Remember kids, if the experts declare a pandemic, it is unsafe to get closer than 6 feet to another human, so if you want to walk alone on the beach the government has no choice but to send 20 police officers to converge around your person in order to detain you and send you to an enclosed space next to other people who also were caught walking alone in the open air. Don't worry, the crowd of filthy drug addicts huddled together on the sidewalk that the police didn't give a second glance to, on their way to arrest the bio-terrorist on the beach, were all protected from STDs with free, clean needles so they can safely use the drugs that they just exchanged sexual favors for.

If your little boy feels like a girl you need to give them hormones because, even though they are akshualy 100% a girl due to their feels, the hormones will help them feels more 100% like a girl until they are old enough to join the army so that the taxpayers can cover the cost of penis removal surgery to max out the 100% girl feeling. This is all necessary because if they can't feel like a girl they might kill themselves, which is bad, unless they want to kill themselves for any other reason, then the taxpayers can provide self elimination pods, which is good, because after having your body ruined by hormone treatments and dick chop surgery and you still have chromosomes that refuse to acknowledge your feelings, you may want to end it all.

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There are not enough likes available to give your comment the praise it deserves.

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Ditto! Life is not safe, therefore there should be no life. What an exquisitely conceived devilish idea against God.

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"In human activity, risk is involved — sometimes a considerable amount. In seeking to manage that risk, one should strive for competence over it, not avoidance of it."

Artis Shephard

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Lemmings run off cliffs. Don’t be a lemming.

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I saw a couple of articles about that "Death Pod" some time ago. Apparently nitrogen is released into the capsule. Here is one article: https://nypost.com/2021/12/07/controversial-suicide-pod-that-kills-peacefully-gets-go-ahead-in-switzerland/

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NPR is cheaper.

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True, but they claim nitrogen is painless. No one can credibly argue the same for NPR.

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Yeah, but torture is still illegal.

And it takes longer.

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But what if you're claustrophobic?

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Briggs lately tapping into the mother lode of inspiration: "Causing Death is, of course, the ultimate Unsafe act."

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Can’t understand why the left wants to exterminate life when they are in effect killing off their tax base. Don’t they want these babies to grow up and be faithful tax revenue participants so that they can fund all their stupid policies?

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It turns out that government funds itself by having the Federal Reserve create digits in a ledger to buy treasury bonds, amongst other schemes, and so taxes from the working man are mostly important as a means of controlling the working man, in part by making him think he pays for the government services he receives. So those in the know know that they do not depend on taxes from the working man.

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Life is a risk!! Suck it up Buttercups!! Thank goodness for safe spaces and plush teddy bears! LOL

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Life is a risk and pain is a gift.

It's a message from your body saying "you're still alive!"

Embrace the suck. I made a policy decision decades ago, after reading Ecclesiastes 5:18, to enjoy my life no matter what is happening to me and around me.

It's one of the best decisions I ever made. I highly recommend it.

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"My religion centers in different areas than what's considered conventional religion."

Jack Kevorkian (2004)

Jack doesn't go into detail about his "religion". The epitaph on his tombstone reads, "He sacrificed himself for everyone's rights." What a guy!

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Even better, look up the booster boaster. He is a psychiatrist.

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Psychiatrists are the most in need of help. They deal with others' miseries in order to feel better about themselves.

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I want to meet a Psychiatrist for the Psychiatrist!

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Logans Run... essentially

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"See ye that I alone am, and there is no other God besides me: I will kill and I will make to live: I will strike, and I will heal, and there is none that can deliver out of my hand." Deuteronomy 32:39

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Goodbye and good riddance ✝️🇺🇸

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“Cult members are afraid. Fear is a necessary requirement to be a member".

“The ultimate Safety First! condition is one in which no possible danger exists”.

Nowhere was this better illustrated than the behaviour of the vax cultists when their magic talisman inexplicably turned toxic, and injured one of the flock.

Kumbaya came to a screeching halt.

Love-bombing was immediately revoked.

And that person was cast out into the wilderness, never to be spoken of again.

Denial was the only possible way of restoring equilibrium and their pathological need for “safety” and the condition in which no possible danger exists (even if it was only an illusion made possible by denying reality).

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The ultimate in fully automated Bourgeoisie Bolshevism.

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