Sep 8, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

At what point in the “lobotomies are good for you” phase of medical care did the pure evil of the practice become so obvious as to derail the hideous procedure? Are we near that point with sex change? One can pray so.

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I’m also sure that those pushing for sex changes are also against lobotomy for the same reasons you listed while not seeing the irony that they are the modern lobotomist.

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I think the destransitioners will do the work. We see some harrowing tales already. But in ten years there will be many more entering adulthood who were transitioned by some psychotic mother. I think the fireworks will start then, young adults unable to have children and cast adrift in a genderless sea because of a secular cult.

Perhaps more strikingly (and tragically) we may have a legion of fathers who heroically tried to save their children. We see plenty of them already. There will be more given the epidemic of divorces and the nature of scorned women.

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It is a sign of where we are in the general process of societal breakdown that we are debating the question of whether parents should be informed when groomers are inducing schizoid psychosis in their children for the purpose of permanently sterilizing them. Implicit in this framing is that it is perfectly okay if children are being deranged by an elaborate gaslighting program, so long as parents are told that their offspring are being brainwashed into mutilating themselves.

This is not the correct frame.

The correct frame is "firing squad or gallows".

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This is it.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

Amen. Harsh punishments need to begin being enacted against this at the local level and expand upward.

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Well if they want to pretend to be women we should extend that to burning at the stake.

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That would be witches not necessarily women.

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industrial wood chipper

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

Fitting that the tennis coach showering-with-the-girls pervert is in Pennsylvania.

Remember it was at Penn State (former lair of the Climate Expert, Mann) that another pervert worked his diverse homo showering operation. Jerry Sandusky, assistant football coach under Joe Paterno, ran a homo grooming operation. He groomed young boys, enticing them with access to the sacred Penn State locker room. In addition to other perverted acts, his grooming prepared them to shower with the pervert.

He's doing 30-60 in Pennsylvania's supermax prison now.


If only the rest of these groomer perverts targeting high school kids would get the same treatment. Maybe some day....

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They really are lost in another world. A fantasyland in fact. Not reality.

No rational person would consider it acceptable for an adult man to be changing alongside teenage girls. But in these things you see an echo of their distorted world view, where every pushback from normals reinforces their sense of superiority. The things we complain about come from a place of ignorance, a lack of sophistication. We do not understand the complexities of transgenderism etc.

While cowardice certainly plays a part, so does cult-like behavior too.

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Have any of these experts listened to what the girls have to say about this matter? It looks as though the victims have no rights, no say, no recourse. Funny that.

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LGBTQ propaganda should be banned. Let us follow the lead of the Russians in this regard. The entire ideology is a cover for perverts and pedophiles.

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I know this recommendation would likely get no traction, but here goes: save your grocery shopping receipts, clothing receipts, and school supply receipts. Highlight and itemize every item purchased for your child in these districts, and bring them to your next school board meeting. During public comment, ask the board who among them and their Experts to address for reimbursement. If they seem puzzled, point out to them that if YOUR child is suddenly under THEIR governance in such a total scope, then THEY should willing and able to foot the damned bill.

It won't likely help much, but it might help dispell this gobshite notion of "our children" they want to insist upon.

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If I were a girl being gazed upon by Mr. Yates, I might be tempted to sneak up behind him and hit him over the head with a hockey stick. The risk would be that he might enjoy that sort of thing.

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Surely the girl should just kick her in the balls?

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Although board president Kenneth Hassinger denied that their investigation into Yates was motivated in any way by her gender, the parties behind the accusations paint a different picture. School board member Michelle Smyers, who was elected in 2021, is also the chairwoman of the Adams County chapter of Moms for Liberty, and as Penn Live reported, has given interviews to conservative outlets exaggerating the claims against Yates. Smyers is represented by America First Legal, the right-wing law firm founded by former Trump advisor Stephen Miller that blasted the U.S. with tens of millions of dollars in anti-trans campaign ads last year and, more recently, accused Kellogg’s of sexualizing Frosted Flakes. In a press release last month, AFL representatives demanded that Smyers be granted access to more of Yates’ records and claimed they would “protect students from the insidious transgender movement.”


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The "woke" "left" won't take out its own trash, so somebody else has to.

How many $millions have the pro-trans "woke" "left" Pritzkers "blasted" the medical system with to do trans child mutilation?

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How many circumcisions has Christianity performed?

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How many psychiatric treatments have you had that didn't fix your mental dysfunction?

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How many Ritalin prescriptions? Not that it’s any of your business strange person on the internet.

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023








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Ad hominem fallacy, coupled with think of the children panic. Not a serious opinion, nothing of value here.

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A heterodox (anarcho-libertarian) sociologist explains how "woke" is an integral part of the power structure of global elites:


attackthesystem. com /2021/12/06/curtis-yarvin-mencius-moldbug-on-tucker-carlson-today-09-08-21/


... the “woke” ideology (what I call “totalitarian humanism”) that presently constitutes the self-legitimating ideological superstructure of the ruling class is not the sole creation of the Brahmins alone.

[->] Every ideological superstructure has a materialist base and class base

(which in the case of totalitarian humanism would be digital capital, the tech revolution, “financialization” of the kind that has emerged from neoliberalism, the expanded technocratic class which is the product of the wider degree of specialization and the division of labor rooted in increased technological sophistication).

Additionally, “wokeness” is rooted in the wider infrastructure of statecraft which can be traced, at the irreducible minimum, to the

[->] collusion between the Frankfurt School and the OSS during WW2,

followed by the CIA’s creation of the Congress of Cultural Freedom in the 1950s. While elements of the ideological framework of totalitarian humanism may have their roots in the cultural revolution of the 1960s/1970s, in its present form

[->] “wokeness” represents a co-optation of those cultural patterns by the liberal wing of the capitalist class

( a specific strategy that was devised by Fred Dutton as far back as 1970). The insurgent sectors of the managerial class (primarily the expanded professional class and rising middle-class sectors among traditional outgroups) became the socioeconomic foundation for this co-optation, which allowed the liberal wing of capitalism to marginalize labor unions while cultivating these rising middle-class sectors as a replacement constituency for the traditional working class.


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www. firstthings. com /web-exclusives/2020/01/the-billionaires-behind-the-lgbt-movement

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023

Yet another scholar explaining why DEI/WOKEISM is literally out of touch with reality.


hxstem. substack. com /p/the-search-for-truth-at-cornell-university


TOXIC Leftist/ "woke" cancel culture / Cultural Marxist, PC left, CRT/SJW/BLM/DEI rhetoric*, explained:

00000. memory holing


000. use absurd SMEARS

00. project

0. gaslight


1. Deflect from what was actually said/done (move goal posts)

2. Distort or lie about facts and evidence (such as straw manning)

3. Cherry pick evidence to fit the (victim/diversity) narrative / shift goal posts

4. Engage in emotive, feel good bs (special pleading) rather than use rational, objective thought

5. Use guilt by association ("you are a K-K-K/n-a-z-i") to smear people that dare to criticize PC/SJW leftist ideology.

[->] Use groupthink and scapegoating to marginalize critics of the PC left.

6. Demonize the personalities of opponents/critics.

7. Destroy the reputation, character and career of critics of the PC left

8. Use psychological violence, which could include doxxing, and threats of actual violence, against critics of the PC left.


*Note: the above can be generalized to fit any ideology.

www. esquire. com /lifestyle/news/a34473/internet-troll-study-stanford-cornell/



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What experts?

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Experts? Oh, they mean insane ideologues who studied some fake subject at a credential-laundering mill, sorry, University, and now must have their words taken as unquestionable truth.

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Alan Turing was chemically castrated using the drugs today called “puberty blockers.” Back then, that was thought to be a cure for homosexuality. Mayo Clinic says these drugs are fully reversible however, the penis of a male child consuming them will never grow to normal size. Proponents of these procedures are completely mad and need to be locked up.

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"Experts: Take The Children, Make Them Gay"

Where's the discussion about homos?

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