1."And everybody dies more in winter than otherwise."
Your conclusion applies to warm vs cold temperatures generally. Cold weather kills more than hot weather, and global warming also saves lives by allowing the production of more healthy food to feed more people, reduce malnutrition and morbidity, and avert starvation. These conclusions are based on the data. I say, "follow the science.''
2. "There was never a compelling reason to vex kids. Except panic."
I disagree! The DemocRat Party, not panic, was the primary reason to vax kids, b/c it hates children and does much to kill children (abortion as prenatal infanticide,) endanger their health (China Virus vaccine,) crush their spirit ( lockdowns and mandatory public school masking,) and destroy their future (K-16 education/ public teachers unions and college professors.) The DemocRat Party spends billions annually in tax dollars, private advertising, and Congressional lobbying to push the vax on kids, abort prenatal infants, miseducate and deprive children of a decent education; impoverish their parents with Covid economic shutdowns, and harm children's physical and mental health with Covid vaccines, lockdowns and masking. It cannot be said often or loudly enough, "DemocRats hate kids. They really do."
3. "Panic kills."
But so do DemocRats and much moreso than panic. Let me count the ways. They are myriad! You could write another book, "How DemocRats Kill." Chapter one would discuss 60 million dead American babies since the DemocRats in 1973, having failed to convince legislatures to legalize conception to birth abortion, persuaded a fatuous, incompetent, error-prone, gaggle of seven fatuous, ideological Black Robes to do so. Chapter two would discuss how the DemocRats, having failed to covince the competent judge who ably heard the DDT case and, having carefully weighed the science and the facts, decided against the Democrats, nevertheless convinced the fatuous, ideological EPA Administrator Bill Ruckelshaus (for whom I worked) a) to throw out the trial judge's decision that DDT should not be prohibited because DDT's demonstrable benefits far outweighed its speculative environmental risks, and then, instead, b) to ban DDT in the US, resulting (after a massive worldwide lobbying campaign by DemocRat Enviro-Whackos) in the banning of DDT in the tropical and subtropical third world, which led directly, predictably and inevitably to the ongoing malaria deaths ( estimated so far) of 150 million people, most of them children. Chapter three would cover the DemocRat-created China Virus pandemic (probably avoidable through widespread use of cheap anti-virals, widely available but for the DemocRat's systematic campaign to stigmatize and prevent their use) and the devastation the pandemic has wrought (and will continue to cause) children from lockdowns, masking, vaccine injuries and missed education. Chapter four (yes it warrants an entire chapter) would address maleducation of American children, teens and young adults, at the hands of the DemocRats' K-16 education system. (We remember that TV commercial back in the Eighties, with the line, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." Well, the DemocRat party wastes millions of minds annually in this country, now going onto 60 years.) Chapter five would discuss the DemocRat's most recent and, perhaps, most goulish destruction of young lives, through the deployment against children of systematic education in perversion and delusional sex propaganda and the publicly-funded promotion among teens of dangerous sex change drugs and the surgical removal of their organs.
I could go on, but I've given you more than enough to start your next book. Give me a foreword's credit, please.
Per usual, fine article.
Quick response to three of your assertions:
1."And everybody dies more in winter than otherwise."
Your conclusion applies to warm vs cold temperatures generally. Cold weather kills more than hot weather, and global warming also saves lives by allowing the production of more healthy food to feed more people, reduce malnutrition and morbidity, and avert starvation. These conclusions are based on the data. I say, "follow the science.''
2. "There was never a compelling reason to vex kids. Except panic."
I disagree! The DemocRat Party, not panic, was the primary reason to vax kids, b/c it hates children and does much to kill children (abortion as prenatal infanticide,) endanger their health (China Virus vaccine,) crush their spirit ( lockdowns and mandatory public school masking,) and destroy their future (K-16 education/ public teachers unions and college professors.) The DemocRat Party spends billions annually in tax dollars, private advertising, and Congressional lobbying to push the vax on kids, abort prenatal infants, miseducate and deprive children of a decent education; impoverish their parents with Covid economic shutdowns, and harm children's physical and mental health with Covid vaccines, lockdowns and masking. It cannot be said often or loudly enough, "DemocRats hate kids. They really do."
3. "Panic kills."
But so do DemocRats and much moreso than panic. Let me count the ways. They are myriad! You could write another book, "How DemocRats Kill." Chapter one would discuss 60 million dead American babies since the DemocRats in 1973, having failed to convince legislatures to legalize conception to birth abortion, persuaded a fatuous, incompetent, error-prone, gaggle of seven fatuous, ideological Black Robes to do so. Chapter two would discuss how the DemocRats, having failed to covince the competent judge who ably heard the DDT case and, having carefully weighed the science and the facts, decided against the Democrats, nevertheless convinced the fatuous, ideological EPA Administrator Bill Ruckelshaus (for whom I worked) a) to throw out the trial judge's decision that DDT should not be prohibited because DDT's demonstrable benefits far outweighed its speculative environmental risks, and then, instead, b) to ban DDT in the US, resulting (after a massive worldwide lobbying campaign by DemocRat Enviro-Whackos) in the banning of DDT in the tropical and subtropical third world, which led directly, predictably and inevitably to the ongoing malaria deaths ( estimated so far) of 150 million people, most of them children. Chapter three would cover the DemocRat-created China Virus pandemic (probably avoidable through widespread use of cheap anti-virals, widely available but for the DemocRat's systematic campaign to stigmatize and prevent their use) and the devastation the pandemic has wrought (and will continue to cause) children from lockdowns, masking, vaccine injuries and missed education. Chapter four (yes it warrants an entire chapter) would address maleducation of American children, teens and young adults, at the hands of the DemocRats' K-16 education system. (We remember that TV commercial back in the Eighties, with the line, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." Well, the DemocRat party wastes millions of minds annually in this country, now going onto 60 years.) Chapter five would discuss the DemocRat's most recent and, perhaps, most goulish destruction of young lives, through the deployment against children of systematic education in perversion and delusional sex propaganda and the publicly-funded promotion among teens of dangerous sex change drugs and the surgical removal of their organs.
I could go on, but I've given you more than enough to start your next book. Give me a foreword's credit, please.
Excellent analysis. Thanks.