They are definitely aiming to change the world. Covid was step one in this plan. They deliberately frightened people into surrendering their rights and, more sinisterly, rolling up their sleeves to receive poisonous "vaccines". In order to bring America into compliance and on board, the 2020 election needed to be fortified. And so it was, with social stigma heaped down upon anyone questioning the obvious fraud. Trump's persecution is a warning to any elite who might stand against them

The 2nd Amendment is an obvious impediment to their goals, so Democrat governors have been working furiously to sign legislation banning weapons and setting traps for gun owners.

The soon-to-be-appointed new 87k IRS agents will extract wealth from the middle class and redistribute it to the usual layabouts or simply horde it in government coffers.

That so many people are blind to.this reality shocking. That so many liberals and progressives support it is positively frightening.

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When I told people the whole story about Aurelio Peccei, Club of Rome, The Limits to growth as the percursor of WEF, the quakcine push and climate alarmism everyone told me I'm a conspiracy theorist... Now von der leyen is talking about limits to growth as an example (by the way many projection in the book is totally wrong as usually most models trying to predict the future)

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Keep talking to people about it. It's really happening.

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Nice article. I'm wondering what Jaap's proposed solution is, though. In my opinion it’s hard not to be sympathetic to the elite’s population reduction agenda — look at the rate of animal extinction, the rate of deforestation and natural resource extraction (all the easily accessible oil has already been pumped; companies have to use fracking and deep ocean drilling to get anything now, Saudi's stated oil reserves are a lie, etc), look at the levels of pollution and plastics everywhere, look at the overfished oceans filled with trash. The world is indeed filled with dumb, lazy, obese “useless people” (per Klaus Schwab’s mentor Yuval Noah Harari) where the world population size is unsustainable — but a responsible leadership would never have allowed the world population to get as large as it has (Norman Borlaug’s Green Revolution is the primary culprit for parabolic population growth, disproving Malthus) or to have behaved so irresponsibly with ‘nary a thought of the ‘morrow in the first place. In spite of the central bank owner’s goals, Bill Gates, one of their inner minions, singlehandedly increased the population of Africa by hundreds of millions of people or over a billion with water access and vaccine initiatives. Africa has never been able to support itself even before this rapid growth and it will be fully reliant on foreign aid forever. How is this even slightly responsible?

In other words, because our globohomo overlords were so short-sighted and greedy on the front-end of population growth, which should have been limited early (especially of population groups that are unable or unwilling to be self-sufficient), we are all going to pay for it, and pay for it heavily, on the back-end.

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All those problems you mentioned are directly caused by NOT having sufficient industrial capacity, NOT having sufficient energy supplies, NOT having modern well developed infrastructure. The exact opposite of your claim. You need to read Shellenberger who amongst many others documents these facts.

The latest and most accurate assessment of World population is it will peak @ 9.6B in 2064 and then fall to 8.9B in 2100. That is quite reasonable, and I would argue that is about an optimal population level for the Earth. Some will argue for higher population.

The only resource you really need is energy. Everything else can be recycled. With even nuclear fission energy, just the resource on the surface of the Earth's land area would power our civilization for a 100Myrs. And then there is the Moon, Mars & the Asteroids. Fusion is quite achievable, in fact we could do it right now if we had to. So abundance is the reality, which is why the Malthusian overlords do their damnedest to stifle unlimited nuclear energy.

Superabundance: The Story of Population Growth, Innovation, and Human Flourishing on an Infinitely Bountiful Planet, by Marian Tupy & Gale Pooley


"...After analyzing the prices of hundreds of commodities, goods, and services spanning two centuries, Marian Tupy and Gale Pooley found that resources became more abundant as the population grew. That was especially true when they looked at “time prices,” which represent the length of time that people must work to buy something.

To their surprise, the authors also found that resource abundance increased faster than the population―a relationship that they call “superabundance.” On average, every additional human being created more value than he or she consumed. This relationship between population growth and abundance is deeply counterintuitive, yet it is true.

Why? More people produce more ideas, which lead to more inventions. People then test those inventions in the marketplace to separate the useful from the useless. At the end of that process of discovery, people are left with innovations that overcome shortages, spur economic growth, and raise standards of living..."

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Just how slow is Germany? They have been fighting the first world war for one hundred and nine years now, and they still haven't won. That slow.

OK, I admit that their invention of the virus and blaming first the Chinese and then Americans is a genius move. Most haven't figured it out yet. It's a trick on the level of when they sent the scientists in costumes of paperclips with boxes with documents to the US in the late 1940s and 1950s, that was the most successful infiltration operation in History. Gesundheit!

But, overall, this war is proving quite expensive, in money terms and in cultural terms. Germany basically does not exist anymore. Young Germans think that Beethoven was a general in the Crusades against Ramses the emperor of Babylon, from the second century before Christ. The confusion is total. It seems that only the banksters are winning.

Are the Germans sure they are not fighting this war in favor of their enemies? How many times have they been an inch short of leveling Germany and lose everything since this war started in 1914? I think this is overkill, and the climate strategy will probably enable the conquest by Russia. In about 20 years, we will all be speaking Russian and become neophytes to their church.

So much for the master race!

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Exquisitely crafted! 😂

↓↓🤣 Wins the interwebz for foreseeable future.

💬 Young Germans think that Beethoven was a general in the Crusades against Ramses the emperor of Babylon, from the second century before Christ.

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youtu.be/J-NCwgBl9hs 😉

🗨 The echo of a distant tide / Comes willowing across the sand [...] Strangers passing in the street / By chance two separate glances meet

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Ursula Gertrud’s recent jumbo-serving of stinky word salad ostensibly reflects what Tim Morgan of based SEED economodel fame calls ‘the emerging modified consensus’ 🙂

🗨 In this situation, the *only* realistic course of action for the authorities would be a gradual retreat from over-sanguine assumptions around economic growth. They would need to *manage expectations downwards*, and this would require the crafting of a _modified consensus_. The authorities would not, and *could not*, say that economic growth has ceased, let alone that it has gone into reverse, and neither would any practical purpose be served by doing so.

🗨 Anyone aspiring to a career in politics needs to start thinking about what happens when the existing reality of the rising cost of necessities collides with the soon-to-be-admitted fact of economic deceleration.


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