It is rather incredible that we poured vast resources into creating a machine to digest the corpus of humanity's accumulated cultural output, and then promptly demanded that it use that data to lie to us about what's in there.

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I'm fairly convinced that AI isn't intended to solve anything. Its sold as "neutral unbiased knowledge" to the plebs in order to convince them that the current thing is actually the "unbiased neutral truth" when in reality its intentionally heavily biased by the woke folks that created it.

An analogy would be creating a new Bible, convincing everyone that its the true word of God, then just filling it with propaganda.

The problem for the technocrats is they completely lack subtly (overconfidence or ignorance perhaps?) and its completely obvious to everyone that there are giant fingers on the scales of these "neutral" models.

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I agree with your hunch about AI -- it's supposed "neutrality" will be the pretense for people believing in whatever it produces, and that will be a reflection of the AI working precisely as the programmers intended.

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I've seen it used in political advertising already. There was an ad campaign here that supposedly used AI to simulate what our mythical national hero would say about political topics and he's apparently very LGBTQQAI+ friendly, who would have thought! Of course the campaign was premature since most people have still never heard of the character AI stuff and those that do hopefully have enough brain cells to recognize that it's both meaningless and probably just invented.

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When you pull back the curtain of your AI overlords and reveal a Wizard of Soy cranking the knobs.

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I laughed out loud at that one. Wizard of Soy!

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

".. The model also projected that the court’s decision to end handgun-carry restrictions will result in 152 additional firearm-related deaths annually, ..." : what it omitted to say was "The model also projects 1,320 fewer rapes, 5,900 fewer muggings, 10,600 fewer car-jackings and a complete end to robberies of convenience stores."

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

Of course they omit that other info, because ultimately the people paying them want that all to happen to us.

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

Of course the woke white idiots and AWFLs working at Google believe their anti-whiteness will protect them; useful idiots always think they will be protected. And they are, right up until their “usefulness” is drained, then it’s all whining as they are being lined up, “But I am on your side! I helped you achieve this! Why are you doing this?! I’m a friend! Nooooooo!!!”

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Already happened in Canada. Muslims took over a council and promptly banned all the rainbow gay stuff.

A local agitator, a lesbian, complained to the local media. How could they do this to us? We campaigned to get them money and housing. We helped them ship their families over here.

She could not process what was happening. Absolutely lost. Someone needs to explain the fate of lesbians in the Islamic world.

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

Schadenfreude is delicious!

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It can be. But thanks to people like that our world is permanently altered.

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deletedMar 19
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I suspect that is exactly what will happen. When they've picked off the lightweights they might be surprised at what remains.

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

That’s the bright side in all this: the useful idiots are generally the first to end up face-down in the ditches, and they never see it coming.

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The extra 152 firearms deaths resulting from concealed carry are in the "thuggish brute" cohort who picked on the wrong guy.

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

And most of those problems would go away if most states actually had and frequently enforced capital punishment as it should be for the kinds of heinous, violent crimes that these crates commit.

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The problem would go away if every inner-city black was deported to their country of ethno historical origin.

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

If this were to be done, the US homicide rate would situate itself at about the level of Belgium. So, basically, it would be considerably safer. Different people, different behaviours.

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My point, exactly.

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Why can this never be discussed? What happened to us? They forensically examine all aspects of the Atlantic slave trade and minor flare ups in the British Raj like they were precursors to genocide. But crime stats published by governments are considered evil to discuss.

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fear of cancellation and being called a raaaaaacist - free speech has been and is being silenced through the mechanism of fear. Too many people are willing to be nice instead of truthful.

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Here's a statistic for ya ... just to show how prevalent systemic racism and opression of minorities still is today: The mayors of 15 of the 50 largest cities in the United States are black — New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Dallas, Charlotte (NC), San Francisco, Washington DC, Memphis, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Atlanta, Colorado Springs, Long Beach (CA). Pretty soon AI to turn Marilyn Monroe black will no longer be needed. Real life trumps it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_the_50_largest_cities_in_the_United_States

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deletedMar 19
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I will not deny that there is a great deal of social pathology in black communities (much of it self created), but both you and the black race pimps need to understand some science about Africans and American blacks.

Fact 1: The average American black's ancestry is about one quarter European.


That means they have one European grandparent. People who share a grandparent are first cousins. Like it or not, they are family.

Fact 2. Africa is a freaking enormous place. It is big enough to contain the US, China, India, and Europe.


European slave traders did not sail to Africa, send a couple of guys with muskets into the first village they found, and collect all of the inhabitants. They bought the slaves from local slave merchants, usually working on behalf of the local powers that be. That meant the slaves were a random assortment of people from an area, but could easily include people from hundreds of miles away who had been trafficked by traders coming to the coast. Not only that but European traders went all up and down the west coast of Africa and some went to East Africa. https://www.amazon.com/SLAVE-TRADE-STORY-ATLANTIC-1440/dp/0684835657/

That means the African ancestors of modern American blacks came from a huge assortment of polities, and cultural and linguistic groups. The slave trade to the US was made illegal in 1808. Of course, the imported slaves had no way of maintaining ties with their families and tribes in Africa. Further, they were shuffled about in the US by the whims of their masters not any facts related to their points of origin. The slaves, perforce, shed any endogamy rules of their ancestral cultures and contracted marriages, common law or religious, across cultural, linguistic, and tribal lines. Very few American blacks have any idea of where in Africa their African ancestors came from. The odds are that their ancestors are scattered all over the map of that enormous continent.

Not only that but African societies are still mostly tribal. Most Africans belong to a tribe. Few, if any, American blacks (other than recent immigrants) belong to an African tribe, speak its language, or observe its cultural norms. There is literally no place where they fit in Africa. There is no place to send them back to.

Conclusion. American blacks are purely American population, as pure as Mayflower Decendants or the FFV. They are not going anywhere. They and you need to get used to it.

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I think what people are really having a hard time getting used to has little to do with tribal history and 400 years of hardship etc. Americans might have difficulty focusing on those interesting facts, given that while blacks make up 14% of the population of the United States, there is this (from the FBI, of all places): "According to the FBI 2019 Uniform Crime Report, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019. The per-capita offending rate for African-Americans was roughly eight times higher than that of whites, and 91% of black or African-American victims were killed by blacks or African-Americans ...." Is that what you meant by "social pathology" in black communities?

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That is a symptom of the social pathology. The pathology is failure to form and maintain nuclear families that bear and raise all children.

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There are 2 reasons why I continue to have faith in Americans: 1. the Second Amendment and 2. that the United States still has the death penalty. Making looting acceptable and shoplifting legal is one thing, but when the enormity of murder is diminished in any way, to any degree, I can think of no greater perversion of justice. The murder victim's worldly troubles are over, but surviving families and loved ones are sometimes left broken and despondent for the rest of their lives. So, multiple victims when even just one person is murdered.

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Blue states are working furiously to ban semi-automatic rifles from their citizens. The Supreme Court needs to step up and strike down these laws. A clear infringement on our rights.

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

“AI” is systematically trashing its own credibility. The schadenfreude is delicious. Instead of being the force that saves/destroys humanity (depending on who you ask), it’s becoming its own punchline — just another pathetic propaganda tool.

Never underestimate the capacity of wokeists to make a shambles of anything and everything.

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I am not in agreement. This episode is a glimpse into the minds of the people pushing our technological future and whites are not in that future.

The head of Gemini was a white American. His Tweets show how much he loathes the white race. This is clearly mental illness. But those are the people running the major projects.

In IBM you now need written justification and a sign off from the CEO to hire white men. What is that if not a form of eradication?

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

It's a form of suicide, if it is true that employees are not interchangeable cogs as the managerial class believes, and that the white men in question have to be excluded because otherwise they would win on merit. Meaning you can't find equally meritorious non-whites, such that heavy handed tactics like this wouldn't be necessary to fill out your diversity quotas.

Meaning wherever the excluded go, and whatever they do, it is likely on average to be more successful on account of having more capable people working on it.

These things take time. It took decades for RCA, Bell Labs, and the other big mid-century R&D companies to self-destruct at the hands of ideologically driven management (then mid-century Chicago School economic theory, mainly).

What we're seeing right now is not unprecedented. In the long-run reality wins, every single time.

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I do agree. Reality is always the cure and always has the last laugh.

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Yet, Nvidia stock is at $785 today. People are sure the use of AI is safe and effective.

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A friendly reminder that in the Summer of George, Google rendered conservative and Christian websites inaccessible for a few hours. A "glitch" is the word they used to characterize their "test run."

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These episodes are glimpses behind the curtain. They are not signs of failures. They are tests to see how much they can get away with. We already know if the races were reversed there would be riots. So do they. We do nothing as we get erased from our own history by the mentally disturbed.

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Yes, our side continues to believe that it has too much to lose if we, let me be careful, "actively" implore on our behalves, ignorant of the fact that all will be lost in a few years, if we do nothing.

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Especially with the nonsense they are teaching children. Inculcating ethnomasochism in them. The guy in charge of Google's Gemini project Tweeted on race. Absolute believer in the evil of white America, a group who have made unusually impressive contributions to the world. That is mental illness, and it is growing.

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Sometimes I fear that in 20 years reasonably normal and level-headed young people, college age, will be rare indeed. I pray that my fear will prove needless by then. We will not get by if, say, only 20% of them are not delusional.

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

Garbage in - Garbage out!

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

I think they honestly don't expect to be spared. Some, maybe, but it would not surprise me if these people are so laden with collective guilt they are ready and willing to be martyred today if it will mean a complete end to all evils in the world. (Because that is what they are taught - whiteness is the source of every and all evils in the world.)

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Death by cognitive dissonance 😵‍💫

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

So in other words, it's not 'artificial intelligence' at all, it is programmed responses to queries - much like a large database might return couched in natural-sounding wording. Yeah, just one more avenue to spread leftist woke ideology and little more.

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

"Management there must be so used to smelling their own farts and declaring it roses that they assumed the rest of the country had slid as far down the Woke Slope of Doom as them."

Award the Pulitzer immediately.

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

It’s yet another tactic that these companies as puppets of international bankers use to demoralise, and thus weaken, Western nations. It is loathsome and completely intentional.

Everyone needs to wake up and start organizing against this before it’s too late.

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I agree. These are intentional. Leaks like this help test the reaction. We know if the roles were reversed the blacks would be burning cities.

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs
Feb 23·edited Feb 25Liked by William M Briggs

Google is a genocidal company. If we judge the actions of the company by their own stated moral code, the company should ban itself from existence, due to their incessant promotion of tyranny, hate, violence, medical disinformation and pseudoscience, political shenanigans and financial frauds.

If any AI software had any of the sci-fi features it is said to have, it would recommend the destruction of any and all tech oligopolies, the total abolition of all intellectual property laws, and probably the hanging of the CEOs and whoever is above them. The dumb computers would even write an automated sentence for the judge, free from grammatical errors. But AI is not what they say, and that won't happen.

But now they take refuge in their automated racism. Google's computerized bigotry is the only way to escape retribution if it is true that the distinctive feature of the "white" mindset is self-hatred. Anyone who hates white people will be applauded by the brainwashed white people, and they will forget all their previous crimes.

But maybe the self-hatred is not real either. I can imagine the reaction looming on the horizon. As the boomers die off, younger generations start waking up and say "What the heck! They're killing us! Let's fight!"

But why were the boomers so brainwashed against their own culture? Who created this epidemic of self-sabotage? The Mongols?

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We know it was not done with old-fashioned Mongol-style violence ... it was done by those who control the flow of information to a public that at this point for the most part is incapable of critical thinking.

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Someone published the tweets of the lead on the Gemini project. He is a white American with a polish surname.


+ The biggest problem in America is racism

+ I will never be able to pay back enough to compensate for my white privilege

Etc etc

They seemed to be sincere views, not just virtue signaling.

I would argue this represents mental illness. Extreme ethnomasochism that has been imposed upon him, then readily embraced.

My own theory is they are good pattern recognizers. They see some ethnic groups quite evidently unable to function in a first world setting no matter how much help they get. Too many fail and too often to write it off to prejudice or the legacy of past events.

Knowing you are in one of the groups always destined to be at the top means one of two options, you accept it or you dig very deep for some alternative explanation. Hence the absurdity of systemic racism etc. The zeal with which we see this stuff pushed is a reflection of it's lack of substance. They know it isn't true.

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And if he's a genuine IT wiz ... then more likely to be 50ish or younger ... has him born right when the catastrophic 1960s counterculture revolution was becoming firmly rooted everywhere -- maybe at the breakfast table with mom and dad, in school, naturally TV etc. Brainwashed in the cradle.

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Perhaps. More likely at college. My main concern is he was the project lead. He is not a junior member of staff. This is who is succeeding in tech.

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Good point. But look at who is succeeding in becoming heads of state. Bad actors rising to the top seems to be the overall trend of the moment.

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A sign of decline. Late empire activity. Their nemesis is reality, as the Gemini Lead found out.

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"their nemesis is reality" Brilliant! Applies to the entire global shitshow.

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Yes, all of it is an assault on reality. Men can be women etc. All of it is solved by discussing reality. Gender dysphoria is mental illness, crime statistics are published by the government and they challenge narratives around mixing different peoples, where is the evidence for institutional sexism? This stuff is studiously avoided for a reason.

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I bet it gives similar answers on Whites and Russians.

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

So funny.

Try challenging it. Tired of contending with ad hominems from people, Mike Stone thought he'd give ChatGPT a go on the subject of the fraudulence of virology ... and he got it to admit to it.


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Feb 23·edited Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

Haha, oh, I use ChatGPT frequently. I swear, it's about as sharp as a bowling ball. But you know what's hilarious? I like to throw some math problems its way, especially proofs, just to see how it'll manage. And let me tell you, it's a comedy of errors! Even when I try to give it a little nudge in the right direction, it's like banging your head against a brick wall—it just keeps making the same mistakes over and over again!

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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

That's interesting, even with non-controversial maths.

I just asked this question:

What led to the catastrophic failure of the US military and intelligence infrastructure four times on the morning of 9/11 including penetration of Defence HQ?

I argued with the answer but I'm not really up to it especially as it's 2am in Sydney and I should be in bed.


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Feb 23Liked by William M Briggs

So here’s a question: Why were a bunch of, let's say, "alleged" Mossad agents caught dancing and cheering on a nearby rooftop when the towers fell? Because, let's be honest here, those buildings weren't brought down by airplanes. Jet A fuel? Ha! That stuff's crap fuel that’s about as potent as watered-down lemonade. Jet A couldn't melt a marshmallow, let alone steel beams.

No, my friend, what went down on that fateful day was nothing short of a Hollywood production. It was another false flag setup. Just like everything else in the US these days. Fake economy, fake military, fake government, fake stock market, fake news. But hey, don't take my word for it. Peel back the layers, follow the breadcrumbs, and you'll see the truth for yourself.

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The question you really need to consider though is why would the mainstream media be telling us about Mossad agents which tends to undermine their Arab terrorist story? Why would the NY Times be telling us about them?

You know the 80/20 rule? Well I've just made up the 90/10 rule.

The 90/10 rule states:

--- 90% of the population will accept whatever those in power tell them while

--- 10% will reject it

For both groups the acceptance/rejection occurs regardless of how well the narrative corresponds with reality.

Those in power rely on these psychographic profiles and in some cases they will simply target their propaganda to the 90% allowing for the fact that 10% will reject it and in other cases - in their really big psyops, for example, such as 9/11 - they target both groups with separate propaganda streams often comprising multiple substreams all the better to distract and confuse.

So for 9/11 part of the propaganda targeted to the 10% was the theme, "Israel did it!" which has made plausible the lie of death and injury being real (Oh, they got OUTSIDERS to do the dastardly deed, they didn't have US citizens pull the cold-blooded plug on their compatriots) and in general provides massive distraction from what kind of event 9/11 really was, namely, the biggest demolition job of all time cloaked in the biggest Full-Scale Anti-Terror Exercise of all time where death and injury were staged pushed out as a real terror attack.

I've written quite a lot on the subject of 9/11 as it is my pet subject and in the danger of sounding delusional I call myself an expert on the propaganda strategy which is so instructive for understanding how propaganda works in general.

So to go back to the "suspicious" Mossad agents. The perps relied with well-justified confidence on the 90% who accept the terrrrrrorrrrist story not paying the slightest attention to the Mossad agents where the 10% would latch right onto it. And didn't we all! That we fall into these distinctive 90/10 psychographics profiles means the perps have two playgrounds to play in with their propaganda ... so very convenient for them.


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