One thing to be considered regarding the weirdness of today's people: Psychiatric drugs. One can assume that most people under 40 have been on them at some point. Prescription medicines, not joints or lsd or mushrooms. Just plain anxiety drugs and depressants and psychosis-inducing drugs. As …
One thing to be considered regarding the weirdness of today's people: Psychiatric drugs. One can assume that most people under 40 have been on them at some point. Prescription medicines, not joints or lsd or mushrooms. Just plain anxiety drugs and depressants and psychosis-inducing drugs. As much as 85% of those under 30 may not be an exaggeration. It is a commonly commented that SSRI's and SNRI's cause low testosterone.
Actually, anything that causes lowered cholesterol production will cause underproduction of cholesterol-derived hormones. Thus creating unusual behavior, emotional instability, and lower fertility. Duh.
The bomb was thrown two decades ago, maybe three, and most didn't notice. The vaccine is just the tip of the iceberg, and the most recent attack against normal life development and normal human sexuality.
Safetyism is unsafe and will destroy the West.
One thing to be considered regarding the weirdness of today's people: Psychiatric drugs. One can assume that most people under 40 have been on them at some point. Prescription medicines, not joints or lsd or mushrooms. Just plain anxiety drugs and depressants and psychosis-inducing drugs. As much as 85% of those under 30 may not be an exaggeration. It is a commonly commented that SSRI's and SNRI's cause low testosterone.
Actually, anything that causes lowered cholesterol production will cause underproduction of cholesterol-derived hormones. Thus creating unusual behavior, emotional instability, and lower fertility. Duh.
The bomb was thrown two decades ago, maybe three, and most didn't notice. The vaccine is just the tip of the iceberg, and the most recent attack against normal life development and normal human sexuality.