May 29Liked by William M Briggs

Levine: "Disproportionately." "Climate change" kills blacks faster than other races.

Prove it. Show your studies & data.

Show us the death certificates listing "climate change" as cause of death.

Show us the hospital records that state patient is being treated for "climate change" related illness.

Or else go back to the duck farm, you quack.

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May 29Liked by William M Briggs

It’s always an invisible, inscrutable, silent agent of evil that’s going to killusaaalllll. From ghosts to evil spirits to demons to carbon dioxide to viruses. And it’s always the bizarre ritual (and, lately, augmented by a healthy dollop of cash looted from the citizens) that’s going to be the only thing to save us. They used to call it magic, now it’s been rebranded as The Science™️.

Enlightenment, indeed.

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Alchemy lives on!! 🤔

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May 29Liked by William M Briggs

In a hilarious twist, Avocado mattress also donates to EcoHeath Alliance. It’s on their website. These people are insufferable.

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I see that the admiral has got some medals for bravery in the face of climate change.

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They are likely as authentic as the admiral's gender.

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Wouldn't want to be in a foxhole with that Dude!! 🫡🫡

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I know. You'd have to throw your own grenade, just so you can jump on it.

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May 29Liked by William M Briggs

The earth is getting greener from a small increase in CO2, that's it. Is that a bad thing?

Plant life is the basis for life on this planet.

Been listening to "Tom Nelson's science podcast on "climate change" ." Highly recommend. The guests he has on refute the arguments of the climate-estas, as they fear monger, propagandize, argue from authority and of course ad hominem. I won't spoil the wonderful easy simple refutes that you'll come across as you listen. It's so... "ah common sense".

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Not only getting greener but getting woodier. Woody species are proliferating, large and small. A great store of food and energy.

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Therefore, boy prematurely crying "Wolf!" is proof that wolves don't exist.

It's basic epistemology!

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May 29Liked by William M Briggs

Nukes are the last thing that will destroy the world - https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/nuclear-weapons-hoax.html.

I must admit I used to believe the climate change hysteria but now I don't, not because I'm convinced it's all propaganda because I'm not 100% sure it all is although I'm certainly open to it all being propaganda, but just on principle I cannot take anything told by the authorities seriously any more. They've simply cried wolf too many times for me to be alarmed by a single thing they say.

Just today we're told:

North India swelters as New Delhi records highest-ever temperature of 49.9C


It could be of concern but I can't get worried about it. What I know is that in the UK temperature records are based on readings (that might only last 10m) from Class 5 sensors at airports - Class 1 being the most reliable and Class 5 the least - up to 5 degrees out which means junk so we might wonder how this Delhi record was set exactly.



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My hometown experiences notably milder winters now than it did 20 years ago, and the stories my grandparents tell indicate those winters of my childhood where themselves notibly milder than the winters of my parents childhood.

So far, I'm a huge fan of climate change. It's done nothing to me except make my life more comfortable

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Coincidentally this just popped up in my substack inbox - https://robertbryce.substack.com/p/vaclav-smil-calls-bullshit-on-net-zero

The sums for "net zero" don't add up and never have done

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Seems that Levine's statement reeks of desperation. The Science arguments for climate change aren't exactly winning, so we must Intersectionalize. Desperate people do desperate things.

I believe the world as we know it will "end" (timeframe TBD), but not due to climate change.

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Would it help to calm the peasants who believe the lie to know that if they took the bioweapon jabs, most of them won't be here to see what happens to the earth anyway. It really matters what people embrace from platforms erected by liars. May God help us all in this time, certainly no surprise to Him we need His help.

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Now that Covid is no longer a valid excuse for my failings in business and personal life I am happy to have global warming, ah, sorry, climate change as an excuse. You see, I am 1/64 Assiniboine Native American and Two Spirit (man/boy-man for when I want to enjoy the privileges of adulthood and boy for when that pesky thing called responsibility comes knocking).

Obviously I'm disproportionately affected by the same thing that is killing the polar bears and causing migrants, ah, sorry, newcomers, to rape and murder innocent young women. You see, the sun rays bouncing around in our atmosphere that are colliding with my minority status make it impossible to take out the trash at home or show up to work on time.

It's science.

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Gov Caught Manipulating Temperature Data to Push Global Warming & Climate Change

Interesting video from 2010 showing how data has been manipulated including removing a large number of sensors


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"Climate Emergency" =

Bureaucrat pick-pockets 10,

Taxpayers 0

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Re: “certified for low emission” - before or after use? Sorry.

I have spent far more time and energy than someone my age has to spend on such shit, to prove with numbers and logic that what you say is true - there is no way humans can destroy the planet. What's more, the climate change morons don't even understand that climate is not manageable with the puny amounts of energy available to Homo Insapiens. All that effort only taught me two things; the pushers don't care and the believers can't or won't understand simple math and logic. Somewhere there must be a "remnant" of sensible people, going about their business, getting things done, having a life and doing as much good as is possible in this benighted era. I wish I could hug them all and invite them to a great big carbon-dirty barbecue.

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Climate change is religion for the secular, complete with sin-guilt-redemption-apocalypse. It is in-arguable.

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Just wondering…shouldn’t it be crappier not crapless? But seriously, I’m glad this idiots use the trannie to get their message out. It perfectly illustrates their incompetence on two things at the same time. You would think smart propagandists would use some sciency type with some BS degree instead of some guy who couldn’t find his ass in the dark with both hands. Also, I saw one of those population models a couple of years ago saying everyone could fit inside of Texas and have 1500sf of space for each person. Hey! Maybe that’s what they’re attempting to prove with all the illegals flowing across the border.

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That's right folks, your gas stoves are so powerful they're about to overcome Earth's gravitational binding energy. Soon all that will be left is a long smear of dust between Mars and Venus. The good news is this technically counts as us achieving low cost, large scale space flight. So keep grillin'.

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Love this. We live in interesting times, and not in a good way.

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