Hilarious that the people who want to take confused children from their parents to castrate and mutilate them are trying to claim they are censoring meanness in order to "protect children." The self-righteous lack self-awareness.

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Religious zealots gonna zealot. (Even when, like Progs, they refuse to admit their faith is a religion.)

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Tabulating the crimes of the UK government would be a wearisome task. The word safety is as apposite to that outfit as the word chastity is to J Epstein.

Still, they are aware that censorship is a shameful thing, hence the gobbledygook.

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Yes. Some minor hope there. Their residual awareness censorship is ugly, especially in the land of Magna Carta.

That means shame still operates, however well hidden. And we all know the ladies are the most sensitive to public shaming. Is there a way to turn this to our favour?

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I think it unlikely that the rulers themselves feel shame; rather they understand that normal people know it is shameful and so they resort to deceit. When the entire population becomes abnormal the need for deceit will end.

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I agree about the rules. But it is never them doing the work. The minions need to be convinced, and the existence of shame provides some mechanism to overturn things.

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Having stolen God from the young they shall embezzle away Sin.

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1At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? 2And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, 3And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 4Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. 6 BUT WHOSO SHALL OFFEND ONE OF THESE LITTLE ONES WHICH BELIEVE IN ME, IT WERE BETTER FOR HIM THAT A MILLSTONE WERE HANGED ABOUT HIS NECK, AND THAT HE WERE DROWNED IN THE DEPTH OF THE SEA.

Matt 18, 1-6

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Attacking ordinary people doing ordinary things is a big job. One of the things our enemies have that our side does not is an *employment plan* for their supporters. And they like to create jobs that their supporters can enjoy.

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This is crucial. Being a Prog is not only a form of conformism and/or religious zealotry - it's also a career path. There are entire categories of employment - e.g. the NGO industry - where Progressive sociopolitics are a litmus test for applicants.

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Making belief pay is how you build loyalty. Loyalty is how you make 'enforcement of values' quotidian.

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Still being haunted by the church ladies of the 80s and the Tipper Gore's of the World.

Now it's their daughter's and granddaughters monitoring the halls of propriety.

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It's funny how they're exactly the same people with fresh decor, isn't it? Busybody is a personality archetype completely orthogonal to ideological premises. The busybody just latches on to whatever belief system has the most power in the moment and uses it to make other people as miserable as it is.

If we had a wild right wing reactionary backlash of the sort that they're all terrified of, it'd be less than a year before they were its loudest advocates. But only as a means of attaining power to make the new out-group (and as much of the in-group as possible) miserable.

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This is why I have to laugh when they go after the Christian Right, because, they have become the Christian Right. They just took God out of the equation, but the righteous, we know best, you are evil, slap a trigger warning on that attitude is still there. Shame, shame!

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In the 1930s in Germany, one day an international communist, the next a National Socialist.

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I used to think it *was* something to do with ideology, until I watched the busybodies go from christian fundamentalists to shitlibs from the 90s - late 2000s. Turns out everything I thought sucked about christianity was just busybodies, and when they left for lib land I understood the problem. Some of them are still neocons but it's getting harder to tell the difference between neocon and shitlib these days.

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Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

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Celty, you are haunted by your own resentment against women because you love only men. #GAY

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It's my Church lady post that set this off? OMG.


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I have no idea what you are replying to. I am sure I said something to spawn a reaction. Did I day women or feminist? Grasping at straws here.

What if I am Gay? Is there a problem with that? Do you think Gay men are resentful?

Why do you have a problem with Gay men?

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As usual, beta boys are blind, deaf and dumb to your #misogyny because you are #gay and gaymen reject women and kiss male ass, literally.

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Can you copy paste what I posted? I can't back track.

Man, I must have really gotten to you.

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Celty, you posted to me, twice. You are triggered by the truth. You can't get over your hatred of women and your lust for men.

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Sorry, I don't remember. I gotta lot of posts to sift through.

Did I say 'It's not all about you'?

I've done a lot of trolling lately.

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The British Internet is already longhoused. I'm bullish on VPNs.

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The best thing about the internet is that it's boundless, and we barbarians can always retreat farther into the frontier when the colonists inevitably arrive. Someday we may even figure out how to discourage them from coming.

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Isn't that the whole point of Urbit? Fortifications built out of steep learning curves?

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I think part of it was just Yarvin being silly because he had fuck-you money and he was a nerd. But the ownership structure is pretty interesting, and the learning curve certainly helps keep out the riff-raff.

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I know the intellectual exclusivity of it was Spandrell's favourite part.

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It's probably really good if your aim is to create "mensa, but for only computer nerds". And I guess that's a pretty ok clubhouse, especially since erstwhile computer nerd clubhouses have mostly been captured by the enemy. At least as long as it's not mostly a club for people who like to congratulate themselves for being smart, like the real life mensa.

But I think in a perfect world, it would be more culturally exclusive than intellectually exclusive. On intellect you pretty much have to set the threshold at "high midwit" or lower if you want a population above double digits, and that's a group with a lot of people I'd rather not have around.

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I was an early adopter of Internet and I loved the wild west feeling of it. It was free and wild. Now that the normies arrived and poisoned it with their rules and social behaviour Internet seems to me unbearable. I was thinking before the same that the way forward is VPN and whatnot but finally I have the feeling it will be way easier to just leave the whole shit hole behind.

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These hag faced crones are the true faces of petty evil.

The same type of women who enforced purutanism and prohibitionism.

The same people who constantly socially signal that they are virtuous while acting solely as slaves of power to nag people into compliance with their bureaucratic tyranny.

These rotten fruits of dysgenic industrial civilisation are what we have in place of real Kingship and nobility.

It is up to us to overcome and replace the and the real string pullers.

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“These hag faced crones” hate men and want to become that which they hate.

-they’re not… happy campers.

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Indeed. But their main contribution is projection. All that angst and unhappiness is not examined. It is projected onto the designated enemy.

These women will report you, and ruin your life, if you are caught trashing philosophies that encourage the surgical mutilation of children. How is that for inversion?

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Yes. I think too that many thought they get off the train at the L stop, but that train kept running to the G, B, T and more stop.

Women’s sports, even beauty pageants are under siege from “men”.

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David Sharples, men are attacking women and you celebrate that because you are an abusive man, who gets your rocks off abusing women.

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Spaceman Spiff your only talent is spewing your impotent ad hominem attacks at women because you despise women and kiss male ass.

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Care to elaborate on your position? I'd be curious as to how you came to this conclusion based on what I have written.

Do explain.

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Yes, I will explain. All you do is project your resentments; your bitter unhappiness; and your immature angst at women. You demean women,, while you kiss male ass. #gay

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Provide an example then.

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David Sharples, you hate women because you lust after men. #GAY You're a resentful, bitter, envious pervert, who kisses male ass, while you demean women.

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MARY IS .. and will always be the greatest human being that ever lived.

That is all I'm going to say, it's unwise to converse with demons.

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Hopkin of Trevally, you hate women because you love only men. #GAY You cowardly males attack women to pump up your flaccid male egos.

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I do not hate women. I hate these degenerate failed attempts at women and the mewlings who sympathise with their brand of petty evil.

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The Longhouse is real, and it goes hand-hand with the totalitarians of our day that now have technological abilities previously only dreamed of.

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They’re also literally pussies so what does that say about us?

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Don't behave like Adam did. (Don't be a beta.)

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Says the pussy-boy delta.

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ANYONE having fallen for the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - here technology - has already bought into the racket being feigned as "power". And thereby into the outcome of such endeavour - THE LAKE OF FIRE! Looking for earthly solutions where only AN HEAVENLY SOLUTION exists is part of THE MADNESS BEING OBSERVED!

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I'm still deliberating, digesting and cogitating, but I'm sure there'll be a solution to route around any efforts at censorship they try to impose. I suspect it'll be inspired by the thinking of the Sufi Mulla Nasrudin parables or the Principia Discordia. I'm optimistic that the harder the they try to control us, the more slippery and ungovernable we'll become.

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I agree. But the main concern is the indifference of the majority to these efforts.

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As Mike Rowe says - "Safety 3rd". It's always been a good policy for me. I never have accidents working but still manage to get things done.

What directive did you give AI to arrive at that particular picture? Nice rack but she looks a fright.

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Starting with EVE in THE GARDEN OF EDEN by being paranoid and confused based on THE SERPENT in her head about GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATION AND RULEBOOK it went on and on and on.... for millennia, coercing ADAM - seduced by EVE'S ADVANCES - into THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN and once ADAM has been mentally BRAINWASHED AND INDOCTRINATED - PLATO'S MENTAL PRISON CAVE - by the "wisdom" of EVE and "seeing a ton of money and worldly power at the end of the process" he went along with it. After ADAM being neck deep in THE HOUSE OF LIES he could not help but to continue ... here we are MADNESS OF EVE reigning BUT ONLY FOR A SHORT TIME - THE TRUTH IS COMING to take HIS CHILDREN WITH HIM and leave THE LAKE OF FIRE burning ETERNALLY AS REQUESTED BY EVE AND HER COMPANIONS!

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Woah. Try not to: YELL SO MUCH.

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The role of women in censorship needs a lot more coverage.

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Yes, that is a pattern that needs to be explained. It always seems to be the women doing the censoring - and they are always unhinged and nasty to look at.

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Few people want to check the liberal woman's zeal for censorship. The sisterhood tends to close ranks to shame men who point out problems caused by women. Most men want to protect women and appeal to them in hopes of getting laid. This the scant number who are willing to address women and censorship even though all opinion polls I have seen show no group has as much zeal for censorship as women to the left of the divide. They are also the group must likely to be depressed and on mood altering drugs. I doubt that is coincidental

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The main worry here is the indifference of the public. I know very few people who care about these initiatives in the UK.

I'm not even talking about people convinced by the safety angle. Few are. I mean actual indifference to censorship or control.

Sadly we are living through an era where we get daily reminders of the old observation that the masses do not yearn for anything like freedom or liberty. They don't care.

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Anarchy for me, tyranny for thee.

Anarchic social dissolution and crime everywhere unabated. The remaining sane people, nagged to death by harridans.

Anarcho-tyranny expands to a new domain.

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How about In The Name of What About the Children, these "women" review and object to the pornography in school libraries? There have been two school board members in NOVA recently that "swore" their oath on a stack of gay porn school library books. How about helping the children by putting some pressure on these people?!!

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The education of girls needs to be reformed. Because of the way they behave and think now, no one likes either girls or women. I am a woman and I avoid girls and women that I do not know and even many that I do know because there is an 80% chance that they are erratic, unstable ,unpleasant and unlikeable. This is a change from the 1980 when it was only about 30%.

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