The killing doctors should go all out here. They should name themselves the Special Services (SS) and adopt the Nazi Totenkopf as their official badge.

Doctors, back in the day, were huge supporters of Nazi Germany, and helped Hitler kick off his mass murder agenda by killing off undesirable, useless eaters in the T4 Program. Some things never change.

Make sure your bunker is fireproofed, Mr. Briggs. God told Noah it would be fire, not water, next time.

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Fun fact: More than half of doctors in Germany had joined the Nazi Party BEFORE Hitler came to power.

Fun fact: Seven doctors were sentenced to death and 10 given life sentences for crimes against humanity at Nuremberg. Doctors got their own dedicated group trial and were the biggest occupational group convicted, by a significant margin.

Fun fact: The Holocaust was justified on Public Health grounds and largely implemented by Public Health officials, doctors and agencies.

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Skulls? Are we the baddies?


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I love that Monty Python film. It features quite extreme humor. I've used that humor on social situations, with awful results.

Canada does not let me down because I grew up watching South Park. Everything makes sense now.

This post is a very elegant commentary on this topic of iatrogenic disease and the consumation thereof.

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