And those who object to this will be declared "mentally ill." Prisons, er, I mean care facilities will be established to house them until they see that O'Brien is indeed holding up 5 fingers.

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I remember a post by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick where he quipped "Don't do something, stand there!"

Many times it's better to do nothing.

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Malcolm is great.

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Fun path to a good place.

I say it would be best to bring back witch doctors: "My friend the witch doctor he tells me what to do."

And take their advice: "He says, 'Oo-ee, oo-ah-ah, ting-tang, walla-walla bing-bang.'"

Also, for your overall health, including foot health, I would watch Andy's gang often and wear Buster Brown Shoes. https://vimeo.com/278615794.

For wart control a raw potato on the wart works wonders. (Gotta store the potato for one week in an eaves trough.) For good mental health, rely on Froggy the Magic Gremlin to plunk his magic twanger: https://www.bing.com/search?pglt=41&q=froggy+the+gremlin+video+andy+devine&cvid=6023a444e9264f0493aa0f7fcaf74142&aqs=edge..69i57j0l6.15726j0j1&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=DCTE

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It’s like when people call the Tree Doctor who only makes money when they cut down trees and asks them what to do with the slightly crooked tree in the yard. “Cut it down!” Of course.

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Overmeasurement is, like Thanos, inevitable. Experts don’t want to share the same area of expertise with other experts (where’s the fun and money in that?), hence the finer and finer focus. On a maybe related note, I saw a commercial for a bipolar disorder medication last night. I didn’t realize there were so many people suffering from bipolar disorder that a pharma company could turn a profit. My bad apparently.

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Now apply this analogously to mental health and understand that everyone is diagnosable. Just sitting in their office makes you a potential victim. You can go straight from a clinical checkup to the looney bin and be forced to take their debilitating drugs and be incarcerated without trial. There is a history of psychopathic behavior among psychologists. These people are attracted to positions where they can take power over others and victimize them: https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/urania-part-v

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I think it is because I am so dirty, I am almost never sick.

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Gosh, I feel sort of sick after reading this.

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My wise old Granny used to say, "you gotta eat a peck of dirt before you die". My favorite was, "hospitals are where you go to die." She died in her own bed at the ripe old age of 92. 😎

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Now that is the right attitude.

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