Is there nothing COVID can’t do?! It truly is a miracle virus! Entire countries bow before its magnificence! Humans lose their minds! Companies (and politicians) enrich themselves at the never ending waterfall of cash thrown at it!

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One thing is for sure. It is definitely not the quakcine!

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Certain medicines cause long-term cognitive confusion. For example, any substance that slows down the movement of blood through the brain, may cause psychological symptoms comparable to chronic Bidenitis.

Not only that, attacking the environment and the routine behavior in older people causes confusion that lasts longer than in younger people, because older people adapt more slowly to change.

How to separate the effects of a non-existent disease from the effects of harmful interventions for a non-existent disease? It's easy if one is not a death cult member pretending to be a scientist, or a fraudulent scientist who disregards definitions, measurements, human rights and basic decency. Very easy: if the disease does not exist, then all the people who authored that study are frauds and no one should listen to them.

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Wait till Briggs sees my paper on Covid and erectile disfunction!

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An N of 1 won’t cut it for him.

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I had some consternation today over the term 'boogerman', as if it was a neologism.

No, sir, it was most certainly not.

Indeed, I am surprised at anyone who thought so.


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If you replace “COVID” with “COVID vaccination” you can get a rough truth out of even the most Pharma-shill of publications.

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English translation:

Boogie man! :)

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Boogeyman. It's in the dictionary with a couple of variant spellings.

Boogie man sounds more like a good dancer ;)

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Further investigation confirms it was

"Napoleon Bonepart"

Bogyman is what we say here but I hear some of the Americans rather liked him!

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The boogie [alt boogy, or even bogie man] is definitely not a good dancer!

Don't hang around to verify!

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It is frustrating to watch this spiral,

Covid is terrible, take this vaccine to stop covid. You got covid? Must be a new covid, get a new vaccine. You're feeling terrible months after a bout of covid? Must be long covid, please enroll in this study and stay up to date on all your vaccinations and tell all your friends to maintain their vaccinations to avoid developing long covid which is terrible.

Locally, I see they were cued up to serve a long covid community by March 2021, well before they finished first vaccinations,


I see by May 2023 we had research dollars blanketing the country like snow,


“Americans living with long COVID want to understand what is happening with their bodies,” said ADM Rachel L. Levine, M.D., Assistant Secretary for Health, etc.

So I wonder, how can I get a job in long covid? I want a piece of the covid pie too. I want to do well by doing good. All I want is what I have coming to me. All I want is my fair share.

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I think that explains quite a lot right there.

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I swear I saw pigs flying over my house this morning! Oh well, back to my chores after wasting time over another Covid extinction warning.

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Maybe a short bout of a cold, flu, or even a positive covid test during a global pandemic psyop with raging 24 hour propaganda on all channels stimulated optimism and thus a more positive mentally healthy approach to test taking, i.e. maybe the causality is the reverse of what they assume, not the complement?

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Brian Mowrey has this rule of thumb whenever considering anything Covid-related: Compared to what?

People have been conditioned to think that Covid is some sort of unicorn of infections, with all sorts of unique magical effects. For example, enormous amounts of research money are flung at Long Covid, while chronic Lyme Disease is considered hypochondria. Etc..

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I don't know when this "study" was done, but if it is getting flogged just now by the media, it might have something to do with Biden's recent travails. His handlers have been trying out various narratives in an attempt to explain away his behavior as a temporary aberration. One I saw a couple of days ago was a suggestion that lingering effects of Covid might be causing some "temporary" brain fog (or some such thing). They are hoping to hint that that sometime not long after the DNC convention, this problem would magically disappear, and he would burst back upon the campaign scene full of his original vim and vigor.

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Just giving the Biden faithful another straw to grasp.

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It looks like one factor they didn't consider was vaccinated/unvaccinated.

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The other unknown is whether they received medications such as paxlovide or remdesiver. A friend had a serious reaction to paxlovide and had to be hospitalized. The treatment worse than the cure? And yes, the obvious missing one vaccinated or unvaccinated..

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