The revolution goes on. Our so-called elite despise conservatives, Christians, and the common man in this country, and will take every opportunity to make their lives miserable. And yeah, Biden "identifies" as a Catholic, but as some Twitter wits have pointed out, the word now means "pretends to be."

Demons walk among us and rule over us. How anyone can view the madness that has gripped the western world (what used to be called Christendom) recently and not believe in God is beyond me.

For those into symbols, the fire at the Cathedral of Notre Dame during Holy Week of 2019 could be viewed as a warning of things to come. On a hopeful note, all seemed to be lost, but this structure stands. We are in for one hell of a rough time, however.

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Hey dearest frenz, let's despair not: 'tis always darkest before the dawn 🙂

In immortal words of top-notch nuclear-grade interwebz feline,

🗨 memes are the resurgence of rationality and the revenge of the shape rotators. they combine the speed of appeal to emotion with the informational density of long logical strings. it's intellectual jazz as a medium for rational renaissance. and it's a language the irrational cannot master. this will be the beginning of a beautiful discourse. <insert casablanca image>


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Hear him, hear him!

While Stalin jokes were not spoken back in the days of the USSR, Josef Stalin believed torturing his critics was funny, so he was not without at least warped humor. But, in general, DemocRats and other totalitarians are notably lacking in a sense of humor. Ironic humor is intellectually way beyond their grasp.

So in Brain Dead Biden's America we probably need a Ruth Buzzi to say "Nevermind" after our every jest. As the Jokester in the White House often says, "I'm serious. No joke."

It takes a brave man in these times to make light of the dark joke that is President (sic) Biden. To criticize The Jokester himself requires courage above and beyond the call of civic duty. (After the 1968 Democrat Party's summer disaster in his city, Chicago's former Mayor of Malapropism, Richard J. Daley, said of the press: "They have attacked me; they have pilloried me; they have crucified me. They have even criticized me.")

Riggs, may your "dear friends" vote by paper ballot in every election and may your "despised enemies" vote rarely and by text without spell-check.

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There I go again.

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So Mackey was prosecuted for violating 18 U.S.C. § 241, a federal law that punishes conspiracies “to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person ... in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution”.

Does this mean that the Stanford Law School students can be prosecuted for a conspiracy (clearly) to intimidate any person (clearly) in the free exercise of enjoyment of a any right … secured to him by the Constitution (clearly)?

However, the fact that Law School Students did this might make it a parody?

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What was that US President who ran for reelection from prison?

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We can mourn our nation, but we need to find a future foremost. Without tyrants.

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Wouldn’t it be ironic if a Clinton appointed judge threw out the conviction?

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Just scary.

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