Regular readers know that because I have been working with doctors for twenty-some years, I often joke the best medical advice I can give is "Do not get sick."
CJ states: "And so medical schools and medical societies are discarding traditional standards of merit in order to alter the demographic characteristics of their profession."
That is to say that doctors do not want measures of medical merit and intellectual excellence; they wish to be free of standards. That is the essence of professional libertinism.
And in surrender (of course,) the multitude of doctors sigh: "Sa la vie. So it goes. Oh, well. Standards are overrated. Equity."
And there is nary a noise from atop the ramparts, behind the lines or within the barricades of medicine, because, once again, doctors have built no ramparts, they have trenched no front lines. There is no barricade. There is no rally cry, no leader, no brave Horatius at medicine's gate to shout, "And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his Gods."
A mere finger of opposition and a whimper of protest is raised before our doctors crumble, deliver up their scruples, surrender their profession and sacrifice the public's health to POC predators.
There is heard only the afterword of Macaulay's lament, "As we wax hot in faction, In battle we wax cold: Wherefore men fight not as they fought In the brave days of old.”
And if you listen, you will also hear the AMA say of standards, "We are all libertines now."
History's most rememberd advocate of libertinism as normative was the insane Marquis de Sade.
Has the siren song of social justice made doctors sadists?
CJ states: "And so medical schools and medical societies are discarding traditional standards of merit in order to alter the demographic characteristics of their profession."
That is to say that doctors do not want measures of medical merit and intellectual excellence; they wish to be free of standards. That is the essence of professional libertinism.
And in surrender (of course,) the multitude of doctors sigh: "Sa la vie. So it goes. Oh, well. Standards are overrated. Equity."
And there is nary a noise from atop the ramparts, behind the lines or within the barricades of medicine, because, once again, doctors have built no ramparts, they have trenched no front lines. There is no barricade. There is no rally cry, no leader, no brave Horatius at medicine's gate to shout, "And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his Gods."
A mere finger of opposition and a whimper of protest is raised before our doctors crumble, deliver up their scruples, surrender their profession and sacrifice the public's health to POC predators.
There is heard only the afterword of Macaulay's lament, "As we wax hot in faction, In battle we wax cold: Wherefore men fight not as they fought In the brave days of old.”
And if you listen, you will also hear the AMA say of standards, "We are all libertines now."
History's most rememberd advocate of libertinism as normative was the insane Marquis de Sade.
Has the siren song of social justice made doctors sadists?
Well said!
Oh, Hell no!
Socialized medicine with "doctors" who
finished in the bottom 5% of their class,
did their internship in the hood's STD Clinic
and their residency at a Drug Rehab
Center downtown while on probation.