It's remarkable they haven't just gone all in and declared war on oxygen.

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Pestilence? Covid...check

War? Ukraine...check

Famine? Warming up in the bullpen.

All that's left is for Bill Gates to suddenly be infatuated with riding pale horses, I guess.

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Well ... Yeah ... But COVID was the fakest and gayest plague in history, the war in Ukraine is so far not much of a war really. As evil masterminds our enemies leave much to be desired. I can only imagine the Adversary must be tearing his hair out in frustration with his minions, wandering about in Hell muttering that it's impossible to get good help these days.

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Satan's not sending his best so far, that's for sure.

I take comfort knowing that once DEI is fully implemented, the enemy will have an average IQ in the low 90s, at best.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

“the midwits means carbon dioxide, but can’t bring themselves to say it”

They never talk about eliminating oxygen, of which there is twofold more than carbon in -- wait for it -- CO2.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

Even [slightly] more if taken by mass 😏

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

Well there ya go!

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

"...is Gates a raving madman, or is he merely greedy?"


He is an egotistical zealot inflamed with revolutionary passion, being ass-kissed by hoards of minions eager to slurp up the dollars and social acceptance that will flow from the PC-Prog destruction of Normal capitalism (which is what Net-Zero, global warming, etc, etc are all about). The minions clamor to worship and praise the all-mighty Gates and his fellow PC-Prog elite council, handing down their proclamations from atop their temple of Normal-hatred. Pretty much pure evil.

Filled with the adulation and warmed by the fraternal embrace of Kerry, de Caprio, Soros, Schwab, the late Epstein, et al, Gates is a victim as much as a villian. Complex human pride, hubris, and lust for power have destroyed whatever soul he had originally.

He is a husk of a man, filled with evil--not greed or insanity--just evil hatred of Normals.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

I don’t think he’s much of an egotist - I think he has a miserable inferiority complex, despite his astounding success in business, and is trying to validate his existence by saving the world. Outside of business, he is a total conformist, so saving the world to him means all this vaccination and environmental nonsense, using the billions he probably doesn’t think he deserves to have. Or...he is taking revenge on the world for forcing the breakup of Microsoft all those years ago.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

"...saving the world." ??!!

He knows full well that he is DESTROYING the world!

All his actions are those of a raging egotist--he's been hailed for decades as the "smartest man in the world", the genius, the mastermind, the creator, etc, etc, etc.--and as most egotists, he has, at the same time, a raging need to show that his PR is correct.

Call it an inferiority complex if you will, but it's actually a superiority complex. That is the major factor in his evil plans to destroy pitiful Normals, the mouth-breathing hoi polloi who spew "carbon." He's better than them. They are nothing. He is on a higher plane (so he believes).

From the time he made his first million, by stealing someone else's code for MS-DOS, there have been constant PR blitzes touting Gates' "genius."

There is a bookshelf full of hagiographic books by or about him. There are many more movies, podcasts, and various other media that kiss his rear and extol him as a genius, prophet, and savior.

He's descended into evil machinations to destroy the masses who've adored him, cloaking his evil plots as "save the world" schemes. Don't fall for it.

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"Admirable" may be rarer than "billionaire," and it seems that but for easy access to their money most Moms and Dads would not want their sons and daughters to marry the empty suited rich. Really, would you want your daughter even to go out with Lurch Kerry? Ohhh, so creepy! or Dork Gates? Does he buy his ties at a Goodwill Store?

I'm sure there are myriad rich people of stellar character (the founders of Home Depot come to mind,) but they seem to stay hidden in their bunkers out of public view, ceding moral and political debate to the lowly worm likes of Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg and, yes, especially that party crashing, social climbing, "poor boy" Kerry. (I think WEF was formed to give lowly worm sociaI climbers like Kerry permanent seats at the by-invitation-only table of the rich and famous.)

I wish those rare odd ducks with high character and deep money would form an eleemosynary club, The Club of Rich Nice Guys" and publicize their singularity.

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After all these years, sometimes it seems like William of Ockham and David Icke are on the same side. These dumb bastards really are not human. The sheer misanthropy is just hard to credit in you know, a human. Maybe they always talk about 'carbon' as a pollutant because they are not carbon based life?(Not sure about Icke's reptilians) Seriously though, I think that much of it is about preventing the revolting classes from having decent levels of testosterone. They make their classic mistake of assuming that the body can be used to bind the spirit of man, it only works until it doesn't.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

💬 is Gates a raving madman, or is he merely greedy?

Why not both? He resembles a container of multitudes 😁

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