Absolutely right. And I’m glad to see you mention the disastrous 19th Amendment too.

As for fetal infanticide, here are two comments I just now posted elsewhere:

1) Abortions aren’t merely “had,” “gotten,” or “performed.” They’re committed, inflicted, perpetrated. Similarly, it’s to be called fetal infanticide, not merely “abortion.” And they’re fetal infants, not merely “fetuses.” The whitewashing of this horror must end.

Fetal infanticide is a crime, a crime of the highest magnitude against the most innocent and defenseless people among us. The ongoing holocaust of legalized fetal infanticide must end. It’s killing millions upon millions of innocent fetal infants, and it’s cursing our lands. We’ll continue to rot until this supreme horror ends.

2) There are NO circumstances where one person should be murdered for the crime of another, or where one person should be murdered because this person is economically inconvenient. [My interlocutor supported both rape and economic exceptions to any prohibition of fetal infanticide.]

Just think: there are circumstances in which you support the murder of fetal infants, the most innocent and defenseless among us. How did you become so conformed to today’s rot? How did you become such a monster? Seriously think about this.

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In his 2nd inaugural, Lincoln wrote about the Civil War, "...if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword as was said three thousand years ago so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether." By that standard, and for the tens of millions of lives destroyed by abortion, America is in for some rough times.

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