Ain’t the terms we converge on—as well as language more broadly—itself the model reified? 2nd-order as it were 😉 There’s no escape from deadly embrace of this deadly sin; doomed are we to eternal wandering, blindly tripping over / bouncing from reality constraints 🤦
PS For 'tis no good to leave the mind in dire mood ↓↓ 😊
Ain’t the terms we converge on—as well as language more broadly—itself the model reified? 2nd-order as it were 😉 There’s no escape from deadly embrace of this deadly sin; doomed are we to eternal wandering, blindly tripping over / bouncing from reality constraints 🤦
PS For 'tis no good to leave the mind in dire mood ↓↓ 😊
🗨 I am sure that Adam ate the apple just to stop Eve from making a scene in front of all of Paradise. ~~Itxu Díaz
Ain’t the terms we converge on—as well as language more broadly—itself the model reified? 2nd-order as it were 😉 There’s no escape from deadly embrace of this deadly sin; doomed are we to eternal wandering, blindly tripping over / bouncing from reality constraints 🤦
PS For 'tis no good to leave the mind in dire mood ↓↓ 😊
🗨 I am sure that Adam ate the apple just to stop Eve from making a scene in front of all of Paradise. ~~Itxu Díaz