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"There you go again," Briggs, running way ahead of the curve or the pack or "your av-er-age bear," or your executioner, or whatever.

This from CJ today: "A policy of deliberate ignorance has corrupted top scientific institutions in the West. It’s been an open secret for years that prestigious journals will often reject submissions that offend prevailing political orthodoxie...—no matter how scientifically sound the work might be." https://www.city-journal.org/nih-blocks-access-to-genetics-database

It's probably wise for our man Briggs to avoid DC's streets. At least after hours. Like the dead and "disappeared" who had once access to DNC's "hacked" computer server in 2016-17, those who would dare point out that science is fakery had best avoid places, like DC's mean streets, where fake science get its money and fake scientists their power.

Those capable of funding, empowering and institutionalizing "a policy of deliberate (scientific) ignorance" are surely capable of scientific deliberation as to opponents of deliberate scientific ignorance.

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