Jan 15Liked by William M Briggs

We should not believe for a second that Emily et al are not fully aware of the horror they are causing, nor that they give a damn about inflicting cruelty on little ones. This is exactly the point : to force normal people to accept the abnormal and to shame them into publicly admitting that cruelty is kindness. This is not a form of dialectic it is deliberate humiliation (acknowledgement Theodore Dalrymple).

As we are no longer in a rational debate between free citizens it is permissible to reply to these people by denouncing them as neo Marxists who hate the family and are ready to abuse children for political ends.

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15Liked by William M Briggs

My mother and father, aided and abetted by midwives and at least one doctor, affirmed my gender while I was still squalling loud enough to deafen an entire maternity wing. A midwife said "it's a boy" or some such allegedly abusive affirmation, whereupon my mother allegedly said "let me see". Clearly she knew better than to trust "the science". After looking, "yes" she said to dad, "take a look for yourself." Long accustomed to not arguing, he queasily squinted at my appendages and nodded. That's how I was affirmed to have the very same gender with which I had just then been born. Thank f*&^%$ing goodness I don't even have to think about it any more.

Maybe "affirmation" does not mean what Emily, Emily, and Rachael think it means?

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"How did this all come to be?"

Well, I would say that the closet door we opened to allow homosexuals out was actually the lid to Pandora's Box.

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Jan 15Liked by William M Briggs

Once again, it is the AWFLs among us who are leading the charge. With nothing else to worry about, they make up “problems”. Munchausen by proxy anyone?!

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These people who believe that they can change their gender, obviously have been conditioned by their own parents, teachers, peers and or politicians who have convinced them that they can be any gender other than the one they were born with. It’s gender dysphoria that they are suffering from. Perhaps they need intense psychological therapy. Gender affirming care is mutilation

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In his latest Substack essay, Lorenzo Warby shared this quote from Voltaire, “There have been people who once said, you believe incomprehensible, contradictory, impossible things, because we have ordered you to do so; therefore do unjust things because we order you to do so. These people reasoned wonderfully. Certainly, whoever has the right to make you absurd has the right to make you unjust.”

Once they make you deny reality (believe the absurd), they are able to make you commit atrocities.

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Jan 15Liked by William M Briggs

"They deny children access to routine health care ....They fuel discriminatory rhetoric, which negatively impacts the mental health of TGD children and imperils their safety. "

Ah, so mutilating a child is routine and it's discriminatory rhetoric which hurts them mentally - not a rite of passage so brutal that a gang member would balk, even if his life depended on it.

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Jan 15Liked by William M Briggs

The day the "SUPREME COURT DECIDED" that two person's of the same sex could be "married", the earth shook. Unnerved I went for a walk in the woods. There I observed the birds and the bees, nothing had changed. I took a sigh of relief.

But it was then that I realized that people would: 1-Be forced to embrace the lie, and that would cause other issues as living with a lies always does., 2- Sexual deviance would not end there, the trend would continue., 3-Fear would come over the public from any possible accusation of _______ -phobia, 4-The State would proceed more in acting as Our God, 5-As a means of coping and/or totalitarian aims -people would appeal to "experts" rather than what their own two eyes would tell them: there are two sexes, with separate equipment. 6- Young persons would look back on ALL previous generations to call them "bigoted", and praise themselves as "enlightened", 7- Societal Affirmation , continuous praise.. for months, would be needed to keep consciences and reality at bay. Many with troubles would be attracted to that "Affirmation".

And here we are.....

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Jan 15Liked by William M Briggs

You cannot see the wood because you are too busy examining the trees. The Tavistock group and its' many offsprings haven objective, what exactly it is is hidden, but nonetheless there is a definite goal and a series of plans to bring it about.

Why one would want to destroy 3,000 years of civilisation and progress is something I can only guess at. One of the groups that Tavistock spawned was :

Frankfurt School

Moved to Columbia University NY in 1935.

Declared plan to bring about new society (1941-6)

1. The creation of racism offences.

2. Continual change to create confusion

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children

4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

6. The promotion of excessive drinking

7. Emptying of churches

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime

9. Dependency on the state or state benefits

10. Control and dumbing down of media

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of

‘pansexualism’ ~ the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women.

To further their aims they would:

• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.

• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls

• abolish all forms of male dominance ~ hence the presence of women in the armed forces

• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’

'We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.'


Here is a guess at the objective:

If one was a noble, a king or some other extremely wealthy individual, the best times to live were well before the current.

Slavery and feudalism are far preferable systems, if you are at the top of the food chain.

As Marie Antoinette said to Louis, "The peasants are revolting!".

To which he replied "Yes, aren't they."

If I could be returned to 1600-1800 as a European noble (of any country) I would love it.

A Rolls-Royce has no great advantage over a Royal carriage and on most roads, you still have to drive around the pot-holes.

I would love to have the opportunity to exclaim "My God, the postillion has been struck by lightning".

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Jan 15Liked by William M Briggs

"even worse religion"

The baphomet is trans.

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Jan 18Liked by William M Briggs

Great article! I particularly like that you identify the nature of the debate as philosophical, since I agree.

I started my Substack with the intention of exposing gender as an intellectually and philosophically bankrupt concept. I believe that eroding the legitimacy of gender as a concept among the public has the potential to bring the child abuse apparatus that’s been built atop the concept crumbling to the ground, since the abusers calling themselves experts will no longer have a popular premise to base their wicked actions upon.

I believe this task of public delegitimization of the concept of gender will take a concerted effort on our part, so I’m glad to find some allies!

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Jan 15Liked by William M Briggs

These people are literal subhuman monsters. They are John Wayne Gacy, Gary Ridgeway, and Theodore Bundy combined, except they operate out in the open. They prey on the weakest in pursuit of gratifications/goals/reasonings that have no place within normal human society. This is why how they think, the rationalizations they put forth, and the things they do are so inexplicable and incomprehensible to the vast majority of us. The sheer evil that is the basis for what they do is so beyond what a normal person can begin to fathom that most people simply dismiss it and choose not to see it. I think for most people, that to even try to understand how someone could actually amputate the penis from a prepubescent boy is so abhorrent that they simply turn away from the knowledge of it and pretend it's not there. They are choosing ignorance rather than acknowledge a reality that is so far outside their everyday context. It's a version of the child's game of "if I close my eyes and I can't see you, and you can't see me". And that's how these monsters grow in power and influence.

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15Liked by William M Briggs

Somehow I'm reminded of "... In this workshop we discussed...

- the formation of a psychopathological/criminal underbelly of society

- how the types and number of personality disorders in a region shapes the mentality of a people

- how psychopaths make it their goal to revile normality and fight laws designed to punish them..."

quoted from Harrison Koehli 's https://ponerology.substack.com/p/workshop-session-6-psychopathy

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Jan 15Liked by William M Briggs


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Jan 15Liked by William M Briggs

"That children may be separated from their caregivers in certain states, on the basis of legislative efforts......" imbecilic etc deleted

I'm still wondering where all the careTAKERS went.

And how exactly one "gives" "care."

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You can´t expect something like smartphones to come along, and NOT have SOME weird changes take place ....

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