Integrity! Did someone say, "What's lacking is professional integrity?"

Yes, that can be said, but what went missing before the lawyers lost their integrity is their profession.

Medicine is headed the same way, and doctors are watching their profession become a mere business, as the profession of medicine marches after the lawyers, out of town and out of rhythym, to the tune of "Seventy-Six Trombones."

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For some reason, when I hear people claiming we are about to suffer a climate crisis due to capitalistic greed I hear in my head Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries."

Fat Norwegian womb-havers complaining about all Southerners for being dark and ugly and of inferior stock, singing as they ride exhausted heavenly horses, tongue out, legs failing from the weight, too many lemon custard pies...

The brass section of the orchestra is about to set the Parliament on fire! The Maestros are blowing their horns like demons this Nacht!

In some alternate world, this scene is happening right now, probably.

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And that 70-page submission to Harvard Legal Review is like a motif being woven into the score of that opera you are watching, that we are all being forced to watch.

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Please stop with the tipping points, please. Complex systems do not have tipping points, they are too complex for such a simple phenomena to manifest. The climate is a complex system of complex systems, ergo the climate does not have tipping points. The end.

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Then why not go after the mostly peaceful protesters that caused the environmental damage caused by Burn Loot Mayhem?

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If I were king for a day, very high on my "List of Items to be Fixed" would be tort reform. I would fix our legal system with two words. "Loser pays."

Not only would these types of nonsense lawsuits disappear but the lawyer population in general would shrink to those who truly know their profession. Certainly most of the recent and future graduates of Stanford Law School would be reduced to asking if I wanted fries with that, which seems to be where a lot of them are going to wind up anyway....

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Loser pays would ameliorate tort abuse, but do nothing to abate a much larger threat, which is the criminalization of politics. Dem's squeal about Senator McCarthy and "McCarthyism" while they accuse every opponent of illegal witchery and prosecute them with flaming stakes.

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I agree, but that's a fix that needs to be applied first, at the State AG and Local Dist Atty levels, and then at the entire DOJ level. The reason why Soros puts so much $$ into local city District Attorney races is because so much legal power resides in those offices. We see the results of this with Bragg in NYC and in the cities of Seattle, SF, LA, Portland, etc., where Soros has successfully put his people in place and crime has run rampant because the criminal element knows there is no consequence for their criminal behavior.

There is an old, old adage that says, "All politics are local". This is an objective truth that most people don't get. If people would focus on their local school boards, mayors, city councils, etc., downstream a huge amount of Federal problems would be solved.

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Bring back barratry.

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Silence is violence, and likewise the silent use of oil is violence.

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Putricity, eh? That’s a new one on me. I think I’ll use it. Regarding the demand for murder charges, I have two thoughts. First, I need clear evidence of causation, and effect for that matter, which is lacking. Second, I just can’t believe that any well-connected bureaucrat would ever be convicted, even with compelling evidence. Maybe that’s just the cynic in me.

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Ding, ding, ding!!!! “Lowly greed” for the win! This is typical ambulance chaser behavior, go after the deep pockets in the hopes of getting a class action lawsuit going with its potential fat settlement.

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These are probably marxists from the National Lawyers Guild or tenure-seekers at a leftist law school. The goal is clearly to disrupt and bankrupt and then collapse the American energy industry, so that the government will "have to" take it over. Voila! The American version of Lulu's Petrobras or Pemex in Mexico.

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*marxcissists™ 😊

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