Jun 26Liked by William M Briggs

What are rights? A declaration of hostility. In harmonious groups it is qualities that count : honour, loyalty, self giving and so on.

And the purpose of rights in conflictual groups, for example large heterogeneous populations ruled by force, is to protect the citizen from the rulers.

And here comes the subtle destruction : by introducing numerous privileges to be exercised by one group against another the rulers achieve two objectives : antagonism between groups and the establishment of the rulers as the arbitrating power.

Thus it is that as the number of privileges has increased (they are called, wrongly, rights) the rights of the citizen against the government have decreased.

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Jun 26Liked by William M Briggs

Great synopsis and aerial view of the war.

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Jun 26Liked by William M Briggs

You are absolutely right governments around the world use a warfare strategy divide and conquer against their citizens hence my lack of participation in their bread and circus bs.. I love my country and my fellow citizens and I alone will decide who my enemies are.Spoiler alert it is done.. I started detaching from the matrix decades ago and I am done..No cartel medicine no cartel banking debt.No more woke ass entertainment..The only Freedom we will ever get is what we actively pursue..My rights don’t come from government and they aren’t taking them from me either. I no longer consent to be governed I will not consent I will not comply I will not obey and I will never surrender..May God through the Lord Jesus Christ protect and strengthen his children 🙏

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Jun 26Liked by William M Briggs

They didn't express this concern when there was a Jewish majority on SCOTUS:

Funny that.

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Jun 26Liked by William M Briggs

Because the Jew is always left of left. I’ve been married into a Jewish family. I’ve worked for Jews, with them, and in 68 years, I’ve never ever met one conservative Jew. And that family I married into? They hated me like you can’t imagine. And all of us gentiles inthe family. It was rather telling. And how many senators are Jewish?

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by William M Briggs

"Left" is hostility to the broad community and its patriotism. Judaism is founded on ethnic patriotism to the Jewish people, while Christianity and Islam both condemn ethnic patriotism in favor of the universal principles and impositions they claim to stand for. Jews persist as a diaspora people for thousands of years only by virtue of constantly repudiating both the principles and the ethnic patriotism of the surrounding community. That makes them "left." Those that cease to be left, cease to be Jews.

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The First Amendment originally applied to the federal government only. Several states had established churches at the time. Most states had, and still have, religious preambles to their state constitutions. (Virginia is the only exception I encountered with sampling a dozen constitutions.)

With that said, imposing the full set of Christian morals by force of law contradicts with Jesus taught. The Gate is Narrow. Christians are called to be salt of the earth. Governments are called to govern the rest of the stew.

For a functioning free society, there needs to be a large number of acts which are deemed naughty, but not illegal. Both the theocrat and the woketard strive to eliminate legal naughtiness -- albeit with different ideas as to what constitutes naughty.

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Jun 26Liked by William M Briggs

the ADL and AIPac have been doing a great job of imposing their will on these United States for quite some time now by various means. I'm sufficiently tired of hearing the "judeo" Christian ethic, someone please explain to me how support of abortion, lbgtqxyz, pornography, etc are examples of Christian ethics, because all of these were largely brought about by jews and are now sacred cows. When the jesuits were still Christian, they were responsible for the a vatican publication that is still around. In the late 1800's, writing on the jewish question they wrote, and I'm paraphrasing.... any country that rejects the laws of God and turns away from Him will be ruled by jews. When you look at our culture, the cesspool that it is and who supports it, the jesuits seemed to be prophetic.

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DENIED. Without the ability to impose , don’t discuss impositions.

The Court’s have no power not granted by Elites and enforced only by their nod to Force.

Again and again the same mistake is made of throwing down the glove with no fist behind the glove.

Our fists in America are held by our rapacious and consuming but frightened women, there are no men to enforce this… and why would we? Why?

We are slaves to women.

All Courts are simply Elite Law Firms in priesthood robes, SCOTUS the Ivy League Elites.

At State level, State Elites.

This Folly of again and again throwing down morals or facts as if they themselves were Magic Spells is Animism, Idiotic, The Enlightenment’s Empty Magic Words. This may be filed with Drain the Swamp- behold the Swamp drains us with a million cuts. Fools. A prayer to the Enemy’s Dead gods of reason?

The Enemy only believes in staying on top. 🔝

Here’s a God to Follow, but you must be in full 🩸Communion;


No god on Earth but Force.

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Jun 26Liked by William M Briggs

You’re correct. Anyone can see that Progressive ideals are positive principles the regime forces on the populace.

“Gods, goddesses, saints and such tend to come with holy books and sacred myths.

So religions, while they do of course change, have a certain stability-think of them as DNA viruses. Idealisms are more like RNA viruses. Idealists are constantly creating new universals and mutating the existing ones, often in the weirdest and most surprising ways” -Curtis Yarvin

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Jun 26Liked by William M Briggs

Thankyou. That is a good framework to understand what is happening

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Jun 27Liked by William M Briggs

Who? Whom? Any political talk more wordy than this is at best theoretical, n-th order; at worst and more often simply onanism.

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Jun 26Liked by William M Briggs

Once civilization denies young men the natural right to challenge a "position of authority" to, individually, enter into a state of nature with one at most emerging alive, it becomes a war of all against all. This, my friends, is where Hobbes got it exactly backwards.

This is war. A womb war. So -- if we're going to impose "Christian" values from the center of power, how are we to decide what "Christian" means in operational terms that we can justify to those young men who are now being castrated?

Here it is:


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My goodness, Briggs, are you channeling your inner ZippyCatholic?

(Keep doing it; I like Zippy).

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Now that is a high complement.

We all miss Zippy.

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Brigg's pure and simple logic (like the TRUTH which is always pure and simple) must be excruciating to liberal minds. So liberalism uses complexity to hide their indefensible intents. Beware fellow Anons of complex solutions and explanations especially from government bearing gifts!

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How many conservatives and Christians other than myself never heard of this flag or symbol until this blew up in the news? It’s like when the Left complains about the Confederate Flag. Or prosecuting Trump. All they do is create more awareness of whatever they say they hate.

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Meanwhile the collectivists get their dogma shoved down our throats. The seven sacraments include abortion Anointing, LGBTQTXYZ Ordination, climate change Cookies, One World Baptism, Collectivist Confirmation, Government/Corporate Matrimony, and Communist Confession.

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The opposite of imposing, is posing.

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