“No time-less or ‘natural’ or ‘philosophical’ or even ‘theological’ Thing or Form or Idea or construct can ever make us kin to Love, can ever gift us a true personal — a baptismal — Name, can ever make our deeds, our breaths, consequential, can ever save us in this Fallen world, or in any other.”

John hits that Keefian ball out of the park again!❤️❤️❤️

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“Apart from the Risen Lord’s continuing sacramental acts in history with His bride, every hair on each man’s head is not numbered, all of a man’s acts, his very breaths, are not ultimately consequential, no man can have Free Will.”

Yes, yes, yes.

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Yikes, Sarge, you know about John Kelleher, one of the great interpreters of Fr. Keefe! Hi John, long time no talk. My handle is Miasarx!

Keefians unite!

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That was a great change of pace.

God gives meaning and purpose to our lives.

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