I wrote the post below before learning the company that wanted the DNR’s land backed out (yesterday); however, the DNR has similar plans for other plots of land (links and info in this thread) so the details below still have value.
All, Nick Rhudy has an interesting theory on why Michigan's DNR wants to lease land on which to tear down trees to build anemic solar plants. So they can use the money to buy more land, to lease out, to tear down trees to build anemic solar plants.
The overall goal, of course, is energy deprivation — poverty. “Green energy” is passive-aggression: “Ok, if you insist on having your stupid energy, we’re going to make it as awful and expensive for you, and as profitable for us, as we can. In your face MF”
They're building one of these solar panel "farms" just a few miles from where i live. Actual farm land being turned into a mechanical monstrosity. I saw the massive wind turbines in Poland when i worked there 2021-23 and it was disgusting, more so knowing the whole thing is a scam.
In Alcona Cnty, MI, "Ranger" energy (iirc) went around to farmers promising ~$2400/acre/year to lease land to "harvest" solar energy. The "harvest is critical, because no industrial rezoning is required. The mi.gov stated that solar and wind energy plants are not inconsistent with agricultural use, or some such green drivel.
"Besides snow, except in the two to two-and-a-half month summer, there is not a lot of sun, and what little of it there is does not come direct, because the town is at the 45th parallel."
Briggs you magnificent bastard! Where else is 45 NORTH? Milan, Lyon. Go to these places in the Summer (actually don't. Super crowded). Check out the women in the cafés, all those BARE SHOULDERS, those LEGGY SKIRTS!. Then go to 45 SOUTH in the summer, Puerto Deseado, Provincia de Santa Cruz, Republica de Argentina. PENGUINS! No LEGGY SKIRTS!
Years ago I read "The health hazards of not going nuclear". By the late great Pete Beckman. Changed my views completely. Also recommend " The history of pi" .
Somewhat off topic: I followed the link to your bona fides and from there to your simplified climate model paper. It confuses me. In your first equation you have the change in temperature being a roughly linear function of the change in the forcing function due to CO2. But later you have radiation being a fourth power function of the effective temperature due to the Stefan-Boltzmann relation.
Why isn't temperature a fourth root function of the overall forcing function (insolation plus trapped heat)?
All, Nick Rhudy has an interesting theory on why Michigan's DNR wants to lease land on which to tear down trees to build anemic solar plants. So they can use the money to buy more land, to lease out, to tear down trees to build anemic solar plants.
The whole goal of solar "farms" energy is: rate-of-return (RoR) with government subsidies.
After the builders have received their RoR they will abandon it.
Solar farms should be limited to land of no use, such as former waste dumps.
Otherwise they are an obscene use of land.
Roof top solar which offsets the summer MWh peak, with energy supplied at the location to serve HVAC is also ok. That's it.
I’m afraid you miss the point.
The overall goal, of course, is energy deprivation — poverty. “Green energy” is passive-aggression: “Ok, if you insist on having your stupid energy, we’re going to make it as awful and expensive for you, and as profitable for us, as we can. In your face MF”
Talk about missing the forest for the trees.
Massive amounts of coal and wood are required to make solar panels....
Sometimes something is so self-evidently stupid, you are forced to conclude there is some other reason behind it.
They're building one of these solar panel "farms" just a few miles from where i live. Actual farm land being turned into a mechanical monstrosity. I saw the massive wind turbines in Poland when i worked there 2021-23 and it was disgusting, more so knowing the whole thing is a scam.
Do you have any idea how to stop these creepy people?
Great points! We must put an end to the parasitism of the pathocracy.
And we ought notice that we face rapid decline in EROI. See this https://bluevir.substack.com/p/an-introduction-and-overview-of-peak
In Alcona Cnty, MI, "Ranger" energy (iirc) went around to farmers promising ~$2400/acre/year to lease land to "harvest" solar energy. The "harvest is critical, because no industrial rezoning is required. The mi.gov stated that solar and wind energy plants are not inconsistent with agricultural use, or some such green drivel.
Gaylord sounds a lot like my small hometown in Saskatchewan. Lots of snow and not much sun.
"Besides snow, except in the two to two-and-a-half month summer, there is not a lot of sun, and what little of it there is does not come direct, because the town is at the 45th parallel."
Briggs you magnificent bastard! Where else is 45 NORTH? Milan, Lyon. Go to these places in the Summer (actually don't. Super crowded). Check out the women in the cafés, all those BARE SHOULDERS, those LEGGY SKIRTS!. Then go to 45 SOUTH in the summer, Puerto Deseado, Provincia de Santa Cruz, Republica de Argentina. PENGUINS! No LEGGY SKIRTS!
Years ago I read "The health hazards of not going nuclear". By the late great Pete Beckman. Changed my views completely. Also recommend " The history of pi" .
Watermelons, the theatre of the dipshit.
Somewhat off topic: I followed the link to your bona fides and from there to your simplified climate model paper. It confuses me. In your first equation you have the change in temperature being a roughly linear function of the change in the forcing function due to CO2. But later you have radiation being a fourth power function of the effective temperature due to the Stefan-Boltzmann relation.
Why isn't temperature a fourth root function of the overall forcing function (insolation plus trapped heat)?
Turn off your power and STFU.
Only a statistician could be 30th out of 29.
He said "30?" not "30th?" but your point stands.