and the world.

My son and nephews were the last. We are done. Many families like ours are done. The Pentagon killed 400,000 GIs with Agent Orange, more than any enemy ever has, and the VA hides the number. Go ahead, try to find it


The VA pays benefits...but keeps total number of Agent Orange deaths a secret. Why? Agent Orange killed my father. We watched our fathers and grandfathers die horrible deaths. No one knows. No one gives a shit.

Then our sons in GWOT, tour after tour, neglected, abused, damaged psychologically, maimed, dead...still being killed at 22 vets a day who just give up. Then the Vax mandates, demonic culture and ideas promoted.

My family: We conquered England and Ireland as Normans. One of our ancestors held the King of England at sword point until he signed the Magna Carta. Another as a mercenary vanquished the Turks from what is Ukraine today. Since arriving here in 1690, we've always been here for America too. Always... until now.

American Globalism will no longer be receiving the services of our family.

Let the sons of the Zionists and Globalists go for a change, those who grow insanely wealthy over our dead and suffering these many decades.

Our family has given enough men to their cause. Millions more are like ours. We used to send all our sons to serve as part of fully becoming a man and a citizen.

No more.

We're bled out, used up, and we've wised up too.

Hillbillies are many things. Stupid ain't one of them. Especially when our active duty servicemembers and veterans are counseling boys NOT to go volunteer today.

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Dad was the first in the family to go to college. ROTC. University of Oklahoma. B-52 pilot. If you could pick a year to graduate with a military service obligation, 1964 would be a really bad choice....

They had him spend 14 months dropping agent orange over Vietnam. “Operation Arc Light”. A “temporary” assignment. So, spending 14 months in theater counted zero towards his deployment. He went home, became an IP, two days later was told that since he’s not active duty, he is now. Helicopter pilot for 21st SoS. Another year in theater. Two DFCs. Snuck him home in the middle of the night so protestors couldn’t throw literal horse shit at him when he disembarked.

Fuck you, USA. Fuck you to hell.

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Thank you.

Israel [US] were happy to give the Gaza desert back to the Palestinians. and then those dumb suckers had to go and discover oil and gas just off-shore. Like the US is going to allow Arabs to have oil without paying for the privilege.

If God did not love the Arabs, why did he give them all the oil?

".. we fought for moral reasons, .... We waged wars on poverty, not poor people..."

It was when he was suspended from boxing for refusing to be drafted into the Vietnam War. He was attending a rally for fair housing in Louisville when he said, "Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights? No I’m not going 10,000 miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave masters of the darker people the world over. This is the day when such evils must come to an end. I have been warned that to take such a stand would cost me millions of dollars. But I have said it once and I will say it again. The real enemy of my people is here. I will not disgrace my religion, my people or myself by becoming a tool to enslave those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality…. If I thought the war was going to bring freedom and equality to 22 million of my people they wouldn’t have to draft me, I’d join tomorrow. I have nothing to lose by standing up for my beliefs. So I’ll go to jail, so what? We’ve been in jail for 400 years."

Bill Russell said it best in 1967. “I’m not worried about Muhammad Ali. I’m worried about the rest of us.” That is more true than ever.

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Come on now, everyone knows that the DEVIL gave the Arabs all the oil, because oil comes from underground, very close to HELL, and bubbles up to the surface where it has become an EXISTENTIAL THREAT to all God’s creation - which implies that Arabs are the creation of the DEVIL.

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Having lived with both Christians and Arabs, [Al Hamdullilah] I can only tell you which I prefer as neighbours.

Or maybe you could guess.

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Why would any man want to join a “gay army for girls”? How embarrassing.

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So that the lady boys don’t have the tanks and artillery...

Hard Times means Hard Choices.

Strong Men will be the ones with the artillery and armor, whether they queer or no...

My fellow Americans; you don’t have good choices now, you have bad or DEAD.

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Pretend to be gay, get all the chicks?

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Four years active, ten reserve, Airborne Ranger Infantry, and the thing I find most upsetting is the twitter comments in the link you provided to the Army’s recruiting ad. I fear we are at the end of the great American experiment. I have always believed that if we made the old men and politicians fight the wars we would eternally be at peace. At age 71, I am more convinced than ever.

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An even easier fix is the war cost should be added to people’s tax bills. “Okay, you and your family will owe $3,178 for your contribution to Ukraine this year. This will be added to your taxes. Volodymyr says thank you.”

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The problem with solutions like this is that half of Americans pay no tax. They are not likely to be able to come up with those funds, especially since at least a third of Americans can’t come up with $400 in an emergency.

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The poor pay 15% of their income to 'Social Security' and 'Medicare', completely recessive taxes. The wealthy get to dispute their taxes and look for loopholes. The poor's is taken out of their pay before they ever get it.

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Half of Americans pay no tax? Sales tax, gas tax, income withholdings. Not to mention elevated prices on all consumer goods to pay the taxes of American companies. Americans are heavily taxed, they just are taxed in ways the poor don’t find obvious.

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If we made people pay for it IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN.

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Amen, brother.

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100%. courageous essay. Btw below was my greeting to Vindman when he joined Substack. Has 72 likes now.

“Vindman, 4 of my brothers and I served in the US military, all with honorable discharges. You’re a disgrace to the uniform and to America. Take your neocon ass and friends to the Ukraine and Israel and stop lobbying for our kids to die in foreign lands for foreign powers. “

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Actually Vindman isn’t even in the tank for Israel- he’s in the tank for Ukraine.

(The former Russian Pale !)

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Like every other neo-conman, their loyalty is first and foremost to Israel, all other loyalties or activities are in support of that main loyalty.

Virtually all the founders of neocon-ism arrived in the USA as Jewish refugees from the Pale, and were followers of Trotsky.

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Is Israel their first loyalty?

Or do they want to go home?

(The Pale).

I’m suspicious, not sure, but that puts the madness in Ukraine in perspective.

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100% Israel.

That's why they dropped Ukraine like a hot potato just as soon as the motherland cranked up a good war. Ukraine was a convenient poking the bear time-waster until the next war for the motherland could be ginned up.

Their fixation on Russia/the Pale is just a genealogical revenge fantasy against the Russian Empire/Slavs/Christians. Never seen any indication that neo-conmen have any interest in "going home." That said, could the de-Slavisation of Ukraine (by inducing all the Slavs to slaughter each other) be the first step in re-populating Ukraine?

Remember, Stalin, while courting Zionists during WW2, offered Crimea as a Jewish homeland!


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I don’t consider all Jews to be Israeli, nor loyal to it, nor the comparatively healthy Israelis to be like our Jews ... who aren’t healthy...

And I’m onto something off with this Ukrainian thing from go...

... I will say I’m suspicious they want the Pale back, they being neocons.

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79 Likes now.

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Yup WOKE military.


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The girly boys of the US military will be shocked out of their panties if they ever are forced to engage in actual combat with our countless enemies. The third world war (the one we are in) is being fought by drones and computers. The ladies who pretend to be soldiers will one day be sold into slavery.

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All the prominent feminists making a great living condemning the patriarchy need to be first. Common sense tells us patriarchy actually means women and children first. They have twisted this to condemn men, especially white men. The category of men that keep the country running.

Let's send them first. It will be a great step for true equality.

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They can go, we need pioneers.

We YTz need to keep the artillery, armor, air and nukes... don’t you think?

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Home run Matt

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As discussed this is a real world hard calculation; leaving the artillery and the rest to others hands them victory if they want it, certainly the victor decides.

If the joggers and trannys have the tanks and artillery they win- ask HAMAS.

Or the actual Viet Cong.

Or the actual IRA.

Please forget rifles, artillery/air is 85% of casualties, 10% machine guns, 5% rifles. It’s a scam.

As to guerrilla warfare : it doesn’t work unless the well armed opponent cripples their army for public opinion- guerrillas on their own are an annoyance or distraction and are gone in days to months at most if the army facing them is ruthless.

Guerrilla warfare just another romantic lie.

And without logistics which requires organization and money its over before it starts < we are here... ^^^

So it’s a hard choice for hard times.

Your suggestion is

Hard Times = No Men...

well then Strong Trannys make good times - for themselves.

File under Libertarian NAP.

Not to mention training.

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What if they gave a war and nobody showed up?


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Hard Times = No Men?


Ok, then you better get your own army to stay home and take care of family... because no, you won’t hold off even 4 men coming at the house, or 2 on the street.

No, you won’t.

Yes Briggs IT SUCKS.

But Dead without a chance SUCKS WORSE.

The people even women with the tanks and artillery win. Even Vibrants, even Trannys. Big guns win, NOT assault rifles? Even mortars go 3000-7000 meters. No rifle does.

It doesn’t matter if you can take the CNO with one hand.

Not if she has Air or missiles- she does.

One Hand? Exactly 1 friend of mine has been hand to hand that I know personally in the last 30 years. - and he was wrestling the enemy for the rifle, stabbed him, then shot him dead on the ground. HAND?

ONE. Sure I read of other cases, I only know 1. One.

You want a good solution?

Too fucking bad. I only have the actual one; keep the artillery, which means fall in.

Stay home with the women?

Why? So you can watch what happens to them with your last moments?

Sorry: FAIL .

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How many of you remember the time the USA supplied Indonesia with weapons of war in the 1970s, goading them to retake their traditional territories in Australia's Top End? And the reason it never materialised? The Indonesian general put in charge of the impending invasion of the Northern Territory realised, "If America does this to their lap dog 'ally', Australia, what will they do to us?"

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Never heard of that project. Can you supply more details, or references? Thanks.

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My primary reference is Kato Rivera's book "The Lost Track", pp.176-179, where he detailed the life of Territorian Tony Ryan and his memory of an interaction with an Indonesian general in a Balinese restaurant in the late 1970s (probably around 1976). I can send you a free copy if you request (it also includes details on US military expansion in Australia's NT by means of constructing a missile launching base).

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Thanks, JP.

I'd be very interested in seeing that. My email: kent@kentclizbe.com

Just for context: I'm a Southeast Asia (SEA) kinda guy. Have spent the majority of my adult life studying the history of, learning about, living in, working in, operating in SEA.

One of my major interests, and focus of research, in SEA is the colonial and post-colonial/Cold War machinations in the region. I'm pretty plugged in to the various American actions, planned, carried out, blocked, discussed, and otherwise in the region.

I have never heard anything remotely resembling an American operation to urge Indonesia to seize Australian territory.

The 1970s in Indonesia were focused on Suharto building his national, regional, and international power. He was kept busy with Cold War machinations, internal strife, an actual war with Timor that resulted in Indonesia seizing and annexing Timor, and much more.

Your referenced incident sounds like either the creation of a fabulist (I don't know of Tony Ryan, so no idea whether he's credible or not), or a garbled cross-cultural miscommunication.

From either the Indonesian, or the American point of view, an Indonesian seizure of an Australian territory makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, tactically, strategically, or in any other way.

Look forward to more details in the book. Thanks.

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The north-eastern tip of the NT ("Arnhem Land", also to the west in the Kimberleys) was once a key mer de leche (trepang/sea cucumber) trading zone for the Macassans, since as early as 1710. They remember.

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Sure, the entire archipelago, and intertwining sea lanes, was "once" the stomping grounds of many indigenous sea-faring tribes from Sumatra to New Guinea. But that is not a justification for the US to prod the Indonesians to invade Australia in the 1970s!

Could be that some islands near, or on, the border between Australian and Indonesian territory were of interest to some Indonesian official, and maybe there was a conversation between him and Americans, maybe they even pretended to be interested.

But there'd have to be some pretty strong evidence to say that "the USA supplied Indonesia with weapons of war in the 1970s, goading them to retake their traditional territories in Australia's Top End."

American "intelligence" did a lot of really stupid things in Indonesia between WW2 and 2001, but it would be pretty much unbelievable that they'd have even talked about supporting an invasion of Australian territory by Indonesian forces.

Pretty much the only US interest in geopolitics there, after 1960, was dealing with local communists, and Soviet influence. Invading Australia would not have been helpful for those, or any other possible American interest.

Among other stupid things they did, the CIA did support a couple coups against Indonesian governments from 1960 to 1970. They ran bombing missions out of the southern Philippines, and one bomber was shot down.

That story still sounds like a miscommunication, a dream of a local, or some other mix-up.

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